- Mosque. Bug it. That's where this all started. | | [JP] モスクだ 盗聴器も仕掛けろ Tribes (2008) |
Shall I ask to call Moscow? | | [JP] モスクワに電話を Nostalgia (1983) |
Seven years ago, $20 million of C.I.A. Funds disappeared during a wire transfer through Moscow. | | [JP] 7年前に2千万ドルのCIA資金が モスクワ経由の電信送金中に消えた The Bourne Supremacy (2004) |
That's when we were ordered to set the undercover apartments up. There was to be a whole network of them like in Moscow. | | [JP] その時 モスクワと同じように 隠れ家をこしらえろと指令が来た The Exam (2011) |
President Musharraf is unhappy about institutions like madrassas and masjids being used for anti religious activities. | | [JP] ムシャラフ大統領はマドラス(イスラム 学校)のような組織に不満を抱いています 反宗教活動のために利用 されていたマスジッド(モスク)も 戦いは 3日間続いています... Kabul Express (2006) |
Turned up in Naples, Berlin, Moscow... Disappeared again. | | [JP] ナポリ ベルリン モスクワで 目撃された後 消えた The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) |
- Oh, really? Where? | | [JP] モスクでスフィーの歌を... Kabul Express (2006) |
a theory. But a theory shared by Moscow. | | [JP] そうだな、だがモスクワでは 有力な説だ Hitman (2007) |
I hope no one in Moscow will receive him. I declined to do so, most emphatically. | | [JP] ピエールはモスクワヘ 追放されて来たの War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965) |
So, yes, we think the mosque is a recruitment center for al Qaeda. | | [JP] 認めるよ あのモスクを 勧誘所と考えてる Tribes (2008) |
Rostov was greatly surprised to learn that Dolokhov, that brawler and duellist, lived in Moscow with his old mother and hunchbacked sister and was a most loving son and brother. | | [JP] この乱暴者のドーロホフも モスクワの実家には 年老いた母と 体の不自由な妹がいて War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965) |
- That's the train to Moscow. | | [JP] モスクワ行きです The Bourne Supremacy (2004) |
This will undoubtedly find its way to the state prosecutor in Moscow. | | [JP] これは必ずモスクワの 検察官の耳にも届く Hitman (2007) |
Maybe not, but this gentleman has come from Moscow. | | [JP] 彼は モスクワから来たの Nostalgia (1983) |
Anyone else have a problem with this? Bugging a place of worship? | | [JP] モスクの盗聴が 問題なしか? Tribes (2008) |
Bourne's last confirmed location was Moscow, six weeks ago. Right. Sir. | | [JP] 最後の目撃は 6週間前のモスクワ The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) |
Greetings from Vladimir Nikolayevich Mashkov, foreman from Moscow, and Gedevan Alexidse from Batumi, who were the first to set foot on these villainous sands in the back alley of the Universe. | | [JP] モスクワの ウラジーミル・マシコフと バトゥーミの ゲデバン・アレクシジは この不快な砂の惑星に きた最初の人類だ Kin-dza-dza! (1986) |
From Moscow, for a leave. | | [JP] 休暇でモスクワからです Tikhiy Don (1957) |
They reckon they found it at a dog pound somewhere in Moscow. | | [JP] モスクワの保健所で見つけたそうだ The Exam (2011) |
I have some business here, too, and I've brought my girls with me. | | [JP] 所用でモスクワに 参りましてな War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966) |
- prima ballerina for the moscow ballet. | | [JP] 確か プリマドンナね モスクワ・バレー団のね The Dark Knight (2008) |
The reason Bourne went to Moscow was to see the daughter of his first target. | | [JP] 最初の標的の娘が モスクワに居ました The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) |
When I took him to the train from Moscow his eyes were misery itself. | | [JP] 彼をモスクワからの列車に乗せた時 彼の目は惨めでした The Dust of Time (2008) |
Several worshiped at the same mosque, but there's nothing to connect any of them to this crime. | | [JP] いくつかは モスクの礼拝者と一致 でも事件とは無関係よ Tribes (2008) |
Same to you. Say hello to Moscow for me. | | [JP] ええ モスクワによろしく Nostalgia (1983) |
My mother has some old connections here... | | [JP] モスクワにいられなく なったものですから・・・ The Mirror (1975) |
When it's time for her to deliver, could you send for an obstetrician? | | [JP] 出産に際しては モスクワの医者を... War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965) |
There was a time when Paris welcomed its liberators, the Don Cossacks. | | [JP] 104年前プラートフ頭領は ロンドンに招かれました 我々は今連合軍をモスクワに 迎えようとしております Tikhiy Don (1957) |
The flight from Moscow was too much. | | [JP] モスクワからのフライトは 多かったわ The Syrian Bride (2004) |
There's a Sunni mosque two blocks east. | | [JP] モスクが2ブロック西に Tribes (2008) |
If everything goes well... our people will be waiting for you on your return to Moscow. | | [JP] すべてがうまくいくならば... 我々の仲間は, モスクワにあなたが 帰ってくるのを待っています The Dust of Time (2008) |
He left long ago. | | [JP] モスクワを去った War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966) |
They're waiting for the body to arrive in Moscow for the funeral. | | [JP] 現在、葬儀のため モスクワに移送中です Hitman (2007) |
It's the Moscow method. | | [JP] 本場モスクワのやり方です The Exam (2011) |
It's been delivered to the commander-in-chief in Moscow. | | [JP] モスクワにも届いているぞ War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965) |
I tapped into Metro traffic cameras and a few parking lot surveillance networks, stitched together Abdul's route from the alley back to the mosque. | | [JP] モスクから現場までの 足取りを再現します Tribes (2008) |
Because in Moscow I met some wonderful men. | | [JP] モスクワで会った 男といればよかった Nostalgia (1983) |
Of course, the soldiers won't by themselves. We'll lead them. | | [JP] 明後日コルニロフは モスクワにやって来る Tikhiy Don (1957) |
Moscow. Rio. | | [JP] ロンドン モスクワ リオ Fruition (2010) |
Train traffic on Platform A... | | [JP] FS111列車はポズナン、ワルシャワ経由 モスクワ行きです The Dust of Time (2008) |
Abraham Silver for one thing belongs to the Quil and Pen society which receives the funds indirectly from Moscow. | | [JP] シルバー判事は 羽根ペン協会のメンバーで... その協会の資金は 密かにモスクワから来てる The Intruder (1962) |
We haven't even planted a bug yet. There's a transmission coming from inside the mosque. | | [JP] 仕掛ける前に モスクから音声が Tribes (2008) |
On top of this, there have been setbacks in Africa, and the Russians are attempting to retake Moscow. | | [JP] さらに、アフリカでは 敗北を経験しているし ロシアはモスクワの奪回を 試みようとしている Storm Front (2004) |
There was a time when Paris welcomed its liberators, the Don Cossacks. | | [JP] 104年前プラートフ頭領は ロンドンに招かれました 我々は今連合軍をモスクワに 迎えようとしております Tikhiy Don II (1958) |
French diplomats arrived in Moscow, coming from Karachi, the Russian delegation said "Karacho". | | [JP] フランスの外交官は、カラチからモスクワに到着します。 ロシア代表団は、"カラチを"と述べました。 Live for Life (1967) |
Checking for local Sunni mosques. | | [JP] 周辺のモスクを Tribes (2008) |
Of course, the soldiers won't by themselves. We'll lead them. | | [JP] 明後日コルニロフは モスクワにやって来る Tikhiy Don II (1958) |
This light reminds me of the autumn in Moscow in Neskuchny Garden. | | [JP] モスクワの秋の午後みたい 光の感じが似てるの Nostalgia (1983) |
- Why the hell would he go to Moscow? | | [JP] なぜモスクワに行くんだ? The Bourne Supremacy (2004) |
I called them to investigate my own mosque. | | [JP] モスクの監視を頼んだ Tribes (2008) |