送風機 | [そうふうき, soufuuki] (n) เครื่องส่งถ่ายอากาศ เช่น พัดลมขนาดใหญ่ที่ใช้ดูดอากาศจากภายนอก เข้าสู่ตัวอาคาร อุโมงค์ เหมือง ฯลฯ, See also: R. 換気扇、扇風機 |
ふう | [ふう, fuu] สอง |
封入 | [ふうにゅう, fuunyuu] การใส่ซองปิดผนึก |
風量 | [ふうりょう, fuuryou] (n) อัตราการเป่าอากาศ (Airflow rate) |
洋風 | [ようふう, youfuu] แบบฟรั่ง, ไสตล์ฟรั่ง |
洋風建築 | [ようふうけんちく, youfuukenchiku] สถาปัตยกรรม, รูปแบบการก่อสร้างแบบฟรั่ง |
封切り | [ふうきり, fuukiri] (n) [ N ] การแสดงรอบปฐมทัศน์, Syn. opening night, beginning, opening |
封切り | [ふうきり, fuukiri] (n) [ N ] การแสดงรอบปฐมทัศน์, Syn. opening night, beginning, opening |
風景 | [ふうけい, fuukei] (n) (ซี'เนอรี) n. ทิวทัศน์, ทัศนียภาพ, ภาพภูมิประเทศ, ฉากทั้งหลาย, สิ่งแวดล้อม |
風鈴 | [ふうりん, fuurin] (n) กระดิ่งลม |
返信用封筒 | [へんしんようふうとう, henshinyoufuutou] (n) ซองจดหมายสำหรับตอบกลับ |
風疹 | [ふうしん, fuushin] โรคหัดเยอรมัน |
風疹 | [ふうしん, fuushin] โรคหัดเยอรมัน |
二(P);2 | [に(P);ふた;ふ;ふう, ni (P); futa ; fu ; fuu] (num) two; (P) #118 [Add to Longdo] |
風 | [ふう, fuu] (n) wind; breeze; (P) #805 [Add to Longdo] |
風 | [ふう, fuu] (adj-na, n, n-suf) (1) method; manner; way; style; (2) appearance; air; (3) tendency; (4) (See 六義・1) folk song (genre of the Shi Jing); (5) (See 五大・1) wind (one of the five elements); (P) #805 [Add to Longdo] |
台風(P);颱風 | [たいふう, taifuu] (n) typhoon; hurricane; (P) #2,548 [Add to Longdo] |
夫婦 | [ふうふ(P);めおと;みょうと, fuufu (P); meoto ; myouto] (n) married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair; (P) #3,728 [Add to Longdo] |
風景 | [ふうけい, fuukei] (n, adj-no) scenery; (P) #4,239 [Add to Longdo] |
ふん;ふうん;ふーん | [fun ; fuun ; fu-n] (int) (1) hmm; well ...; humph; huh; pshaw; pish; (pref) (2) (ふん only) roughly; harshly; violently #5,145 [Add to Longdo] |
封 | [ふう, fuu] (n) seal; (P) #5,548 [Add to Longdo] |
楓 | [ふう;フウ, fuu ; fuu] (n) (uk) Formosan sweetgum (Liquidambar formosana) #6,021 [Add to Longdo] |
封印 | [ふういん, fuuin] (n, vs) seal; stamp #6,051 [Add to Longdo] |
風俗 | [ふうぞく, fuuzoku] (n) (1) manners; customs; (2) sex service; sex industry; (P) #7,324 [Add to Longdo] |
風土記 | [ふどき;ふうどき, fudoki ; fuudoki] (n) description of regional climate, culture, etc. #7,487 [Add to Longdo] |
工夫(P);功夫 | [くふう, kufuu] (n, vs) (1) scheme; device; scheming; devising; figuring out; coming up with; solving ingeniously; (2) dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation); (P) #9,155 [Add to Longdo] |
作風 | [さくふう, sakufuu] (n) literary style; (P) #9,811 [Add to Longdo] |
封入 | [ふうにゅう, fuunyuu] (n, vs) enclose (in letter) #10,059 [Add to Longdo] |
封鎖 | [ふうさ, fuusa] (n, vs) (1) blockade; (2) freezing (funds); (P) #11,866 [Add to Longdo] |
風船 | [ふうせん, fuusen] (n) (See 気球) balloon (esp. small, toy variety); (P) #13,583 [Add to Longdo] |
風月 | [ふうげつ, fuugetsu] (n) nature's beauty (cool breeze and bright moon) #13,840 [Add to Longdo] |
風雲 | [ふううん, fuuun] (n) (1) clouds appearing before the wind starts to blow; (2) (esp. かぜくも) (See 風雲・ふううん・1) winds and clouds #14,194 [Add to Longdo] |
風雲 | [ふううん, fuuun] (n) (1) winds and clouds; nature; the elements; (2) situation; state of affairs; (P) #14,194 [Add to Longdo] |
風刺(P);諷刺 | [ふうし, fuushi] (n, vs, adj-no) satire; irony; sarcasm; (P) #14,544 [Add to Longdo] |
風力 | [ふうりょく, fuuryoku] (n) wind power; (P) #14,611 [Add to Longdo] |
風味 | [ふうみ, fuumi] (n) taste; flavor; flavour; (P) #15,209 [Add to Longdo] |
風貌 | [ふうぼう, fuubou] (n) looks; appearance #16,655 [Add to Longdo] |
風邪 | [かぜ(P);ふうじゃ, kaze (P); fuuja] (n) cold (illness); common cold; (P) #17,531 [Add to Longdo] |
風習 | [ふうしゅう, fuushuu] (n) custom; (P) #17,839 [Add to Longdo] |
風速 | [ふうそく, fuusoku] (n) wind speed; (P) #18,187 [Add to Longdo] |
和風 | [わふう, wafuu] (n) (1) (See 洋風) Japanese style; (2) light wind; moderate breeze; (P) #18,423 [Add to Longdo] |
風車 | [かざぐるま;ふうしゃ;カザグルマ, kazaguruma ; fuusha ; kazaguruma] (n) (1) (かざぐるま only) pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy); (2) windmill; (3) (かざぐるま, カザグルマ only) (uk) Clematis patens (species of climbing plant) #18,582 [Add to Longdo] |
風土 | [ふうど, fuudo] (n) natural features; topography; climate; spiritual features; (P) #19,609 [Add to Longdo] |
爆風 | [ばくふう, bakufuu] (n) bomb blast; blast (from an explosion); shock wave #19,739 [Add to Longdo] |
芸風 | [げいふう, geifuu] (n) style of acting #19,966 [Add to Longdo] |
ああいう風に | [ああいうふうに, aaiufuuni] (exp) (uk) in that way; like that [Add to Longdo] |
あんな風に | [あんなふうに, annafuuni] (exp) (uk) in that way; like that; that way [Add to Longdo] |
おしどり夫婦;鴛鴦夫婦 | [おしどりふうふ, oshidorifuufu] (exp) loving couple; couple of lovebirds; happily married couple (who are always together) [Add to Longdo] |
こんな風に | [こんなふうに, konnafuuni] (adv) (uk) in this way; like this [Add to Longdo] |
そよ風(P);微風 | [そよかぜ(P);びふう(微風), soyokaze (P); bifuu ( bifuu )] (n) gentle breeze; soft wind; breath of air; zephyr; (P) [Add to Longdo] |
そんな風に | [そんなふうに, sonnafuuni] (exp) (uk) in that manner; like that [Add to Longdo] |
どう言う風に;どういう風に;どうゆう風に | [どういうふうに(どう言う風に;どういう風に);どうゆうふうに(どう言う風に;どうゆう風に), douiufuuni ( dou iu kaze ni ; douiu kaze ni ); douyuufuuni ( dou iu kaze ni ; douyu] (exp) in what way (do you mean) [Add to Longdo] |
ふうふう;ふーふー | [fuufuu ; fu-fu-] (adv) (1) (on-mim) sound of heavy breathing; (n, vs) (2) blowing on something (e.g. to cool it down) [Add to Longdo] |
アメリカ防風 | [アメリカぼうふう;アメリカボウフウ, amerika boufuu ; amerikaboufuu] (n) (uk) (See パースニップ) parsnip (plant) (Pastnica sativa) [Add to Longdo] |
ゴム風船 | [ゴムふうせん, gomu fuusen] (n) rubber balloon [Add to Longdo] |
ビューフォート風力階級 | [ビューフォートふうりょくかいきゅう, byu-fo-to fuuryokukaikyuu] (n) Beaufort scale (of wind force) [Add to Longdo] |
悪風 | [あくふう, akufuu] (n) vice; bad manners; evil customs [Add to Longdo] |
伊勢防風 | [いせぼうふう, iseboufuu] (n) (obsc) (See 浜防風) Glehnia littoralis (species of umbellifer used in Chinese medicine) [Add to Longdo] |
偉そうな風 | [えらそうなふう, erasounafuu] (n) air of importance [Add to Longdo] |
威風 | [いふう, ifuu] (n) majesty; dignity [Add to Longdo] |
威風堂堂;威風堂々 | [いふうどうどう, ifuudoudou] (adj-no, adj-t, adv-to) being majestic; with great pomp and circumstance; with an imposing air [Add to Longdo] |
威風凛々;威風凛凛 | [いふうりんりん, ifuurinrin] (adj-t, adv-to) (arch) awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately (dignified) manner [Add to Longdo] |
異風 | [いふう, ifuu] (n) unusual customs [Add to Longdo] |
不運 | [ふうん, fuun] Unglueck [Add to Longdo] |
中風 | [ちゅうふう, chuufuu] Laehmung (nach Schlaganfall) [Add to Longdo] |
古風 | [こふう, kofuu] alte_Sitte, altmodisch [Add to Longdo] |
台風 | [たいふう, taifuu] Taifun [Add to Longdo] |
同封 | [どうふう, doufuu] beilegen (bei_Briefen), beifuegen (bei_Briefen), in_der_Anlage [Add to Longdo] |
和風 | [わふう, wafuu] japanischer_Stil [Add to Longdo] |
夫婦 | [ふうふ, fuufu] Mann_und_Frau, Ehepaar [Add to Longdo] |
季節風 | [きせつふう, kisetsufuu] Monsun [Add to Longdo] |
富貴 | [ふうき, fuuki] Reichtum_und_Ehre, reich_und_vornehm [Add to Longdo] |
封入 | [ふうにゅう, fuunyuu] beilegen (bei_Briefen), beifuegen (bei_Briefen), in_der_Anlage [Add to Longdo] |
封書 | [ふうしょ, fuusho] versiegeltes_Schreiben [Add to Longdo] |
封筒 | [ふうとう, fuutou] Umschlag, Briefumschlag [Add to Longdo] |
封鎖 | [ふうさ, fuusa] Blockade [Add to Longdo] |
手風琴 | [てふうきん, tefuukin] Akkordeon, Ziehharmonika [Add to Longdo] |
日本風 | [にほんふう, nihonfuu] japanische_Art, japanischer_Stil [Add to Longdo] |
暴風 | [ぼうふう, boufuu] heftiger_Wind, Sturm [Add to Longdo] |
涼風 | [りょうふう, ryoufuu] kuehle_Brise, frische_Brise [Add to Longdo] |
涼風 | [りょうふう, ryoufuu] kuehle_Brise, frische_Brise [Add to Longdo] |
純日本風 | [じゅんにほんふう, junnihonfuu] klassischer_japanischer_Stil [Add to Longdo] |
老夫婦 | [ろうふうふ, roufuufu] altes_Ehepaar [Add to Longdo] |
開封 | [かいふう, kaifuu] -oeffnen, eine_Brief_oeffnen [Add to Longdo] |
風 | [ふう, fuu] Wind [Add to Longdo] |
風 | [ふう, fuu] WIND, AUSSEHEN, MODE, STIL [Add to Longdo] |
風 | [ふう, fuu] Wind, Aussehen, Mode, -Stil [Add to Longdo] |
風体 | [ふうてい, fuutei] Aussehen, (aeussere) Erscheinung [Add to Longdo] |
風俗 | [ふうぞく, fuuzoku] -Sitte, Gewohnheit [Add to Longdo] |
風光絶佳 | [ふうこうぜっか, fuukouzekka] landschaftliche_Schoenheit [Add to Longdo] |
風刺 | [ふうし, fuushi] Satire [Add to Longdo] |
風力 | [ふうりょく, fuuryoku] Windstaerke, Windkraft [Add to Longdo] |
風土 | [ふうど, fuudo] geographische Eigenart, Klima [Add to Longdo] |
風景 | [ふうけい, fuukei] Landschaft [Add to Longdo] |
風潮 | [ふうちょう, fuuchou] Stroemung, Tendenz [Add to Longdo] |
風琴 | [ふうきん, fuukin] Harmonium [Add to Longdo] |
風紀 | [ふうき, fuuki] Disziplin, oeffentliche_Ordnung [Add to Longdo] |
風聞 | [ふうぶん, fuubun] Hoerensagen, Geruecht [Add to Longdo] |
風致地区 | [ふうちちく, fuuchichiku] Naturschutzgebiet [Add to Longdo] |
風鈴 | [ふうりん, fuurin] Windglocke [Add to Longdo] |
風雅 | [ふうが, fuuga] Eleganz, Feinheit, Geschmack, guter_Geschmack [Add to Longdo] |
風雨 | [ふうう, fuuu] Wind_und_Regen [Add to Longdo] |
風雲 | [ふううん, fuuun] Wind_und_Wolken, Situation [Add to Longdo] |