We toil away to win a winsome woman who will live with us poor creatures | | [JP] わしらは一人の聡明な女を手に入れるため あくせく働いた わしらとその女が一緒に住むために Das Rheingold (1980) |
Dude, where'd you get all that money? | | [JP] どこで金を手に入れるんだ? Blood Price (2007) |
You got to get to Maury Ballstein's computer. | | [JP] モーリー・ボールステインの コンピュータを手に入れるんだ Zoolander (2001) |
But how do I get it? | | [JP] どうやって手に入れる? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) |
...and the women went to get food, chattering like magpie geese. | | [JP] ...そして 女達は食物を手に入れるために 行った カササギガチョウのようにペチャクチャ しゃべっている Ten Canoes (2006) |
I will procure the gold | | [JP] わしはあの黄金を手に入れる Das Rheingold (1980) |
And I'll tell you another thing. I'm going to get a girlfriend. | | [JP] その他諸々と 彼女も手に入れるんだ Blood Price (2007) |
A guy could get ahold of some of the real stuff. | | [JP] 俺様は、いくつかの本物の 食材を手に入れる事が出来る Forbidden Planet (1956) |
He who awakes her and wins her for himself would undo my power for ever! | | [JP] 彼女を目覚めさせ 彼女を手に入れる 男が現れるならば... Siegfried (1980) |
They want and they always get it. | | [JP] 必ず手に入れる Hollow Triumph (1948) |
I am forced to obtain information however I can. | | [JP] なんとしても自分で 手に入れる必要があった Affliction (2005) |
I am gonna get the team new uniforms, a team box with air-conditioning and a TV. | | [JP] 新しいユニフォームとエアコンにテレビ付きの ロッカールームも手に入れる予定なんだ Brewster's Millions (1985) |
So, you were busy getting your machetes and your nice shoes while we were being shot at. | | [JP] それじゃ、お前は自分の鉈と ステキな靴を手に入れるのに忙しかった訳だ 俺たちが銃撃している間でさえも Rescue Dawn (2006) |
Yet I usually get what I want. | | [JP] 普通 欲しいものは手に入れる Love Hurts (2007) |
Drink it now and your fine sword is mine, and helmet and gold into the bargain! | | [JP] 今 それを飲め... そうすれば わしはその剣と 一緒に頭巾と財宝を手に入れる Siegfried (1980) |
We're getting us a charger. | | [JP] 充電器を手に入れる Cellular (2004) |
We need 1, 000 able-bodied men to help us get that water. | | [JP] 水を手に入れるため 1000人の人手がいる Bastille Day (2004) |
Maybe I'll go back and get one myself? | | [JP] 俺が戻って自分のを 手に入れるかもだって? Rescue Dawn (2006) |
We cannot let that happen. This thing must come to Gondor. | | [JP] 何が何でもゴンドールが 手に入れるのだ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) |
And maybe we can actually never have it no matter what. | | [JP] たぶん、実際には決して手に入れる 事は出来ない... 何をしようとも... The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) |
I'm going to get the clothes. | | [JP] 服を手に入れる Blood Price (2007) |
I can finish him off with ease, and the ring and the hoard are mine! | | [JP] わしは奴を厄介払いし 指環と財宝を手に入れる Siegfried (1980) |
I'll never let Suliman get hold of Howl | | [JP] 私は離さないよSuliman ハウルを手に入れる Howl's Moving Castle (2004) |
You're gonna tell your men to help us get that water off the moon. | | [JP] 囚人達に水を手に入れるのを 手伝うようにと告げる Bastille Day (2004) |
We don't move till we got the treasure in hand. | | [JP] 宝を手に入れるまでは 動けねぇんだよ Treasure Planet (2002) |
There's a big palm tree at the west end of the lake. | | [JP] 一度だけだから よく見てて だから 金は手に入れるって Too Late for Tears (1949) |
Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat. | | [JP] 「オレの予想じゃ 最初にチケットを手に入れるのは... 食い意地の張ったのデブガキだ」 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) |
Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place... atop the pantheon of explorers! | | [JP] それを手に入れた人は誰でも 永遠なる場所をも手に入れる... そう 探検家の神の域に達するというのか! Treasure Planet (2002) |
The sword that failed my dying father is forged anew by his living son. | | [JP] 他人の力で永遠の宝を手に入れる 死にゆく父の剣は砕けたが 生きている息子がその刀を作り直した Siegfried (1980) |
Pull in at the next pump. | | [JP] スタンドがあったら 給油し 地図を手に入れる The Hitch-Hiker (1953) |
They're totally dependent on us for food, fuel... and they've agreed to organise the workforce for the water detail on the moon. | | [JP] 食料は私達に依存しています 燃料も・・・ その代わりに 水を手に入れるのに力を貸すと Bastille Day (2004) |
- 'Cause I was just thinking, maybe you'll go back and get one yourself. | | [JP] - なんでこれが面白いんだよ? - なんでって、ちょっと考えてたんだよ、 ひょっとしたらお前は戻って 自分の分を手に入れるかもしれないって Rescue Dawn (2006) |
I am impossible to get. | | [JP] 私を手に入れるなんて Sin City (2005) |
The reality is that it can be easily obtained | | [JP] 簡単に手に入れることが できるという現実です Gakkô no shi (2003) |
It's written in magazines how to obtain marijuana? | | [JP] (早乙女) 雑誌に書いて いるんですか 大麻を 手に入れる方法を Gakkô no shi (2003) |
We'll end up with both the sword and the Cauldron. | | [JP] 後から剣とコルドロンを手に入れるよ The Black Cauldron (1985) |
Though you laugh, I long for you and one of you must yield to me! | | [JP] お前達がどれほど笑おうと 俺の欲望は お前達から離れない 一人は手に入れる Das Rheingold (1980) |
If I cannot extort love, can I by cunning attain pleasure? | | [JP] 愛はどうしても手に入れる事は出来ないが 抜け目なくやれば快楽は物に出来るだろうか? Das Rheingold (1980) |
You can get bullets or maybe you'd prefer dumplings. | | [JP] 弾薬を手に入れるかまたは 好みの「団子」を得るか Assembly (2007) |
I'm going to get the money. And I'm going to get the hot car, okay? | | [JP] 金も手に入れる 凄い車もな わかったか? Blood Price (2007) |
And believe me, I know, the only way to get there is together. | | [JP] 信じて それが未来を 手に入れる唯一の道よ The Matrix Reloaded (2003) |
I'm gonna get that for you. | | [JP] 手に入れるよ The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) |
Talas could've had anything... anyone. | | [JP] タラスは何でも手に入れることができた 誰でも United (2005) |
..goods and equipment I needed to survive. | | [JP] 生き延びるのに物資・設備を手に入れるのを Borderland (2004) |
You should have got your own. | | [JP] お前たちは自分のものを手に入れるべきだ Ten Canoes (2006) |
Often far from us | | [JP] 手に入れるために闘うが Le roi soleil (2006) |
The hoard and the ring will be his to command so how can I make it all mine? | | [JP] 奴は財宝と指環を手に入れる どうやってそれを横取りするか? Siegfried (1980) |
The CIA held him for four days but they can't hang onto him forever! | | [JP] CIAが彼を四日間も拘束しとったんやけど もう決して彼を手に入れることはでけへんでぇ! Rescue Dawn (2006) |
Ralph. | | [JP] - 待っている - 分かっている、すぐ手に入れるよ ラルフ The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) |
Only he can attain the magic to fashion the gold into a ring | | [JP] 黄金を指輪に造りかえる秘術を 手に入れる Das Rheingold (1980) |