She says he always calls, even on stakeout. | | [JP] 普段なら必ず連絡があると 張り込み中でも There Is No Normal Anymore (2009) |
You know what's worse than a stakeout? | | [JP] 張り込みより悪い事を知ってる? Terra Incognita (2015) |
And you can take any bugs you planted along with you. | | [JP] 張り込みは勝手だが After the Sunset (2004) |
I love stakeouts! | | [JP] 張り込みサイコー Bear on a Stakeout (2013) |
Hydrating on a stakeout is a double-edged sword anyway. | | [JP] 張り込みでの水分補給は どっちみち諸刃の剣だ Terra Incognita (2015) |
No more stake outs. I can do that anywhere. | | [JP] 張り込み要らず どこでも殺せる The Iceman (2012) |
We have a survey team covering him at work and a sneak and peek's on their way to his apartment. | | [JP] そいつを尾行しろ 張り込みもだ The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) |
This may be the best-catered stakeout in history. | | [JP] 歴史上素晴らしいステーキ(もしくは張り込み) かもしれませんね Super (2012) |
You tell 'em, Cho. Mm. This is like a stakeout of old -- you, skeptical and grumpy. | | [JP] そう そのとおりだ チョー これって 昔やってた張り込みみたいだね The Golden Hammer (2014) |
Takes time to move $33 million around a paralyzed city. Mm. Do you know where the term "stakeout" comes from? | | [JP] 麻痺した街の中を3千3百万ドルを運ぶのは 時間がかかる 「張り込み」という言葉が どこから来たか 知ってるか? Snow Angels (2013) |
- I'll put out a BOLO. | | [JP] - 俺は 張り込みの手配を Cherry Picked (2012) |
Yeah. Those are the surveillance photos. | | [JP] ええ 張り込み中の写真よ Green Light (2015) |
I just got called in to a stakeout. | | [JP] ちょうど張り込みで呼ばれました Til Death (2012) |
And blow our-our stakeout position? | | [JP] 張り込みがバレるだろ? The Watch (2012) |
I made friends with a couple of Homeland Security guys last year when they had me under surveillance because I was dating that Saudi Prince who I met at the New Year's Eve party in Dubai. | | [JP] 国土安全省の男と知り合ったの 大晦日に出会ったアラブの王子と 関係あって張り込みされてたの Closet Bear (2013) |
You were just calling in a bolo for O'Brien, right? | | [JP] オブライエンの張り込みを手配したんでしょう Where in the World is Carmine O'Brien? (2011) |
I'll arrange a stakeout. | | [JP] 張り込みを手配するわ A Dozen Red Roses (2009) |
I begin my surveillance at 1 PM at the park | | [JP] 原田デザイン事務所にて バイト終了後 そのまま 裏の公園で張り込み開始 Honey & Clover (2006) |
You know what you should do is a garbage truck. | | [JP] 張り込みなら ゴミ回収車だ Better Call Saul (2009) |
We sat on the house for 24 hours. | | [JP] 24時間張り込みしてました One Last Thing (2013) |
Is something going down? | | [JP] 張り込みとか? Better Call Saul (2009) |
Virtual stakeout. | | [JP] 仮想世界の張り込み... Nameless (2013) |
Means you can tell me why NCIS was staking out the neighborhood. | | [JP] 張り込みの理由も 聞けるわね Stakeout (2008) |
The FBI's sending a team, and in the meantime, the two original agents are staking out Lester's house. | | [JP] FBIが応援チームを送ってきます、 それまでは 先に来た二人の捜査官が レスターの家を張り込みます。 Morton's Fork (2014) |
There's dead bodies everywhere! Of course they're on a stakeout! | | [JP] 死体が散乱してたんじゃ 張り込みもするさ! The Lie (2009) |
If I never go on stakeout again it will be too soon. | | [JP] 張り込みは当分ゴメンだわ Stakeout (2008) |
I thought this was just a stakeout. | | [JP] 張り込みだと思ってた About a Boy (2014) |
We gotta get on foot if you want me to get up on this thing. | | [JP] 「こちらの張り込みには影響しないよう、 車は動かしませんので」 The Departed (2006) |
I was told that the photograph I took was for a routine drug stakeout, all right? | | [JP] オレの撮った写真は 薬の取引の 張り込み中のものだった The Recluse in the Recliner (2014) |
Wow. I had no idea stakeouts could be so boring! | | [JP] しかし張り込みって退屈ね Bear on a Stakeout (2013) |
What a coincidence. We've been on a stakeout looking for a guy who lives in that building. | | [JP] まぁ偶然 あたしたち そこのビル張り込みしてたの Bear on a Stakeout (2013) |
Stakeouts are the worst. | | [JP] 張り込みは 最悪だな Red Velvet Cupcakes (2013) |
You're gonna stake out the remaining two shelters. | | [JP] あなたが入るのは 残りの2つの避難所で 張り込みをする Straw Man (2014) |
There was a murder this morning, down the street from the stakeout, and I'd love to get a look at the autopsy report. | | [JP] 今朝 張り込み中に殺人が 検死報告を手に入れたい Stakeout (2008) |
I'm gonna be on the Islamorada tomorrow night. | | [JP] 明日の夜は アイラモラーダで張り込みよ Blue Bird (2014) |
Is the stakeout over? | | [JP] 張り込み終了か? Stakeout (2008) |
Well, then, This has all the makings of a stakeout. | | [JP] 張り込みして調べよう The Nuclear Man (2015) |
Well, we've set up a stakeout across from the bus station in case he does show. | | [JP] 彼が現れた時のために、バス乗り場全体に 張り込みをしています White to Play (2009) |
How'd you like to go on your first stakeout? | | [JP] 張り込みやってみる? The Pugilist Break (2014) |
Going back to the precinct at 5:00 AM doing three hours of paperwork about a stakeout. | | [JP] 朝の5時に指定地区に戻って 張り込みについて 3時間書類事務をするの Terra Incognita (2015) |
I love stakeouts. So do I. | | [JP] 張り込みサイコーだぜ だろ Jail Bears (2013) |
Yeah, guys, we are. If we need to. Really? | | [JP] その通り 必要ならな 張り込みなんだ The Watch (2012) |
What is the French word for "stakeout"? | | [JP] 張り込みのイロハを 教えてやれ! The Bourne Identity (2002) |
Still conducting the stakeout? | | [JP] まだ張り込みを? いや Stakeout (2008) |
Is this your first stakeout, detective? | | [JP] 張り込みには慣れてるでしょ Danse Vaudou (2014) |
Stakeouts can get a little tedious. | | [JP] 張り込みは、少し退屈になる Trojan Horse (2013) |
You get me sick, i'm gonna put you on stakeout for a month. | | [JP] 私をうんざりさせたら 1ヶ月間 張り込みをやらせるわよ Miss Red (2009) |
So we get to stake out a hive of killer bees. | | [JP] じゃ 殺人蜂の巣の張り込みを始めましょ A Landmark Story (2013) |
First time staking out a ghost. | | [JP] 幽霊の張り込みは初めてだ 私もよ Danse Vaudou (2014) |
- How did it go last night? | | [JP] 張り込みは? Más (2010) |