Okay, Señor Hocusy-Pocusy, the time has come to rectify some wrongs! | | [JP] でも、このブーツは、結高「い感じだった ありえないだろう? Shrek the Third (2007) |
He's always parading around in front of them like a rooster. | | [JP] 上半身裸に まぬけなブーツはいて The Tall Man (2012) |
Get your boots on and your guns ready. | | [JP] ブーツを履いて 銃の用意をしろ Stake Land (2010) |
I'm not one of your charges, Sister, quaking in my boots. | | [JP] 私はあんたの子飼いじゃ ないんでね、シスター ブーツで震えている様な Welcome to Briarcliff (2012) |
Those boots have seen better days. And then that coat. | | [JP] ブーツも上等だし上着もそうだ The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) |
Ant, boot. | | [JP] ブーツに 踏みつぶされるアリだ The Avengers (2012) |
And you didn't wear these crazy studded boots. | | [JP] それに前は そんな変な スタッズブーツは履かなかった Mean Girls 2 (2011) |
I don't recognize her without the man boots. | | [JP] 男物のブーツがなきゃ 気づかねえな A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
I have my boot on your table. | | [JP] これだ テーブルの上に私のブーツがある Rescue Dawn (2006) |
Chester mills, you'd better not be. | | [JP] チェット ブーツは脱いでね Deadfall (2012) |
You don't want to get your booties wet. | | [JP] ブーツぬれないようにね Chernobyl Diaries (2012) |
How in the Hans Ohristian Andersen am I supposed to parade around in these goofy boots? | | [JP] どういうふうに、この変なブーツできれいに歩くか? おいおい、ブーツは気をつけて、 Shrek the Third (2007) |
Evasive manoeuvres. Magnetize your boots. | | [JP] 回避行動をとれ 磁気ブーツを使え Babel One (2005) |
Crocodile boots, yeah. | | [JP] クロコダイルのブーツだよ The Redshirt (2011) |
I'll get you a hat and some boots and we'll see. | | [JP] 帽子とブーツを買ってやろうか A Better Life (2011) |
Let's get those boots off. See if you get a pulse. | | [JP] ブーツを脱がすぞ 脈を頼む I See You (2010) |
The knife tip found in Jethro came from a Navy-issue tactical boot knife. | | [JP] 海軍仕様のブーツナイフです Dog Tags (2008) |
An ant has no quarrel with a boot. | | [JP] アリはブーツと議論しない The Avengers (2012) |
This man wakes up every morning, tugs on his boots and goes to work in this garden. | | [JP] こちらの男性は毎朝起きて ブーツの紐を結び この庭の仕事に行く なぜ? Colonial Day (2005) |
Like, cowboy boots. | | [JP] カウボーイ・ブーツみたいなの. Pilot (2008) |
I'm an orca with boobs. | | [JP] ブーツを履いたシャチみたい Automatic for the People (2008) |
He was wearing a gray leather jacket, black t-shirt, some kind of lizard skin cowboy boots. | | [JP] グレーの革のジャケットと 黒いTシャツを着て トカゲの革のカーボーイブーツを履いてた The Redshirt (2011) |
So what the captain did, he strapped a cannon to Bootstrap's bootstraps. | | [JP] 頭にきた船長は・・ あいつをブーツのひもで 大砲に結びつけ ぶっ放したんだ Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) |
Abdul's prayer rug and his boots tested positive for phosphorus, saltpeter, Semtex and C-4. | | [JP] 礼拝の敷物とブーツからは リンや硝石とC -4が Tribes (2008) |
And the German won't be able to help themselves but imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels and the edge of our knives. | | [JP] 嫌でも想像するだろう。 我々の残酷さによって、同胞がどんな苦痛を 味わされたかをな。 我々のブーツのかかと、ナイフの切っ先が やつらの頭をよぎるだろう。 Inglourious Basterds (2009) |
- Why do I have my boot on your table? | | [JP] - テーブルの上に私のブーツがあるのはなぜだろう? Rescue Dawn (2006) |
Napalm-charred bodies, children leaving grenades in your boots. | | [JP] ナパームに焼かれる死体、 爆弾をブーツに忍ばせる子供・・ Phone Booth (2002) |
Why are they all standing around that manky old boot? | | [JP] どうしておんぼろブーツの回りに立つの? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) |
Man-boots. | | [JP] ブーツに・・ First Blood (2010) |
You get shiny boots, a uniform, and that'd be the end of 100 years of bigotry? | | [JP] 良いブーツと制服 それが黒人の限界? Red Tails (2012) |
said they were seven-league boots worn by the seventh son of the seventh son. | | [JP] 7人兄弟の7番目がはいた 魔法のブーツで Mud (2012) |
You know, here everyone wears boots? | | [JP] それに, みんなブーツ はいてるよ? Pilot (2008) |
If this means the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it. | | [JP] 今日この処刑台に残されるブーツが 2足になったとしても仕方がない Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) |
...of boots and thongs and sailor hats and tube socks. And I am fucking-- | | [JP] ・・ブーツにTバック セーラー帽に チューブソックス それに・・ Magic Mike (2012) |
The hill tribes would kill me for my boots. | | [JP] 山岳民族は ブーツ為に、私を殺す The Wolf and the Lion (2011) |
It's a boot. Put it back. | | [JP] ブーツは戻しとけ Fido (2006) |
Well, expect my man-boots up your ass if you're wasting my time, okay? | | [JP] 私のブーツをケツにぶち込もうか 時間を無駄にしない First Blood (2010) |
Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston | | [JP] ブーツ姿が似合う男 Beauty and the Beast (1991) |
You wore a gray leather jacket, a black t-shirt, and lizard skin cowboy boots. | | [JP] 君は グレーの革のジャケットと 黒いTシャツを着て トカゲの革のカーボーイブーツを履いてた The Redshirt (2011) |
I'd ask you to come but you haven't got boots, provisions, maps or a compass. | | [JP] 誘ってもいいけど、あなた... ブーツも食糧も地図もコンパスも 持ってないもん。 Youth in Revolt (2009) |
Are those my boots? | | [JP] 俺のブーツか? The Lone Ranger (2013) |
The mud smeared on your boots from where you'vee been walking. | | [JP] ブーツが歩いた場所の 土で汚れている Sherlock Holmes (2009) |
Nice boots, Tinker Bell! | | [JP] いいブーツだな、ティンカーベル Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) |
You want a boot heel in it? | | [JP] このブーツが欲しいのか? Django Unchained (2012) |
He's a pair of lizard skin boots now. | | [JP] 今はワニ革のブーツになってるけど Welcome to the War (2010) |
- You got your Wellington boots on, Major? | | [JP] ウェリントン・ブーツを お履きください 少佐 Straw Dogs (1971) |
Where are my boots? [ TV: Man ] Why are you showing me poisons? | | [JP] 私のブーツは? もう こんなの イヤ! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) |
- That isn't just any manky old boot. | | [JP] ただのおんぼろブーツじゃないぜ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) |
The knife inside your boot. | | [JP] ブーツにナイフが あるだろ Rough Night in Jericho (1967) |
Wow, those are beautiful boots! | | [JP] 〈いいブーツだね〉 No Más (2010) |