17 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *便利屋*
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
便利屋[べんりや, benriya] (n) handyman; expressman; utility man [Add to Longdo]

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You were a handyman? [CN] 便利屋 Key of Life (2012)
Oh, no, he's a contractor. I mean, he's... No, he's a handyman. [JP] 彼は請負人なの いや、便利屋かしら Blue Jasmine (2013)
HANDYMAN TAMINATO CALL US FOR WHATEVER YOU NEED! [CN] 田港便利屋 有任何需求请拨打电话 Underwear (2015)
But I want you to know that your brother, Travis, was more than just a handyman to us. [JP] 彼は便利屋以上の存在でした Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
I'm a fix-it guy not a cold-blooded killer. [CN] 我是便利屋 不是殺手 Key of Life (2012)
Pendry had this handyman, this guy called Nick Ginn. [JP] ペンドリーは この便利屋を雇ってた ニック・ギンという男 Step Nine (2013)
This is a handyman I know. [JP] これ 知り合いの便利屋さん Underwear (2015)
Government tool bag. [JP] 政府の便利屋さん! Pilot (2013)
Kondo: Legendary Underworld Mr Fix-it [CN] 與失蹤案相關 黑社會便利屋近籐 Key of Life (2012)
Hannah said her handyman was there when Beverly was still alive. [JP] "便利屋"はビバリーの 生存中を知ってる Do the Wrong Thing (2012)
Same clients, same schedule. I even kept her handyman on. Where is she now? [JP] 彼女と同じに運営してる 顧客も"便利屋"も同じ Do the Wrong Thing (2012)
Now I'm riding shotgun in some smelly van with a handyman and tricking any half-wit I can lay my hands on. [JP] いまは便利屋と 臭いバンに乗って 手に入るどんな間抜けも 騙しているわ Mother's Little Helper (2014)
Who is Kondo, the shadowy handyman? - Dynamite Magazine - Who is Kondo, the shadowy handyman? [CN] 身份不明 黑暗中的工作者 便利屋近籐是誰 Key of Life (2012)
Maybe her handyman can give me what I need to finally fix my problem. [JP] あの"便利屋"が俺の決断を 促してくれる Do the Wrong Thing (2012)
- You. [JP] - あなたの元便利屋 Step Nine (2013)
- Dynamite Magazine - He started out as a legitimate handyman, a general dogsbody. [CN] 他原來勉強經營了一家普通的便利屋 Key of Life (2012)

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