Someone close to you. | | [JP] 側近のだれか Lovecraft (2014) |
The place of a Kingsguard is by the King's side. | | [JP] 近衛兵は王の側近です Garden of Bones (2012) |
I'll attempt to access everyone in his inner circle. | | [JP] 彼の側近グループの 皆にアクセスしてみる Search and Destroy (2015) |
Someone in the prince's entourage. | | [JP] 側近の誰かに Clean Skin (2011) |
I've sent for you because I would like to keep you with me. | | [JP] 実は君 を わ しの 側近に と思 っ て な War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 (1967) |
And the first rule of fight night is, the vampire left standing at the end of the night is one step closer to the inner circle and one of these... a daylight ring. | | [JP] まず試合前のルールだが 夜の終わりまで 立っていた吸血鬼には 側近の仲間入りへと一歩近づく Bloodletting (2013) |
His aide handles all phone activity. | | [JP] 彼の側近は全ての 電話の活動を担当してる Death Benefit (2014) |
- This is one of Tuco's henchmen. - No-Doze. | | [JP] ガイシャはトゥコの側近 ノー・ドーズだ Grilled (2009) |
That explains why Turbo was secretly meeting with Butler's campaign manager Mo Kapoor. | | [JP] それでターボはバトラーの側近 モーと密かに会ってたのね Bear Interrogation (2013) |
She's in love with someone in Marcel's inner circle. | | [JP] 彼女が愛してた誰かさん マルセルの側近だった Tangled Up in Blue (2013) |
Thierry is my guy, inner circle. | | [JP] ティエリーは俺の仲間で 側近だ Tangled Up in Blue (2013) |
I'm thinking about bringing Olivia on ... as a special advisor. | | [JP] 私の側近に オリビアを加えます 特別な立場で... 彼女は総選挙戦で何をされたと思います? Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
Zarqawi and his lieutenants, these are our top priority. | | [JP] ザルカウィとその側近は 最優先目標だ American Sniper (2014) |
Did you find out what's hunting the girl? A demon from the inner circle. | | [JP] 側近グループの悪魔か何かか? Non Est Asylum (2014) |
It sounds like he's inviting you into his inner circle. | | [JP] お前を側近に 入れたいんだろ Ricochet Rabbit (2011) |
If we don't drive her into the arms of her handler and soon, all bets are off. | | [JP] もし彼女が側近に 近づけなかったら すべては白紙よ The Litvinov Ruse (2015) |
He was supposed to have died in a way where the only possible explanation was that he'd been murdered by a member of his own entourage. | | [JP] シナリオ通りに 死ぬはずだったんだ! 自分の側近に殺された という筋書きでな The Bourne Identity (2002) |
Raja will soon need Kumar's strength on his side. | | [JP] ラジャは じきに側近として クマールの強さを必要とします Monkey Kingdom (2015) |
I am known as a handler. | | [JP] 俺は側近も同様です Brick Mansions (2014) |
This is a photograph of the prince's chief aide, Latif bin Walid... taken nine hours after Lynne Reed was killed. | | [JP] この写真には王子の側近の ラティフ ビン ワリドが写ってる リン リード殺害から9時間後に撮影 Semper I (2011) |
The name is an ancient Chinese war mantle meaning "adviser to the king." | | [JP] マンダリンは "王の側近" を意味する Iron Man 3 (2013) |
Your handler's drawn some attention. | | [JP] 君の側近は少し注目を集めた Point of Origin (2014) |
They say he's a known cutthroat and your close associate. | | [JP] 彼は人殺しであなたの側近だからだそうです Breaker of Chains (2014) |
Your inner circle man lacks a sense of humor. | | [JP] お前の側近の男は ユーモアが足りんのではないか Tangled Up in Blue (2013) |
Maybe the signal to her handler was nonverbal. | | [JP] 彼女の側近への合図は 言葉じゃないのかも The Litvinov Ruse (2015) |
We need someone close to them, someone who'll talk. | | [JP] 側近に話したはずだ Everyone Has a Cobblepot (2015) |
You get a daylight right when you get invited to the inner circle. | | [JP] 側近の1人になれりゃ 手に入れられる Girl in New Orleans (2013) |
Oh, she works for the vice president. | | [JP] 副大統領の側近だと Semper I (2011) |
Jo: Guy was part of hitler's inner circle. | | [JP] ヒトラーの側近で Hitler on the Half-Shell (2015) |
Do you think any of this would've happened if my mother had a chief advisor who knew what the hell was going on in her administration? | | [JP] 貴方はこの事をどう考える? ママにもっといい側近が居れば あんな事態は起こらなかったはず Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
We contacted his entourage, and he has accepted my invitation to meet at a discreet location, well away from our headquarters. | | [JP] 我々は彼の側近と連絡を取った 木戸は秘密が保てる場所で 会うことに同意した そこはGHQ本部からは かなり離れた所だった Emperor (2012) |
Montenegro: Okay, yeah. He was one of hoover's aides. | | [JP] フーバーの側近の一人ね The Lance to the Heart (2014) |
He was betrayed... by those closest to him. | | [JP] 彼は側近に- 裏切られた Gladiator (2000) |
How long have you been with me? Seven years, sir. | | [JP] 側近になって何年かな? Goodnight, Sweet Grimm (2013) |
If we don't drive her into the arms of her handler, and soon, all bets are off. | | [JP] もし彼女が側近に 近づけなかったら すべては白紙よ New Normal (2015) |
I also need good officers on my staff. | | [JP] 優秀な側近が要るのだ War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965) |
Known associates of a psychotic piece of shit named Tuco Salamanca. | | [JP] どちらもトゥコ・サラマンカの 側近だ Seven Thirty-Seven (2009) |
What happens when all of his guards start firing back at you for killing their leader right in front of them? | | [JP] そのとき側近に何が起こると思う? 指導者が殺されて報復する それで正しい結果を招くとも? The Interview (2014) |
And they're always given a place with the Guard. | | [JP] そして彼らに側近の地位を与える The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) |
One of your deputy chiefs is defecting across the Latvian border tonight. | | [JP] あなたの側近の主査の一人が 今夜ラトビアの国境で 亡命するのよ The Litvinov Ruse (2015) |
And who, pray tell, in Marcel's valued inner circle manages his business at the docks? | | [JP] そして誰か教えて貰えないか マルセルの重要な側近で ドックで仕事を 任されているのは誰だ? Tangled Up in Blue (2013) |
With the pretext of deserted soldiers he punished Janissary Master Kurtçu Doğan and his fellow janissaries. | | [JP] 脱走した兵士を理由として挙げ、 ハリル将軍の直属の部下であり、 イェニチェリの長であるクルチュ・ドアンと その側近に刑を与えた Conquest 1453 (2012) |
All Gus would say was that this Tio character once murdered someone close to him. | | [JP] ティオのことをガスは言った 側近が殺したと Face Off (2011) |
Step one, befriend the alpha's lieutenants. | | [JP] ステップ1 第一人者の側近に 取り入る Monkey Kingdom (2015) |
That is valuable to me, and I've already told Garrett that it could be valuable to him... somebody at his side with one foot in the executive branch and one in the legislative. | | [JP] 私の役に立つ 片足を行政府 片足を立法府に置く者を― 側近にすれば有用だと ギャレットに言ってある Chapter 12 (2013) |
He was bloodrider to khai drogo. | | [JP] 奴はカール・ドロゴの側近だった Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015) |
But Bush and his little numb-nut fanatics he's got around him, they don't give a rat's ass. | | [JP] だがブッシュとマヌケな側近が 少しのクソも気にかけない Boyhood (2014) |
Nikita's inner circle. | | [JP] ニキータの側近だ Sideswipe (2012) |
Wait. Tio murdered someone close to Gus? | | [JP] 待て、ティオ殺害は ガスの側近? Face Off (2011) |
Maybe Abu Nazir really went on that boat to talk to someone in the prince's entourage. | | [JP] 王子以外の人物に アブ ナジールは会いに来たのかも 側近の誰かに Semper I (2011) |