Brenda. | | [CN] 对,兵营,建在一个养猪场... ... Inspector George Gently (2007) |
and the camp was completely reorganized. | | [CN] 然后就是斯坦戈尔 之后兵营就重组了 Shoah (1985) |
I beg your pardon? | | [CN] 应该有感情了 I didn't put you in a 因为你擅闯皇家兵营我都没抓你 prison cell for breaking into royal barracks. Warcraft (2016) |
- Breached! | | [CN] 兵营怎么样了? Isle of the Dead (2016) |
How long do they expect me to wait to build some barracks out here? | | [CN] 不过是在那建个兵营他们想让我在这里等多久? Cheyenne Autumn (1964) |
- Very clear. Ill go to observation. | | [CN] 明白了都明白了, 我去炮兵营一趟 Goryachiy sneg (1972) |
They're at the barracks at Misericordia. | | [CN] 他们在米塞利科迪亚兵营 Senso (1954) |
He tries to ensure the creation of the battalions. | | [CN] 他试图确保兵营的创建。 |
They don't belong in barracks, but in a kindergarten! | | [CN] 他们根本不属于兵营 而是幼儿园 The Bridge (1959) |
He throws God at you. You throw hell right at him. | | [CN] 好,你把他关在兵营去K. P(K. P: Hacksaw Ridge (2016) |
Fourteen days confined to barracks. Yes, general. | | [CN] 在兵营禁闭四十天是将军 The Night of the Generals (1967) |
Train for First Greenjackets, number one platform, five minutes, sir. | | [CN] 一号站台上步兵营列车 五分钟以后出发 Cavalcade (1933) |
I'll let go for a moment. | | [CN] 大头目呼叫现在位于市区距离兵营15公里的路上 Episode #1.10 (2016) |
The divisional barracks must be sealed off by 1400 hours. | | [CN] 十四时必须封锁师部兵营 The Night of the Generals (1967) |
They're all yours, squadron leader. | | [CN] 他们是你所有的, 骑兵营领袖。 Jarhead 2: Field of Fire (2014) |
Cpl. McLean will lead the rest of you... to the southern section where the barracks are concentrated. | | [CN] 麦克林带剩下的人 去南边兵营集中的地方 Too Late the Hero (1970) |
- Were you at Belzec? | | [CN] 还有在兵营前 Shoah (1985) |
And Rubin... can I wait for him here? | | [CN] 葛洛瓦诺夫 和炮兵营长在营部呢 Goryachiy sneg (1972) |
I expect from the experienced soldier of the battalion that they as always- do their duty. | | [CN] 我对于经验丰富的 士兵营抱着期望 希望他们 一如既往 尽到他们的义务 The Bridge (1959) |
Get out! | | [CN] 回兵营里去! 滚出去! The Scarlet Empress (1934) |
The second group, to block the main entrance! Hurry! | | [CN] 而不是某个兵营里的士兵 Attraction (2017) |
We will never make a fuss. | | [CN] 我们要一如既往好好进行兵营仓库那边的除草作业 Episode #1.9 (2016) |
Returning from leave. First Greenjackets. | | [CN] 我来问一下步兵营的 列车在几站台 Cavalcade (1933) |
We have to report to boot camp on Monday night. | | [CN] 我们周一晚上得到新兵营报到 Fandango (1985) |
A battalion of infantry on wheels is on exercise - a swift-moving striking force that will do the enemy a bit of no good. | | [CN] 一个轮上步兵营正在演习... 这支快速移动的打击力量 将对敌人做许多不好的事 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973) |
Infantry battalions exercise with their weapons, awaiting the moment for their use in actual warfare. | | [CN] 步兵营携带他们的日常武器进行演习 等待在实战中使用它们的时刻. Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973) |
Electric trains took the troops from barracks to gun turret, from arsenal to canteen. | | [CN] 电动火车把部队从兵营运到炮塔, 从军火库运到餐厅 France Falls: May-June 1940 (1973) |
- Take them to the barracks. - Yes, sir. - Murphy! | | [CN] 中士,到兵营去是 55 Days at Peking (1963) |
Grenadierbattallion 463 reports ready. Thanks. | | [CN] 精锐部队兵营463位士兵报告完毕 The Bridge (1959) |
Hey, Yul. Transport cast a spell. | | [CN] 在我们的兵营里 指挥官同志泄露了无线密码 Attraction (2017) |
- We are total soldiers. | | [CN] 女兵营房, A zori zdes tikhie... (2015) |
"Just sharing the wisdom," he said, when I'd tell him to shut the hell up. | | [CN] 我还记得他在兵营周围巡视时 边走边大声朗诵这些词句 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
We had no way of... | | [CN] 他们趁天黑涌入兵营 Ben-Hur (2016) |
The insurgents have taken the Saint Cross church, the Nazi Gendarmerie and Foreign Affairs HQ. | | [CN] 起义者已经夺取了圣克劳斯教堂 纳粹兵营以及外务总部 Warsaw '44 (2014) |
The mental anguish that my mother went through, having four of her sons in the service of the United States government and having her husband labelled a dangerous enemy alien... | | [CN] 我们住在马棚或速成的沥青油纸兵营里 我母亲经历的精神痛苦(包括), 她的四个儿子在为美国政府服役 On Our Way: U.S.A. - 1939-1942 (1973) |
Sire, I must report more infantry regiments have turned back... and they're retreating in full disorder. | | [CN] 陛下 又有步兵营溃败下来 他们溃不成军 War and Peace (1956) |
Captain in charge of the barracks. | | [CN] 奥尔洛夫 陛下 掌管兵营上尉 The Scarlet Empress (1934) |
Cherepanov's regiment, two artillery divisions and Khokhlovís tanks are encircled but still fighting. | | [CN] 司令员同志, 契尔巴诺夫的团 霍赫诺夫的两个炮兵营 和一个坦克团都被包围了 Goryachiy sneg (1972) |
No way! I have to be at the barracks tomorrow. | | [CN] 不会 明天我得去兵营 The Bridge (1959) |
I'll head up Camp. | | [CN] 我去前面的兵营大街 It Happened Last Night (2014) |
But you're sure he's not somewhere nearby? In the barracks? | | [CN] 你确定他不在附近吗 不在兵营 Senso (1954) |
In this great floating barracks, morale was all-important. | | [CN] 在这个流动的大兵营里, 士气是至关重要的 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974) |
At the same time, all over the South of England, camps were springing up, ready for the tens of thousands of invasion troops. | | [CN] 与此同时, 遍布整个英国南部, 兵营正到处涌现, 准备供成千上万的入侵部队使用 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974) |
Excellency, we've told them to come and remove him. | | [CN] 殿下兵营派他们来把尸体抬走 The Leopard (1963) |
Don't they have barracks for that? | | [CN] 他们不是已经有兵营了吗 Senso (1954) |
I don't want to have a cardboard box for the barracks, that looks stupid. | | [CN] 我不想带着硬板 纸盒去兵营 The Bridge (1959) |
We have to be at the barracks tomorrow morning at 7! | | [CN] 我们明天必须在7点 到达兵营 The Bridge (1959) |
Another troop battalion Virumanskog National militia. | | [CN] Viru民兵营二连. 1944 (2015) |
Salvatore, did you alert the barracks? | | [CN] 塞尔瓦托你报告兵营那边了吗 The Leopard (1963) |
Okay. Salute. | | [CN] 我还得去兵营点名 Episode #1.9 (2016) |