13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 毒刺
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
毒刺[dú cì, ㄉㄨˊ ㄘˋ,  ] venomous sting #61,962 [Add to Longdo]

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It is that very thorn which gives her her magic powers. [CN] 就是那根毒刺带给了女巫强大的法力 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)
If it was removed she would lose all those powers at the same time. [CN] 如果把毒刺拔出来 她的法力就会同时消失了 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)
If you supply to me worth information about most stinger missiles you're planning to deliver, it could provide a way out of this further post. [CN] 如你提供给我更多 有关你们计划的毒刺导弹的情报 也许对我们二人来说都有好处 Rambo III (1988)
Why doesn't she pull out the poisonous thorn which hurts her day and night? [CN] 为什么她不把那根让她 日夜痛苦的毒刺拔掉呢 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)
I've got a sting on my tale... [CN] 我的尾巴上有毒刺... In July (2000)
I see... [CN] 如果有人知道了毒刺的秘密 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)
Because somebody once pushed a poisonous thorn into her spinal cord. [CN] 因为有人不知道什么时候在她背上 插进了一根毒刺 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)
But after nine years of fighting, the Afghan Forces are now getting their Stinger missiles, and are now beginning to hold their own against the Air-Strikes. [CN] 但经过九年抗战 阿富汗军已有了毒刺导弹 并固守根据地进行反抗 Rambo III (1988)
"Then shall be brought to pass that which says, 'Death, where is thy sting? [CN] 然后对过去说 死亡 你的毒刺在哪里 Dracula (1979)
Besides the thorn is embedded rather deeply. [CN] 而且那根毒刺插的很深 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)
- ♪ That death has lost his venomed sting ♪ [CN] ♪ 死亡已经丧失了它的毒刺 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
I shall remove the thorn from the back of Karaba the Sorceress or I shall die. [CN] 就算要我死,我也要把女巫卡哈芭 背上的毒刺拔出来 Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)

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