- Find the mole. | | [JP] - 二重スパイを見つけろ London Has Fallen (2016) |
I believe I know who the mole is. | | [JP] 誰が二重スパイか わかった Art in the Blood (2014) |
West thought they were proof of the mole's existence. | | [JP] ウエストは これが二重スパイの存在を立証する 証拠だと考えてた Art in the Blood (2014) |
I suggest you find out who that is. | | [JP] 二重スパイがいる 探し出した方がいい Chupacabra (2014) |
Double agents are such bastards. | | [JP] 二重スパイはたいてい そのような野郎だ The Imitation Game (2014) |
With the help of my combustible double agents. | | [JP] 私の危険な二重スパイの 助けを借りてな Stairway to Heaven (2014) |
West used that to monitor the calls between the mole and Afkhami. | | [JP] ウエストは 二重スパイとアフカミとの 通話の監視に 盗聴器を利用していたが The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Who was certain enough of a mole's presence to tattoo both of his arms with evidence. | | [JP] アーサー・ウエストは 二重スパイの存在を確信して 自分の両腕に証拠のタトゥーを入れた The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Tell us about your work as a spy and your mole in MI6. | | [JP] スパイとしてやった仕事と MI6内の二重スパイの存在を話すんだ The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Or would you like to see what else the mole has in store? | | [JP] それとも 二重スパイの腕前を もっと見せてもらうかい? The Grand Experiment (2014) |
She's a goddamn double agent, Hardman. | | [JP] 彼女は二重スパイよ ハードマン Barely Lethal (2015) |
Your prints will be identified, the mole will see to that. | | [JP] 二重スパイが手を回して 兄貴の指紋だとすぐに突き止められる The Grand Experiment (2014) |
The Navy thinks that one of us is a Soviet double agent, Alan. | | [JP] 海軍は我々の一人だと 考えている ソビエトとの二重スパイだ アラン The Imitation Game (2014) |
Are you saying that the mole is framing Mycroft? | | [JP] 二重スパイがマイクロフトに 濡れ衣を着せたってこと? The Grand Experiment (2014) |
The same man he thought was corresponding with the mole. | | [JP] 二重スパイと連絡をとっていたとも 考えていた The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Nah, I just lied about being a double. | | [JP] いや、二重スパイが ウソだったんだ。 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) |
Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA. | | [JP] 二重スパイの癖が まだ抜けないのか? Captain America: Civil War (2016) |
He wasn't lucid the day he came to see me. | | [JP] 私に会いに来た日 彼は平静な状態じゃなくて・・・ これが重要なもので 二重スパイがいるという 彼の話の信憑性を Art in the Blood (2014) |
Outed to his own service as a double agent, which is why he's asking for political asylum. | | [JP] 二重スパイとしての役割を 行おうとして 結局それが亡命を望む理由になりました Alt.truth (2017) |
Well, naturally, the mole would have used disposable phones to contact Afkhami, but the calls themselves... would have been routed through the nearest cell phone tower. | | [JP] アフカミに連絡する時 二重スパイは 当然使い捨ての電話を使ったはずだが その通話自体は 最寄りの電波塔を 経由している The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Uh, Arthur... had become convinced there was a mole inside MI6, someone selling secrets to a spy based here in New York. | | [JP] アーサーは MI6内部に二重スパイがいて ニューヨークにいるスパイに 秘密を売ってると Art in the Blood (2014) |
He just needed time to figure out who it was. | | [JP] 二重スパイが誰かを特定するには 時間が必要だった Art in the Blood (2014) |
Well, thankfully, I have what is commonly known as a mole at the Belvedere. | | [JP] 有難いことに ベルヴェデーレで 所謂、二重スパイ の友人がいる Woman in Gold (2015) |
He hadn't managed to identify the mole, but... | | [JP] 彼は 二重スパイが誰なのか 特定することは できなかったけど・・・ Art in the Blood (2014) |
He's the mole. | | [JP] 彼が二重スパイよ The Grand Experiment (2014) |
I saw a mole hunt up close once before. | | [JP] 私は 前に一度 身近で 二重スパイが仕事をするのを見た Art in the Blood (2014) |
Arthur West thought there was a mole in MI6. | | [JP] アーサー・ウエストは MI6の中に 二重スパイがいると考えてた The Grand Experiment (2014) |
- Double agents! | | [JP] −二重スパイだ −その頭蓋だ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) |
Suspicion of a double agent. | | [JP] 二重スパイの疑い Bound (2009) |
Obviously planted by the mole. | | [JP] 二重スパイが仕込んだのは 明らかだ The Grand Experiment (2014) |
She threatened to go all Edward Snowden on them and they retaliated by spinning her is a double agent slash terrorist. | | [JP] 彼女はエドワード・スノーデンを脅し CIAは彼女に報復した 二重スパイの容疑をかけ... Momentum (2015) |
Dar covered up a serious breach by a Russian mole. | | [JP] ダールはロシアの二重スパイの 造反を隠蔽した Sock Puppets (2017) |
Arthur West thought there was a mole in MI6. | | [JP] アーサー・ウエストは MI6の中に二重スパイがいると考えてた Art in the Blood (2014) |
Besides... | | [JP] それに 二重スパイは The Grand Experiment (2014) |
I mean, what are the chances Afkhami used his business line to place calls to the mole? | | [JP] 二重スパイに連絡するのに アフカミが 仕事用の電話を使うと思う? The Grand Experiment (2014) |
- We have a mole. | | [JP] - 我々に二重スパイがいる London Has Fallen (2016) |
Arthur West thought there was a mole inside MI6. | | [JP] アーサー・ウエストは MI6内部に二重スパイがいると考えてた The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Maybe you shouldn't have been fucking a Russian mole. | | [JP] たぶんロシアの二重スパイに ならないほうがいいわね Sock Puppets (2017) |
Double agents, coat-trailing, stimulated defections. | | [JP] 二重スパイ 監視 離反工作 The Yoga Play (2013) |
If West couldn't make out what Afkhami was saying, then... how did he know there was a mole in MI6? | | [JP] ウエストは アフカミの話が わからなかったのに MI6に二重スパイがいると どうやって知ったの? The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Now, if we can determine who in MI6 called Afkhami from these locations on the dates and times in question... we'll have our mole. | | [JP] MI6内の誰がこの日付の時刻に この場所からアフカミに電話したかを 突き止めれば 二重スパイを特定できる The Grand Experiment (2014) |
Arthur said he could prove there was ongoing contact between him and the mole. | | [JP] 彼と二重スパイとが今も連絡を 取り合ってることを証明できると アーサーは言ってた Art in the Blood (2014) |
You've been set up, because you were in the same locations as the mole. | | [JP] そうなった 二重スパイと同じ場所にいたからだ The Grand Experiment (2014) |
West thought they were proof of the mole's existence. | | [JP] ウエストは これが二重スパイの存在を 立証する証拠だと思ってた The Grand Experiment (2014) |