We're going through her phone records. | | [JP] 通話記録を照会する The Blind Fortune Teller (2015) |
I believe I've earned a moment face-to-face... with my torturer, sir. | | [JP] 加害者と面会する機会を The Good Soldier (2011) |
That empty apartment would be the perfect place for us to sneak away to. | | [JP] この空き部屋 私達が密会するのにピッタリね God. (2015) |
I cross-checked with missing persons. | | [JP] 行方不明者で 照会すると One Night Stand (2013) |
It's going to be hard waiting 30 years to talk to you about everything that's happened in the past few days. | | [JP] 30年後に君と再会するのが 待ち遠しいよ Back to the Future (1985) |
Costa was a schizophrenic psychopath. | | [JP] 面会する傾向がある Straw Man (2014) |
AMP now appear to be re-joined towards the visual HQ. Over. | | [JP] 再会する 可視HQ 応答せよ Kilo Two Bravo (2014) |
Isak will throw next week's pre-drink. | | [JP] イザックの家で来週飲み会する計画立ててるんだど、 Du er over 18, sant? (2016) |
Maybe I will see Evie again! | | [JP] イービーに再会するじゃろう Arthur Christmas (2011) |
- these cities i'll call their homicide departments. | | [JP] - この町の... 俺が照会する The Getaway (2009) |
What database is this being run against? | | [JP] どこに 照会するの? Wujing (No. 84) (2013) |
Where would I meet him? | | [JP] 面会する場所は? The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965) |
Very well. Council adjourned. | | [JP] これにて 閉会する Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) |
"to enter the Imperial premises | | [JP] 関屋次官と直ちに面会するために Emperor (2012) |
You probably didn't think you'd see me again so soon. | | [JP] こんなに早く再会するとは 思わなかっただろうが Bound (2009) |
I canceled your appointment with Will Graham. | | [JP] 君がウィル・グレアムと 面会する約束をキャンセルした。 何か問題でも? Takiawase (2014) |
Roya has an interview with Congressman Mackie at noon today in this building. | | [JP] ハマッドがマッキー議員と面会する この建物で正午に A Gettysburg Address (2012) |
I doubt we'll meet again. | | [JP] 再会することがなければいいけど Red Hood (2015) |
If you want in, you gotta do this. There's no pussying out. | | [JP] 入会するなら、やるしかない 臆病者はいらない Brotherhood (2010) |
Hold on. Checking. | | [JP] "照会する" Blade Runner (1982) |
I thought we already agreed that I would join you after the war | | [JP] 戦後再会する 約束をした The Crossing 2 (2015) |
I believe I've earned a moment face-to-face with my torturer, sir. | | [JP] 私には加害者と面会する機会が 与えられるものと Blind Spot (2011) |
So me coming over, seeing your apartment, your life with Jack and reconnecting... | | [JP] 君の... 君とジャックの住まいに来て 再会する... Comet (2014) |
Secure in the knowledge... that we will be reunited with them... in a better world to come. | | [JP] 再会するまで・・・ 知識と平和な時を Act of Contrition (2004) |
We gotta bring them back together because they miss each other. | | [JP] 互いを求めあい再会するの Okja (2017) |
A group of people who are almost never in the same place at the same time. | | [JP] 普段は一同に会する事の無い人達 Marine One (2011) |
Little Tommy's starting Junior Mensa next week... and Clancy just took his first potty poop. | | [JP] トミーは来週から"天才クラブ"に 入会するし Son of the Mask (2005) |
His mama deserves to see her son again. | | [JP] 母親は息子に再会するべきだ Free State of Jones (2016) |
I swear, those ladies love their wine Fridays. | | [JP] 約束したの 金曜日にワイン会するって Dead or Alive (2013) |
Motion to adjourn! | | [JP] 休会する! She Drives Me Crazy (2015) |
Barrel was previously sky blue, which could limit our scope of inquiry to | | [JP] 前は 空色だった 海軍造船所に照会する All in the Family (2014) |
I don't know when But we'll get together then, Dad. | | [JP] すぐ再会するよ。 Shrek the Third (2007) |
And if I agree to see Will? | | [JP] - もし私が 彼と面会することに同意したら? Kaiseki (2014) |
"Candidates for initiations "must follow a series of commands with blind obedience." | | [JP] "入会するなら 指示に従う事" Now You See Me (2013) |
If you don't try to be a hero, you and your father will be okay. | | [JP] 英雄になる必要はなく そうすることで君と父さんは、 無事再会する。 Photo Finish (2007) |
Dismissed. | | [JP] 閉会する! Star Trek (2009) |
When they get here, it'll be you, the Winchesters, the First Blade, and little, old me in one place. | | [JP] 奴らがここに来れば お前と ウィンチェスター兄弟と ファーストブレードと 私が一堂に会する King of the Damned (2014) |
Yes, sir. | | [JP] はい、分かりました どちらの名前で照会するかな? Mr. Ferguson Is Ill Today (2008) |
But my orders are to scan any new visitors. | | [JP] しかし新規訪問者は 照会するよう指示されています Wujing (No. 84) (2013) |
If somebody inquires we can say we need to drop her to the border. | | [JP] だれかが照会するなら 彼女を国境で降ろす必要がある Kabul Express (2006) |
- i'm gonna call homicide in each of these cities. | | [JP] 3つの町の殺人課に 照会するわ The Getaway (2009) |
To be with her again, I will have the perseverance of a bulldog. | | [JP] 彼女と再会するには 相当な忍耐が必要だ Odd Thomas (2013) |
Once a year, storks come together for one thing. Storkcon! | | [JP] 年に1度 コウノトリが一堂に会する Storks (2016) |
"Hacker" used to refer to industrious coders who pushed the boundaries of modern computing. | | [JP] コーダーへ 照会するのに "ハッカー"は慣れてる 現代のコンピューティングの 境界線を誰がはみだしたか 2 Pi R (2013) |