31 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *小股*
หรือค้นหา: 小股, -小股-

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
小股[こまた, komata] (n) (1) short steps; mincing stride; (2) crotch; groin; thigh [Add to Longdo]
小股[そとこまた, sotokomata] (n) over-thigh scooping body drop (sumo) [Add to Longdo]
小股が切れ上がる[こまたがきれあがる, komatagakireagaru] (exp, v5r) (of a woman) to be slender and smartly shaped [Add to Longdo]
小股の切れ上がったいい女[こまたのきれあがったいいおんな, komatanokireagattaiionna] (n) slender and smartly shaped woman [Add to Longdo]
小股掬い[こまたすくい, komatasukui] (n) over-thigh scooping body drop (sumo) [Add to Longdo]

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I don't want a little share I want the whole thing. [CN] 不,我不要小股,我要全部 East of Eden (1955)
Yes, I suppose it is just a couple of terrorist groups. [CN] 对 肯定的 几小股恐怖分子 Yes, I suppose it is just a couple of terrorist groups. The Whisky Priest (1982)
Like the rest of the life here, it feeds on the organisms brought in by the currents. [CN] 一股印度洋上最强的洋流 比如说从印度尼西亚开始的一小股洋流 Indian Ocean Coastal Waters (2008)
They lock jaws with the black ants and leap from the tree, to take them out of the battle. [CN] But the army ants send in a legion. 但蚂蚁大军派出小股部队 Hide and Seek (Forests) (2015)
There was little resistance. [CN] 遭遇了小股抵抗 The Breaking Point (2001)
Such had been the speed of the Allied break-out that pockets of German troops had been left behind, and so the road convoys had often to run a gauntlet of enemy sniping on the way. [CN] 盟军突破的速度如此迅猛 以至于 有许多小股的德军部队被留在了后面, 所以公路补给车队经常会遭遇 沿路狙击的敌人的夹攻 Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
Packs of them, eight to ten strong, shadow the migration. [CN] 8~10只狼组成的小股部队 悄悄地尾随着迁徙的大军 From Pole to Pole (2006)
He played victim while duping small shareholders [CN] 他把自己装成受害者 欺骗那些小股 Christmas Rose (2013)
Sidestepping pockets of the enemy the Allied columns moved east. [CN] 盟军编队一路向东行进 避免遭遇小股敌人 Nemesis: Germany - February-May 1945 (1974)
We're looking at partly cloudy skies and we may hit a little turbulence on our approach. [CN] 我们遇到局部多云的天气 下降时可能会遇到一小股气流 Night Zero (2014)
Of very far of Estalingrado, long columns of tanks had arrived e welded Russian in this Fall, but few had been for Estalingrado, the sufficient to prevent the fall. [CN] 从斯大林格勒遥远的后方, 那个秋天开来了俄国坦克和部队的长长纵队 但其中只有一小股去了斯大林格勒... Stalingrad: June 1942-February 1943 (1974)
(narrator) Like the French the summer before, the Russians used their tanks in penny packets instead of the mass formations of the German panzers. [CN] 就象前一年夏天的法国人一样, 俄国人也把他们的坦克 分成零碎的小股来用 而不是象德国装甲部队 那样大规模集结 Barbarossa: June-December 1941 (1973)
Add to that the 20% of Laurent and Joel, more small shareholders. [CN] 加上Lawrence与Joel的20% 还有那些小股 Potiche (2010)
Now, just a little whiff of the gas. [CN] 现在呢,仅仅是 一小股气体。 10 Rillington Place (1971)
Pete was a junior partner at a law firm. [CN] 皮特是一家律师事务所的小股 Life as We Know It (2010)
Maybe if you could raise $100 or so we could let you have a little share [CN] 如果你能弄到一百元左右 我可以讓你加個小股 East of Eden (1955)
They arrive here in town, and then they get delivered to one of many small businesses... some balloon shop on Dundas, Richmond Arms,  [CN] 到了市里 就分派成小股... Surprises (2013)
Small groups of Japanese e British had fought front the front. [CN] 小股的日军和英军进行肉搏 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974)
- I think a relief squad got lost. [CN] -我想是他们是迷路的的小股部队 No Man's Land (2001)
They're gonna send out small platoons, these kids, as bait. It's the same... [CN] 他们打算派出小股部队 当作诱饵,老一套... Lions for Lambs (2007)
Come on, it's no big deal. Just a small share holder. [CN] 不要这么说嘛,算不了什么,我只是小股东而已 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)
Lowliest little shareholder knows we deal with the most stank places on earth. [CN] 最低层的小股东都知道我们在和地球上最肮脏的地方打交道 Syriana (2005)
You large shareholders have made hundreds of millions whereas we small shareholders lost our life-saving [CN] 你们大股东赚了这么多亿元 亏本的全是我们这些小股 Golden Chicken (2002)
Are you discussing how many shares... to purchase when the market opens tomorrow? [CN] 是不是商量明天开市 要入多少个小股呀? Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
Our relief squad got lost in the fog. [CN] 我们的小股部队在雾里迷路了 No Man's Land (2001)
You have a share too. Rather small share though, only $1, 000. [CN] 其实你也有份的,虽然鸡毛蒜皮的只有1000元,但也算是小股东呀 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)

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