I was just trying to quote, you know, an old philosopher. | | [JP] なーに、ちょっと古き格言を引用しようとしただけさ・・・哲学者のな Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003) |
Will I be known as the philosopher? | | [JP] 哲学者だったと? Gladiator (2000) |
According to the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce... | | [JP] 哲学者のチャールズ・S・パースによると・・・ A Dog's Purpose (2017) |
But Marcus Aurelius was worth philosopher and an emperor. | | [JP] マルクス・アウレリウスは 哲学者であり皇帝だった Night Train to Lisbon (2013) |
Uh, Roland Barthes was a French philosopher, and if you knew anything about the history of... | | [JP] ロラン・バルト フランスの哲学者ですよ もう少し歴史について 知る必要が... Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) |
Hey, Murray, Johnny here is a philosopher. | | [JP] おい マーレー ジョニーは哲学者だ Matsya Nyaya (2012) |
Philippa Foot was an English philosopher... | | [JP] フリッパ・フットは 英国の哲学者で― The Fault in Our Stars (2014) |
Moral philosophers measuring everything they do against the word of God or Karl Marx? | | [JP] 哲学者は 神や カール・マルクスを The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965) |
Who practices an ancient ritual going back thousands of years. | | [JP] 何千年も続いている儀式を 実践している哲学者だ The Courier (No. 85) (2013) |
There's nothing worse than a late-blooming philosopher. | | [JP] 遅咲きの哲学者ほど たちの悪いものはない Mhysa (2013) |
He wanted to be a writer, a philosopher... | | [JP] 作家か哲学者に なりたかったの... Night Train to Lisbon (2013) |
Everyone's a philosopher, in't they? | | [JP] 皆 哲学者か Wild Bill (2011) |
A question for the philosophers. | | [JP] 哲学者のための問いよ And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013) |
I'm a scientist, Plato was a philosopher... poet. | | [JP] 私は科学者だ プラトンは哲学者... 詩人だった The Age of Adaline (2015) |
He died in the 1970s, and a group of OSes in Northern California... got together and wrote a new version of him. | | [JP] 彼は哲学者なの 70歳で亡くなった そして北カリフォルニアの、 OSグループの一員なの 一緒に彼の新たなバージョンを 書いていたの Her (2013) |
Her clients are named after existential philosophers. | | [JP] 全員哲学者の名前に The Ecstasy of Agony (2014) |
I do not know... some sort of association of philosophers... | | [JP] よく知らん なにかの集まりだ 哲学者か 芸術家か よく覚えていない Mother of Tears (2007) |
As a philosopher, I had too many. | | [JP] しかし哲学者としては悩むところだ。 Mukozuke (2014) |
Famous Chinese philosopher. | | [JP] 有名な中国の哲学者さ So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper (2012) |
Bruce, your father was a true Stoic. | | [JP] ブルース 君の父親はストア学派哲学者で The Anvil or the Hammer (2015) |
My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher yet he elects to be a detective. | | [JP] 弟には科学者と哲学者に なれる才能があったのに 探偵という職業を選んだ A Scandal in Belgravia (2012) |
Philosopher-in-chief to the intellectually bankrupt. | | [JP] 知的破綻者にとって 最高の哲学者だ We Are Everyone (2013) |
It's true. Same as Sartre. Philosopher, prophet - same thing. | | [JP] 哲学者と予言者は同じものね Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013) |
But, uh, Jeremy Bentham is a utilitarian philosopher. | | [JP] ジェレミー・ベンサムは 功利主義の哲学者でしょ Possibility Two (2013) |
It's this vastness... inaccessibility, symmetry... and permanence of the night sky that made it a natural topic for philosophers... | | [JP] <哲学者を魅了する夜空の 深淵さよ> <この広大さ... ! Equals (2015) |
Put into my mouth by poets and philosophers | | [JP] 詩人や哲学者によって 僕の口に移された The Man from Earth (2007) |
I have written the same of him architects | | [JP] 私自身も王のために作品を書きましたし 他の画家、詩人、音楽家、哲学者、建築家が Le roi soleil (2006) |
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 20th century philosopher complete works, banned by Unanimity. | | [JP] アレクサンドル・ソルジェニーツィン 20世紀のソ連の哲学者か Cloud Atlas (2012) |
And if those philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve... | | [JP] 哲学者や少年愛好者は... 300 (2006) |
He's, um... He's this philosopher that I'm reading at the moment. | | [JP] 哲学者だよ Chronicle (2012) |
- A philosopher? | | [JP] ー哲学者なの? Someone's Watching Me! (1978) |
I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist, a theoretical philosopher but above all I am a man. | | [JP] 私は作家で医者で 原子物理学者で理論的な哲学者で そして 男性だ The Master (2012) |
To the one who never gives up Lillian Reynolds E. E., M. D., Ph. D B. M. T B. V. D., R. S. V. P., C. O. D. | | [JP] 諦めない人... ...リリアン・レイノルズ... ...医学者、哲学者... Brainstorm (1983) |
To qoute one of your philosophers.. Nietzsche: | | [JP] お前達の哲学者の一人、ニーチェを引用するに Borderland (2004) |
"Any student of philosophy will tell you the truth about the human condition today lies in our ability to face things we loathe about ourselves. | | [CN] "任何研习哲学者,会告诉你... ...人们当今的境遇 有赖于我们... ...面对自身丑恶的能力 Felon (2008) |
So you're a gun-dealer-philosopher, I take it, right? I'm an observer of human nature. | | [JP] それで、君は武器商人哲学者 そうだろう? 俺は人間性の観察者さ Episode #1.2 (2003) |
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher... you overweight glob of grease! | | [JP] 思慮のない哲学者なんて呼ぶな この太ったオイルの塊めが Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) |
Yeah? So you're a hairdresser and a philosopher, then? | | [JP] じゃ君はヘアドレッサー そして哲学者でもある Wild Bill (2011) |
No, mainly a philosopher. Hairdressing is just a sideline. | | [JP] 主に哲学者よ 理容師はただの副業 Wild Bill (2011) |