13 Results for 乱吃
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
乱吃[luàn chī, ㄌㄨㄢˋ ㄔ,   /  ] to eat indiscriminately #42,474 [Add to Longdo]

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Don't! It may be poisonous [CN] 龙哥,不要乱吃,可能有毒 Prison on Fire II (1991)
Chloe, did you eat anything bad? [CN] 可怡,在学校有乱吃东西吗? Aberdeen (2014)
I'm getting blamed because Pao OD'ed? [CN] 阿豹乱吃药又算在我的头上 Invisible Target (2007)
Listen, take care of yourself, and don't eat any junk. [CN] 听着,照顾好自己 不要乱吃东西 Veer-Zaara (2004)
Good Cleo knows better than to eat that slop. [CN] 乖克利奥可不会乱吃 别人不要的东西的 Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)
Continue to eat in this manner you might as well skip it. [CN] 如果你再乱吃东西 Continue to eat in this manner... 干脆取消手术给自己省下3万块 ...you might as well skip it. City of Angels (1998)
Here, take this. [CN] 乱吃零食... Appassionata (1974)
Hey don't eat that, it's Pluto! [CN] 拜托 不要乱吃 那是冥王星! Gattaca (1997)
You eat like an eight-year-old, and you look like Mr. Hardbody. [CN] 你跟小孩子一样乱吃东西 身材却这么结实 Pilot (1993)
Shut up or you'll be sorry. [CN] 东西可以乱吃,话不可以乱讲 那你要怎么样 A City of Sadness (1989)
- Don't ever mess with a Veenox Seven. [CN] - - 别乱吃威娜七星变形丸 My Favorite Martian (1999)
She comes from a good family, yet she plowed into the food and even drank sake. [CN] 乱吃东西,甚至喝米酒 Late Spring (1949)

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