15 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *保密性*
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保密性[bǎo mì xìng, ㄅㄠˇ ㄇㄧˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,   ] secrecy #51,717 [Add to Longdo]

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In finishing, while the donor may have bargained for confidentiality with the clinic, and the parents may have accepted that confidentiality as a condition to receiving the sperm donation... [CN] 最后 虽然捐献者可能与诊所就保密性达成一致 接受捐献的父母双方为了 Delivery Man (2013)
II Secrecy became the primary concern, and for some reason, they... [CN] -O ... 保密性成为首要关注的问题, The Imitation Game (2014)
You know, go to the apartment. [CN] 这次行动的保密性 Spiders 3D (2013)
They broke confidentiality. [CN] 这本该保密 他们违反了保密性 Blue Ribbon Panel (2012)
which has no basis in canon law, civil law, history, or theology, that every communication between a bishop and one of his priests is equal to confessional as far as confidentiality is concerned. [CN] 这在教会法规 民法 历史或神学中都不存在 要求每次与主教 或其中一个牧师的谈话 只要涉及到保密性就等同于忏悔 Deliver Us from Evil (2006)
Cam, they wrote, "Zuckerberg said he hoped the privacy options [CN] 上面写着"扎克伯格说希望 这些保密性的选择 The Social Network (2010)
Butunfortunately, there's no hairdresser/client confidentiality. [CN] 有没有hairdresserclient 保密性 Muffin Top: A Love Story (2014)
In exchange, he has included a strict confidentiality clause. [CN] 同时也包括了严密的保密性条款 Infamy (2010)
But I actually thought that somebody might say, "You know, you actually did the right thing." [CN] 你泄露这些信息,你做了正确的事情 当涉及到周围的程序的保密性,有 United States of Secrets (Part One): The Program (2014)
Nassau is defendable. [CN] 保密性是这个营地的优势 但那份保密性正在泄露 XXIII. (2016)
However, in my opinion, you are the exception. [CN] 保密性和隱蔽性上 但是 在我看來 你是例外 Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden (2012)
I'd ask you what you wanted the camera for, but I respect your confidentiality. [CN] 我挺想问你拿这个摄像机做什么了 但我尊重你的工作的保密性 The Same Old Story (2008)
It's... it's trying to shift the way that the internet works to provide secrecy and anonymity and privacy to everyone, you know, so like, um, it's a much more populist movement. [CN] 它.. 它试图改变互联网的工作方式 给每个人提供保密性和匿名性和隐私, Deep Web (2015)
It's an organization that prides itself on its anonymity. [CN] 组织的保密性使其引以为豪 Collision (2006)

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