The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. | | [JP] その理由は定かではないが Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) |
And, you know, there are a Iot of people who go straight from denial to despair without pausing on the intermediate step of actually doing something about the problem. | | [JP] ご存知のように、多くの人は 否定から 絶望へと直進します 途中で、問題に対して An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
A blood test for Hannah's mentor Beverly Grey. | | [JP] ビバリー・グレイの 血液鑑定か Do the Wrong Thing (2012) |
- Not sure. | | [JP] 定かでは... Equals (2015) |
Not sure why you wanted to go with the lottery story, sir. | | [JP] なぜ あなたが当選ストーリーで騙そうと 思ったか定かじゃありませんが、 The Bridge (2013) |
You don't even know that he killed this guy. | | [JP] まだ殺人かどうかも 定かじゃない Reasonable Doubt (2014) |
we're not sure what it's going to do, but it may cripple the system. | | [JP] ウィルスについて説明してくれ スパイダーバグ・ウィルスです 目的は定かではありません Transformers (2007) |
I do not know if it was positive or negative . | | [JP] 肯定か否定か 私は決められないわ Look Who's Back (2015) |
Huh? Is it unanimous? | | [JP] 満場一致で決定か? Hazard Pay (2012) |
I can't prove it, but I think that he shot him and left him for bait, so that he could get away. | | [JP] 定かでないが 彼を撃ったんだ そして彼を餌にして 逃げ帰った Nebraska (2012) |
Political decisions. | | [JP] 政治的な決定かな All About Allison (2015) |
Those rumors have yet to be confirmed. Thank you, Toni. | | [JP] [真偽は定かではありません] Ears to You (2014) |
I don't know, but until we do, I'm not gonna assume anything. | | [JP] 私には、知る由も無いが、 仮定から行動するつもりも無い。 Eye Spy (2013) |
Could be a poison, could be an explosive. | | [JP] それが、毒なのか爆発物なのか定かではないが、 Eye Spy (2013) |
With the amount of hardware they're running, we're probably looking for a large vehicle, most likely a semitrailer rig. | | [JP] 彼らが使っているであろう 設備の量の推定から、 かなり大きい車両 だと思われます。 おそらくセミ・トレーラでしょう。 Live Free or Die Hard (2007) |
[ GO HACK YOURSELF ] [ TO THE STARS ] ...again shows how insecure the net is. | | [JP] 自分でハック スターの座に ネットが どれくらい不安定かについて示します Who Am I (2014) |
Same as the old one, without the goodwill that you'd accrued. | | [JP] 僕を理解しようとする態度を 前の協定から 抜いてくれ One Way to Get Off (2012) |
We don't know the exact spot of the pickup yet, but probably the master suite. | | [JP] どこにいるかは定かじゃないが おそらくは寝室だ Day 7: 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2009) |
We need to find out what he plans to do with that money and put a stop to it. | | [JP] 彼がそのお金を どうする予定か調べて 中止させる Honor Among Thieves (2014) |
Violating his index agreement before. | | [JP] インデックスの協定から逃れるために違反を犯したと。 Girl in the Flower Dress (2013) |
I'm not sure he really killed Madison. | | [JP] 本当にマディソンを殺したのか 定かでない The Axeman Cometh (2013) |
She was concerned that he might be unstable, so they filed a complaint with his employer. | | [JP] 彼女は彼が情緒不安定かもと懸念してた それで 彼らは雇主に苦情を申し立てた Karma (2015) |
An escrow account held at that same institution made a disbursement that day in the same amount. | | [JP] 同じ機関のエスクロー勘定から 同じ金額が支払われてる Firewall (2012) |
It's like remembering something from your childhood and you're not sure if it's your memory or a friend's memory and then you realize sadly it's just some photo in an old book. | | [JP] 子供時代を 思い出す感じだ 誰の記憶か定かでなく― その記憶は本で見た 写真だったと... Rôti (2013) |
You're gonna teach them your name and Ian's? | | [JP] 君とイアンの名前を 教える予定か? Arrival (2016) |
Plan on having a party, Felicity? | | [JP] パーティーの予定か フェリシティ? Unfinished Business (2013) |
I don't know. | | [JP] んー、まだ未定かな。 Lykke til, Isak (2016) |
So she's presumed dead? | | [JP] 死亡と推定か The Choice (2012) |
Maybe it's in my backstory. | | [JP] 俺の過去の設定かも The Stray (2016) |
I did radiometric dating on it. | | [JP] 年齢測定から The Turn in the Urn (2014) |
Setting Alpha five or six! | | [JP] アルファ 5か6の設定か? Innocents of Ryloth (2009) |
I don't know. | | [JP] 定かじゃない Dead Mine (2012) |
Another one of your fucking backstories? | | [JP] 趣味がある設定か? The Stray (2016) |
So, the cabinet finally made a decision on the relief and recovery bill? | | [JP] ようやく被害者救済と 復興の特別法案が 閣議決定か Shin Godzilla (2016) |
What makes you think I'm not spending next week having non-stop sex with my lover? | | [JP] もしかしたら恋人と やりまくる予定かも The Boys Are Back (2009) |
I'm not sure. | | [JP] 定かではない Second Sons (2013) |
But, now Im not so sure I believe in beginnings and endings. | | [JP] そして今は 始まりも終りも 定かではない Arrival (2016) |
Did she say where she was going? | | [JP] 彼女 どこに行く予定か話した? Black Helicopters (2014) |
They said you escaped psychiatric evaluation. | | [JP] あなたが精神鑑定から 逃げ出したって Revelation (2014) |
My memories from that time are quite hazy. | | [JP] その時の記憶は定かではないんですが Special Operations Squad: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 2 (2013) |
Who stands to benefit most from Aaron Colville's exoneration? | | [JP] 重要なのは アーロン・コルヴィルの 無罪確定から 最も得をする人物は 誰なのか? The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) |
- One can't even be sure there was one. | | [JP] 起きたのかも 定かでない The Awakening (2011) |
Decided? | | [JP] 決定か? All In (2013) |
And take time out from our busy schedule of driving each other crazy? | | [JP] 互いをイライラさせる 忙しい予定から時間を取るのか? Suicide Squad (2014) |
Are we decided? | | [JP] 実行決定かな Tin Man Is Down (2013) |