Nope, never heard of him. Kai... | | [CN] 毞伢 毞伢 毞伢 岆阰儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
What happened to that big golden key you used to have? | | [CN] 斕眕饒參操湮腔踢埥啻儸ˋ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Oh, right, of course! | | [CN] 漆惆奻迡覂儸 遜衄獰虛 扂鎗賸珨跺苤戚戚 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Mike and Dave forever it's the stang life, bitch | | [CN] 我们大抢救 你们现在结婚了,没事惹 你们好侏儸纪,你们好棒棒 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) |
Very bad! Very, very bad! | | [CN] 佽妗趕 夔衄嗣媎詹儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
I've always felt like I wasn't eating up to my full potential. | | [CN] 103跺婦赽 遜羶劂扂挴瑜儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
As the car was taking the turn, it came to a stop | | [CN] 絞奀蛌徹懂珨虳虳奀緊儸 陬赽憩礿蛂 I Wish I Knew (2010) |
Oh, I knew you couldn't. | | [CN] 飲岆 扂飲祥眭耋斕峈妦繫峈扂夔諒坻蠅儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Hey, hey. And where are your drinks? | | [CN] 斕腔嬴儸ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
- Still nothing. | | [CN] - 珈禍睿颿襛儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
What about that message? | | [CN] 饒寰扂腔潠捅儸ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
What about that bus? Have you ever seen that before? | | [CN] 饒謙匙尪儸ˋ斕艘徹鎘ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
I don't give a damn. | | [CN] 扂符祥奪儸 In This Tricky Life (2001) |
Have you seen Po? No. | | [CN] 扂岆鍔庢曉腔颿襛 陝惘儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Coming back at you. | | [CN] 扂遜羶袧掘疑儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Monkey. | | [CN] - 珩勍坻蠅飲統樓議跺栯頗賸儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
What about the rest? . | | [CN] む坳陲昹儸ˋ Don't Go Breaking My Heart (2011) |
Thousands of people are there paying their respects. | | [CN] 杅眕勀數腔翕癩氪猁懂桶湛坻蠅腔噹砩儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Y on ride atv s where they shot Jurassic park. | | [CN] 侏儸纪公园越野车游览 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) |
Hmm. | | [CN] 饒朸韓湮狨噶器砩庤覂妦繫儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
I've never tried. | | [CN] - 阰眭耋儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
I have to defend my title. | | [CN] 饒朸韓湮狨勛婦赽湮儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
A teacher? Teaching kung fu? | | [CN] 褫彆扂祥岆朸韓湮狨 饒繫扂衱岆阰儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
I'm not ready to die just yet. | | [CN] 扂遜羶湖呾侚儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Actually, I had the whole thing figured to end pretty much exactly like this. | | [CN] 岈妗奻ㄛ淕跺岈淏俇偌桽扂腔數赫輛桯儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
- I have a meeting... | | [CN] - 扂遜猁羲頗儸 Midsummer's Equation (2013) |
Okay, how do you explain the time Clark was a witness in the Boss Grimaldi trial and you were his bodyguard? | | [CN] 疑勘ㄛ饒斕崋繫賤庋奻棒親嶺親釬峈痐堤炟... ...跡爵鎮舜橾湮机瓚奀ㄛ斕夔酕峈坻腔悵曚堤珋儸ˋ All-Star Superman (2011) |
We don't know that yet, Lois. | | [CN] 涴岈嫁遜羶袧儸ㄛ繞眢佪﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
But you'd have to go a long way to outdo Superman. | | [CN] 筍斕蠅猁砑吨徹閉ㄛ饒繚遜酗覂儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Wait, what are you talking about? | | [CN] 脹脹ㄛ斕蠅婓佽妦繫儸? The Believer (2001) |
Okay, Danny, but if Hashem is everything and we are nothing, how then are we to judge His actions? | | [CN] 好吧, Danny, 如果神是全能的 而我们什么都不是, 扂蠅衱崋夔ぜ歎痘腔俴峈儸? The Believer (2001) |
I thought you and your no-necked partner were busy time-traveling. | | [CN] 扂遜眕峈斕睿斕饒祥覂覃腔鼴紫淏疆衾奀潔藏俴儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
"That is a big pile of shit." | | [CN] 侏儸纪公园 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) |
- I can't. What am I gonna say? | | [CN] - 扂祥頗ㄛ扂猁佽妦繫儸ˋ Sunshine on Leith (2013) |
Why a tub bra? | | [CN] 峈妦繫岆呿极恅倠儸? What Happens in Vegas (2008) |
I'd have felt cheated if there weren't monsters. | | [CN] 猁岆羶衄郣獗墅忤扂符橇腕祥勤麩儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Where's Furio? | | [CN] -腹瞳韁儸ˋ -坻拸楊隆善滄儂き... The Strong, Silent Type (2002) |
Wings of surveillance! | | [CN] 扂猁悝腔陲昹嗣覂儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
What are you writing about me? Give me that. | | [CN] 斕婓迡扂妦繫儸ˋ跤扂艘艘﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Wait a minute, what about our contest? | | [CN] 脹珨狟ㄛ扂蠅噥儸ˋ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Kill the entire virus within the block. | | [CN] 柯儸娜将被障凝封锁住的病毒全部清除 Ah! My Goddess: The Movie (2000) |
Couple of hours ago, you didn't give a shit. | | [CN] 撓跺苤奀ヶ斕遜勤妦繫飲祥壽陑儸 Chaos (2005) |
I love this movie! | | [CN] 拜托,是侏儸纪公园耶 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) |
Oogway, don't go! | | [CN] 斕佽儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
And the next week, we're back doin' the county fair circuit... changin' our petticoats in the ladies' toilet... and the boys tryin' to peek in. | | [CN] 狟笚儸 扂蠅衱蔚隙善掛縣埶蚔頗腔挐隙鼠栳 然后在女生厕所里换衣服.. 好让那些男生们偷窥 A Prairie Home Companion (2006) |
Okay, I used to work with Oogway. | | [CN] 塾蜀秶婖氪儸 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
What's a caftan? | | [CN] 埐岆珨跺妦繫儸ˋ Best Man Down (2012) |
Well, what about rape? | | [CN] 饒惟儸ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
I'd planned for him to be here to see this. | | [CN] 扂掛湖呾坻婓涴爵桉獗痐涴珨覦儸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
What about that bus? | | [CN] 匙尪儸ㄛ斕艘徹鎘ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |