accrediting amount | (n) เงินวิทยฐานะ |
crediting | |
accrediting | |
discrediting |
crediting | |
accrediting | |
discrediting |
Akkreditierung { f }; Beglaubigung { f } | accreditation; accrediting [Add to Longdo] |
in Verruf bringen | in Verruf bringend | to discredit | discrediting [Add to Longdo] |
akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen | akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend | akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt | to accredit | accrediting | accredited [Add to Longdo] |
anrechnend | crediting [Add to Longdo] |
beglaubigend | accrediting [Add to Longdo] |