12 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ まりね
หรือค้นหา: -まりね-, *まりね*

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Women don't have hair, not as much. [JP] 女の人は生えないよ あんまりね Life in a Day (2011)
We're stuck. [JP] 行き止まりね Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
That's when I started crashing with people [JP] それが人とうまく行かなくなった始まりね Allison from Palmdale (2008)
That's motive. [JP] まりね The Final Frontier (2012)
Well, that settles it. [JP] よし 決まりね Paul (2011)
Much. [JP] まりね Groundhog Day (1993)
You know what that means. Spring break. It's OK. [JP] さあ ベルが鳴ったわ 春休みの始まりね The Muppets (2011)
It's all settled. [JP] まりね Flipped (2010)
Seal it. [JP] まりね The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks (2014)
He's a darling, navy blue and red. How can I explain it to you? [JP] 赤みのある深い青色 つまりね... War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
Okay, that's a date. [JP] そうか... じゃあ決まりね A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)
- Okay. All right, bye. [JP] -じゃ、決まりね、バイ A Scanner Darkly (2006)

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