51 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *奥马哈*
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奥马哈[Ào mǎ hā, ㄠˋ ㄇㄚˇ ㄏㄚ,    /   ] Omaha (name of several US towns, in Nebraska, Illinois, Arkansas, Texas etc) #157,105 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
(narrator) At Omaha it took all day, with grievous losses, to gain a beachhead a mile deep. [CN] 在"奥马哈"滩 (美军)花了一整天, 付出了令人痛心的伤亡, 夺取了一个一英里深的桥头堡 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
No, I'm from Omaha. [CN] 不 我是从奥马哈市来的 Pilot (2007)
The report from the Army's field telegrapher to headquarters in Omaha listed only nine casualties incurred in the troop's first encounter with the homeward-bound Cheyenne. [CN] 从战地发往奥马哈总部的电报中... ...罗列了在与归家心切的夏安人... ...的首次冲突中伤亡的仅仅9个人 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
Time to settle up, Omaha. [CN] 是结算的时候了 奥马哈 The Tap-Out Job (2009)
- Americans citizen. Born in Omaha. [CN] 美国公民 生于奥马哈 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
Who needs Halo, when we can be regaled with the delightfully folksy tale of the Whore of Omaha? [CN] 奥马哈骚货的民间故事可以传诵 谁还要玩光晕? The Dumpling Paradox (2007)
When my mother was pregnant with me a party of Klansmen surrounded our house in Omaha, Nebraska. [CN] 当我妈有了我时... 骑马的三K党员... 围着我们在奥马哈的家 Malcolm X (1992)
I wish I could have you in about five places at once, but I do need you back here in Omaha by the end of week. [CN] 真希望能让你同时在五个地方 不过我需要你这周回奥马哈一趟 Up in the Air (2009)
Yeah. Some union buster guy from Omaha. [CN] 对 一些从奥马哈来的工会渣子 The Big One (1997)
From west to east, Utah and Omaha waited for the Americans. [CN] 由西向东, "犹他"和"奥马哈" (滩头)等待着美国人(的进攻) Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
Instead you went to Omaha to fire people for a living? [CN] 可是你去了奥马哈 从事解雇他人的职业 Up in the Air (2009)
Omaha, des moines, St. Louis. [CN] 奥马哈,得梅因,圣路易斯 The Langoliers (1995)
Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Chicago. [CN] 盐湖城 丹拂 奥马哈 芝加哥 Rain Man (1988)
All right, get me the Omaha routing station. [CN] 好了,给我接奥马哈中继站 Changeling (2008)
In Omaha. [CN] 奥马哈 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
MacNamara Von Omaha, Nebraska. [CN] 麦克纳马拉,来自内布拉斯加的奥马哈 One, Two, Three (1961)
Would there be any value in my contacting philosophers in cities like Omaha and Detroit and... and acquainting them with empathicalism? [CN] -叫我奕谋吧 若我联络一些哲学家 譬如在奥马哈和底特律等城市 Funny Face (1957)
It's gonna be in the Omaha Herald, places like the Terrell Tribune. [CN] 这新闻会在奥马哈报在特瑞尔论坛报上出现 The Kingdom (2007)
Sir, the NSA had uploaded the informations on the Omaha facility. - Are we set up? [CN] 国安局传来了奥马哈设施的相关信息 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
I followed him to Omaha. [CN] 我跟他去的奥马哈 Up in the Air (2009)
Anyway, she got here today and she's just been in my apartment yakity yakking about every guy she slept with in Omaha, which is basically every guy in Omaha, and washing the sluttiest collection of underwear you have ever seen in my bathroom sink. [CN] 她今天刚到 一直呆在我房间 唧歪每一个她在奥马哈睡过的男人 差不多也就是奥马哈所有的男人 她还在我浴室水池里 洗你能想象到的最淫荡的内衣 The Dumpling Paradox (2007)
I thought she was the whore of Omaha. [CN] 我以为她是奥马哈的骚货 The Dumpling Paradox (2007)
I realised it was time to get out of Omaha and move on. [CN] 我心中明白该离开奥马哈 继续我的生活 Election (1999)
"Omaha. [CN] "奥马哈 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
- He flew off alone, to Omaha. [CN] 他独自去了奥马哈 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Airborne's objective, gentlemen, is to take the town of Carentan thus linking Utah and Omaha into a single, continuous beachhead. [CN] 兄弟们 空降部队的目标就是攻克卡朗唐镇 这样 就将犹他与奥马哈连成一线 Currahee (2001)
We were doin' ajob in Omaha. We could've used a lookout. [CN] 我们去奥马哈工作, 我们用了一下监视所. Boys Don't Cry (1999)
- In Omaha. [CN] -在奥马哈 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
What do you say, Omaha, just me and you, hmm? [CN] 你看怎么样 奥马哈仔? The Tap-Out Job (2009)
I bet the vote work back in Omaha! [CN] 我敢打赌 投票是在奥马哈进行的 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
This looks like the fucking Christmas party at Mutual of Omaha. [CN] 像是奥马哈共济会的圣诞晚会 Boiler Room (2000)
I never said it was from Omaha. [CN] 我从没说过是在奥马哈进行的 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
Omaha, Nebraska [CN] 奥马哈 Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
- In Omaha? [CN] 奥马哈 Up in the Air (2009)
She lives in Omaha and makes her living taping messages for voice-reminder systems. [CN] 她住在奥马哈 以为录音系统复音为生 The Andromeda Strain (1971)
-This one at Omaha Beach. -"Sean Ryan." [CN] -这个死于奥马哈滩 -赖桑恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Anybody for Lincoln, Omaha or Chicago, the bus leaves in five minutes. [CN] 到林肯,奥马哈或者芝加哥旅客, 公共汽车在5 分钟内离开。 Starman (1984)
The Omaha Barnes and Noble? [CN] 奥马哈・巴恩斯》还是《贵族》? Secret Window (2004)
There was a rerun of wild kingdom, Mutual of Omaha's nature program with marlin Perkins [CN] <动物王国>,马林·佩金斯主持的 奥马哈共享频道自然节目 The Last Days of Disco (1998)
...linking Omaha and Utah into one continuous beachhead. [CN] 就是将犹他与奥马哈连成一线 Currahee (2001)
- I got this for you up in Omaha. [CN] - 这是我在奥马哈帮你弄到的. Boys Don't Cry (1999)
I may have left my eyes on Omaha Beach, but I ain't asking no charity from Uncle Sam. [CN] 也许我把眼睛留在了奥马哈海滩 (注: 奥马哈是二战诺曼底战役中 盟军登陆的五个海滩之一) 但是我不打算乞求山姆大叔的施舍 (注: Ray (2004)
Go, Omaha! [CN] 去,奥马哈 Failure to Launch (2006)
Tell Omaha to acknowledge and stand by. [CN] 奥马哈准备 Airplane! (1980)
SaltLake, ... ...Denver, Omaha , Tulsa, Dallas , St. Louis, Kansas City. [CN] ...丹佛, 奥马哈 , ... ...图桑, 达拉斯 , ... ...圣路易斯, 堪萨斯城. Champion (1949)
It's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah Beach can head inland. [CN] 那是奥马哈和犹他滩头的装甲部队 唯一可以集结 进而挺进内陆的据点 Carentan (2001)
Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again. [CN] 成功也许不会很快到来 奥马哈海滩 七时五十八分 美国第五军 但我们将百折不挠 Part IX (1989)
And now if they transfer me to Omaha or Cleveland or some field office, it doesn't hold the interest for me that it once did. [CN] 要是上头调我去 奥马哈、克利夫兰这样的 偏远地区的分局 那就没有任何意义了 The X Files (1998)
But on Omaha, the Americans ran into difticulties - rough seas, strong defences and a newly arrived German fighting division. [CN] 但在"奥马哈"滩头, 美国人遇到了困难... 波涛汹涌的海面, 牢固的防御工事 和一个新到达的德国野战师(第352步兵师) Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
The estuary of the Douve River divides two beachheads code-named Utah, here, and Omaha, here. [CN] 杜沃河水道分隔了两个滩头 代号犹他 在这儿 奥马哈 在这儿 Currahee (2001)

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