I swore an oath to protect the world from those who would abuse technology to pervert and exploit the past, the present, and the future. | | [JP] 過去・現在・未来の業績を 悪用する輩から 私は 世界を守ると 誓いを立てたのだ Minute by Minute (2014) |
No one. Which is why the machine has been coded in such a way that it cannot be abused. | | [JP] マシンが悪用出来ない様に No Good Deed (2012) |
Don't you say anything, girl. People will get the wrong idea. | | [JP] 言っちゃダメよ 悪用されるわ Vampire Academy (2014) |
And faced the consequences when untested technology or biology lands in the wrong hands. | | [JP] 実際に未知の技術や医学が 悪用されたケースのお話です Seeds (2014) |
Some exploit openness and freedom. | | [JP] ある者は自由と寛大さを 悪用しようとする Black Maps and Motel Rooms (2015) |
On the other hand, if you authorize the invasion, dubaku will undoubtedly engage the cip device. | | [JP] 裏を返せば もし侵攻を続ければ デュバクは間違いなくデバイスを悪用するでしょう Day 7: 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2009) |
Arthur, I need you to consider what may happen when that door opens, how Samaritan could be abused. | | [JP] アーサー 何が起こるか考慮して欲しい そのドアが開いたら どのようにサマリタンは悪用される可能性があるか Aletheia (2014) |
Too many that haven't been exploited properly. | | [JP] 多過ぎだが 悪用ではない Minute Changes (2014) |
So you work with abuse victims. | | [JP] 立場を悪用してるな Second Truths (2013) |
We discovered a high-level intelligence officer was trying to manipulate satellites. | | [JP] 衛星を悪用する 幹部諜報員を見つけたの xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) |
That's why I'm here. When I realised what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands... | | [JP] 自分の作った武器が 悪用されかねないと知って Captain America: Civil War (2016) |
And be warned, abuse it and it will lead to your destruction. | | [JP] 用心してください 悪用すれば、あなたを破壊に導きます The Legend of Hercules (2014) |
When that thing works again, a guy like Escher is gonna use it. | | [JP] あの装置が稼働すれば エッシャーは悪用するぞ Second Time (2013) |
We get to it before someone bad does. | | [JP] 悪用される前に確保します。 Pilot (2013) |
How can an honest working man defend himself these days when the corporations hide their dirty practices behind a justice system that supports them. | | [JP] 正直者はどうしろと 企業は法制度を悪用して 汚い手を使っていると言うのに Time's Up (2012) |
He's taken my work and turned it into something bad. | | [JP] 彼は僕の仕事を悪用しようとしている Brainstorm (1983) |
I like people who don't, like, abuse the Constitution. | | [JP] 憲法を悪用する人間とは 仲良くなれない Better Call Saul (2009) |
- they'll never hurt anyone Ever again. | | [JP] もう二度と 悪用されないようにします Revenge of the Rogues (2015) |
Then that word became misappropriated by those who pushed the boundaries so far that they ended up with jail time. | | [JP] その言葉は悪用された ケビン・ミトニックのように 1980年代に戻って 2 Pi R (2013) |
Listen, you're just freaking out because Pelant hacked into all your research on all of us and then used it against us. | | [JP] ペラントは確かにあなたの 調査研究を利用した 私たちの人格分析の結果を ハッキングして悪用した それで罪悪感を 感じてるんでしょ The Cheat in the Retreat (2013) |
But, as you can see, the loyalists figured out a new way to use it on us. | | [JP] でもロイヤリストが 私達に悪用したの In Absentia (2012) |
People want to use the tools we give them... | | [JP] 悪用する奴らに対し 我々は・・・ Seeds (2014) |
But unbridled access will create unlimited opportunities for abuse. | | [JP] だが 抑制のきかない アクセスを引き起こす 悪用の為の際限のない好機 Death Benefit (2014) |
People who have abused their position in this country to commit offences and who are...' | | [JP] [違反をするために この国の地位を悪用した人々は・・・] Episode #1.5 (2013) |
-He's said a lot of stupid shit in the last ten minutes, but for reals, you did honeypot him. | | [JP] ここで話したことは事実だ ハニーポットを悪用した The Interview (2014) |
You got arrested because someone else broke the law? Using my identity, yes. | | [JP] 逮捕されたのは 誰かが違法に使ったから? 私のIDを悪用してね The Cheat in the Retreat (2013) |
The tradition is a brutish one, a scheme devised by corrupt rulers in order to avoid true judgment from the gods. | | [JP] この伝統は残虐であり、 腐敗した支配者が 神の裁きを避ける目的で悪用された No One (2016) |
Now, what do we do if the government decides to abuse this thing? | | [JP] 政府がこれを悪用したら どうするんだ? No Good Deed (2012) |
Yes. As were your fathers Jahash and Kerub, and like them, I know you won't use me for ill intent. | | [JP] そう 君の父ジャーシやケルビムのように 僕を悪用しないからね Dofus - Livre 1: Julith (2015) |
And also, go through every single one of my e-mails and flag anything that can be used against me. | | [JP] そして、私の電子メールを 一つ一つすべて調べて、 私に対して悪用されそうな ものにフラグを揚げて。 Hostile Takeover (2015) |
If the wrong people have it? | | [JP] 悪用する奴の手に渡ったら? Tremors (2014) |
I designed it with safeguards to prevent it being abused as an agent of destruction. | | [JP] 悪用されるのを 未然に防ぐ為に安全装置を設計した 破壊の原因として Death Benefit (2014) |
So you think the government would abuse this machine? | | [JP] それで政府はこのマシンを 悪用すると思うか? Super (2012) |
Do we believe this? Seven crusaders felt it was worth their lives not to have what they found fall into the wrong hands. | | [JP] 7人の十字軍兵士は 悪用を恐れて自分達の命を賭けた Endangered (2013) |
A perversion of the Immaculate Conception. | | [JP] 無原罪懐胎(聖母マリア)の 悪用 Spooky Little Girl (2011) |
I was simply removing myself from that equation, in that surveillance would have to be conducted on the target... | | [JP] 単に自分が悪用出来ない様に しただけです 監視する場合 Citizenfour (2014) |