9 HOURS TO DEAD LINE | | [JP] ダッチマンの期限まで9時間 Criminal (2016) |
Where is the Dutchman right now? | | [JP] ダッチマンは今どこにいる? Criminal (2016) |
Dutch.. | | [JP] ダッチマンか? Criminal (2016) |
As a reformed professional counterfeiter, what is the Dutchman's interest in these? | | [JP] 更生したプロの偽造屋として聞く ダッチマンは これのどこに興味を持ったんだ? Pilot (2009) |
I'm on my way. The Dutchman and Jericho are dead. | | [JP] ダッチマンとジェリコを 殺しました Criminal (2016) |
Dutchman! | | [JP] - ダッチマン 5 Days of War (2011) |
The phrase you decoded from a suspected Dutchman communiqué to Barcelona. | | [JP] ダッチマンと思われる人物がバルセロナに出した 公式声明から君が解読した言葉だね Pilot (2009) |
Get the Dutchman. I'll see you there.. | | [JP] ダッチマンを連れて来い 向こうで会おう Criminal (2016) |
You take us to the Dutchman and it is yours. | | [JP] ダッチマンを連れて来たら お前にやる Criminal (2016) |
Yeah, yeah. OK. Here. | | [JP] ああ いいよ コインをくれ ダッチマンに電話だ 5 Days of War (2011) |
Dutchman? | | [JP] ダッチマン? 5 Days of War (2011) |
Jercho, What did the Dutchman fix? | | [JP] ダッチマンは何を変更した? Criminal (2016) |
The Dutchman is trying to make a deal with the Russians. | | [JP] ダッチマンがロシアと 取引しようとしてます Criminal (2016) |
That's Dutchman's cell. Tell these... | | [JP] ダッチマンの携帯だ 5 Days of War (2011) |
Help me catch the Dutchman, we can make it permanent. | | [JP] ダッチマンを捕まえるのを手伝え そうすれば 長く続けることも出来る Pilot (2009) |
If you had kept closer eye on the Dutchman, may be now we have already had the wormhole. | | [JP] お前がダッチマンに 目を光らせていれば ワームホールが 手に入いってたんだ! Criminal (2016) |
I know who the Dutchman is. | | [JP] ダッチマンが誰か僕は 知ってる Pilot (2009) |
Yah! Dutchman is fixed. | | [JP] そう ダッチマン 奴は変更した Criminal (2016) |
Bill, we had orders to put a bullet in the Dutchman's head. | | [JP] ビリー ダッチマンの頭に 弾丸を撃ち込むよう命じた Criminal (2016) |
Take him to the last question about Dutchman. | | [JP] 最終的にダッチマンに連れて行く Criminal (2016) |
We follow the Russians. They will lead us to the Dutchman. | | [JP] ロシアに付いて行けば ダッチマンがいるだろう Criminal (2016) |
Let's see what the Dutch can do. | | [JP] ダッチマンが何が出来るか見てみる Criminal (2016) |
The Dutchman... | | [JP] ダッチマンは Criminal (2016) |
They are bringing a grab team to pick up the Dutchman. | | [JP] ダッチマンを 捉まえに来た Criminal (2016) |
So, the Dutchman calls you, Bill Pope. | | [JP] ダッチマンは お前を呼んだ ビル・ポープ Criminal (2016) |
The Dutchman has been flagged in the London City airport. | | [JP] - ロンドン・シティ空港に ダッチマンが現れた Criminal (2016) |
I know why you call him "The Dutchman". | | [JP] あんたが あいつをダッチマンと 呼んでる理由は 知ってる Pilot (2009) |
Dutchman? | | [JP] ダッチマンか? Criminal (2016) |
Marta, It's Billy. Can't go back to Dutchman. They're on. | | [JP] ダッチマンの所へ戻れない 追われてる Criminal (2016) |
3 HOURS TO DUTCHMAN'S DEADLINE | | [JP] ダッチマンの期限まで3時間 Criminal (2016) |
A... after this Dutchman thing is over. A couple days to go to San Diego. | | [JP] このダッチマンの事件が終わった後だ サンディエゴに2, 3日行きたい Pilot (2009) |
Don't approach untill we see the Dutchman. | | [JP] ダッチマンを確認するまで 離れてろ Criminal (2016) |
Suddenly the Dutchman has got whole command under his control. | | [JP] そのダッチマンは ミサイルを自由に出来る Criminal (2016) |
JAN STROOK alias "THE DUTCHMAN". | | [JP] ヤン・ストロク またの名: ダッチマン Criminal (2016) |
10, 000 man-hours to get this close to the Dutchman, and you blow up my evidence. | | [JP] ダッチマンに近づいて ここまで来るのに 延べ1万時間もかかったのに 俺の証拠を吹っ飛ばしたな Pilot (2009) |
My Cyber name is Dutchman.. | | [JP] サイバーネームはダッチマン Criminal (2016) |
Where is the Dutchman? | | [JP] ダッチマンはどこだ? Criminal (2016) |
Hey Charlie, put on the Dutchman's video. | | [JP] チャーリー ダッチマンのビデオを映せ Criminal (2016) |
The Dutchman dug a wormhole in the deep web. | | [JP] ダッチマンがウェブに ワームホールを作った Criminal (2016) |
So somewhere between those two points is the Dutchman is. Right! | | [JP] だから この3点の間のどこかに ダッチマンがいる どうです? Criminal (2016) |
Take me to the Dutchman. | | [JP] ダッチマンのとこに連れて行け Criminal (2016) |
My cyber name is Dutchman. | | [JP] サイバーネームはダッチマン Criminal (2016) |
The problem is... I need that Dutchman. | | [JP] ただ問題なのは ダッチマンが必要なんだ Criminal (2016) |
1 HOUR TO DUTCHMAN'S DEADLINE | | [JP] ダッチマンの期限まで1時間 Criminal (2016) |