The principal source of the slowdown in economic growth... | | [CN] 经济放缓的主要原因 The Big Short (2015) |
This shows your metabolism is slowing down | | [CN] 这证明你身体的机能都在放缓 Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (2011) |
Broadway 912, can you slow to three quarters? | | [CN] 百老汇912,能放缓到三个季度? Spiders 3D (2013) |
And that's where we'll leave you. | | [CN] 如果你的心率放缓 你急切的想呼吸的话 我们才给你供氧 If your heart rate slows meaning you're able to catch your breath, we'll turn it back down. Deadpool (2016) |
But I can slow it down. If I work on it every day, I can maintain it. | | [CN] { \fnYouYuan\fs14\bord1\3aH82 }但我可以让衰退过程放缓 如果我每天做想象练习 我就可以保持这个能力 Blind (2014) |
Before you bet, you look away and you breathe out very slowly, like you're trying to... | | [CN] 你下注之前 会看旁边 呼吸放缓 就像你在... Red in Tooth and Claw (2013) |
When we break down the foundation of classic market economics we are left with a pattern of monetary exchange that simply cannot be allowed to stop or even substantially slowed if the society as we know it is to remain operational. | | [CN] 当我们打破旧有市场经济模式 留下了一个货币交换的模式 这种状况无法停止 或甚至无法大幅放缓 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011) |
- That could mean never. | | [CN] 我们应该放缓点 在大家接受我们关系时 再加深我们彼此的了解 Love & Friendship (2016) |
Slowed down recently, mind, but... | | [CN] 近期放缓,头脑,但... Svengali (2013) |
Even if this thing was slowing down, it still had significant velocity. | | [CN] 即使这件事是放缓, 它仍然有显著的速度。 Angle of Attack (2014) |
- instead we're slowing down. | | [CN] - 在放缓。 Age of Tomorrow (2014) |
See it gradually slowing down, and as the fluid goes in, the heart gets a little whiter, because there's no blood going into it. | | [CN] 可以看见血流逐渐放缓 流进心脏的液体变白了 因为没有血液进入心脏了 First to Last (2011) |
Why are we slowing down? | | [CN] 我们为什么要放缓? |
...a warning that economic growth could slow. | | [CN] 有专家提醒,经济增长可能会放缓 The Big Short (2015) |
I understand you've uncovered the church dome... but that progress has slowed down. | | [CN] 你们已经清扫了教堂的顶部 可发掘工作放缓了下来 Exorcist: The Beginning (2004) |
As the economy slowed, equity in prices failed, especially in the high tech sector, were previous high evaluations were being reevaluated resulting in significant losses in some investments. | | [CN] 随着经济的放缓,期货价格下跌。 特别在高科技领域, 以前的过高估价会被重新评估... 结果会导致投资的大量损失。 Cypher (2002) |
But if you could maybe just go ten percent less shrill, that'd really put the zip-a-Dee in my doo-dah. | | [CN] 但要是你能把声音放缓和十分之一 But if you could maybe just go ten percent less shrill, 那就真成了我的天籁之音 that'd really put the zip -a The Anxiety Optimization (2015) |
Then maybe we need to be asking ourselves. | | [CN] 那么我们可能不得不放缓 次试图找出 Avenged (2013) |
And slow broadway 912 to three quarters, please. | | [CN] 放缓百老汇912到三个季度,谢谢 Spiders 3D (2013) |
♪ It started fast but it ends so slow | | [CN] ♪ 开头急奏,结尾放缓 Kill Your Darlings (2013) |
And this tractor trailer rig slowed down when it hit the fog. | | [CN] 这牵引车拖挂钻机 放缓 当它击中的雾。 Jayne Mansfield's Car (2012) |
Hey, you got a strike now. Don't hit me, catch your fish. | | [CN] { \fnMicrosoft YaHei }放缓钓竿上的制动器,小心你的大拇指 Manchester by the Sea (2016) |
[ CAR SLOWING ] | | [CN] [ 汽车放缓 ] Dark Touch (2013) |
You know, for example, like telling a mother that her missing son would return alive or breaking up a family by advising for divorce. | | [CN] 告诉母亲,她的儿子 失落的是回来活着 或放缓至一个家庭 做一些事情的警示 The Possession of Michael King (2014) |
Asyoucansee , thisstormis showing nosignsof slowingdown! | | [CN] 如你看到的, 这场风波正显示出 没有迹象放缓的! Two Night Stand (2014) |
I'M NOT SLOWING DOWN. | | [CN] 我不会放缓。 Kid Cannabis (2014) |
They're not slowing down. | | [CN] 他们不会放缓。 Cat Run 2 (2014) |
Captain, we're at five knots and slowing. | | [CN] 队长,我们是在五节和放缓。 Silent Venom (2009) |
And if you don't get the sensation of slowing down by a certain point, all alarms go off in your head, and you sock the driver in the chest. | | [CN] 如果你没有得到的感觉 由某一点放缓, 所有报警在你的头上去了, The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014) |
"Yeah, we've gotta stop Shoreham, however we can." | | [CN] "索尔海姆只是放缓。" Pandora's Promise (2013) |
Didn't bother slowing down at the gate and got arrested by the Marines. | | [CN] 没有理会在门口放缓 而被逮捕的海军陆战队员。 Taking a Chance on Love (2009) |
Time slows down as you drift deeper and deeper into your cave. | | [CN] 随着时间放缓 你渐渐迈入内心深处 Kill Your Darlings (2013) |
And if they could see us and we are them... they fly the flag of another perhaps a route, evade the day more distance. in the lake - | | [CN] 要是故意让他们看见我们怎么样? 我们装作没有注意到他们。 那么他们也许会放缓, 会尝试另一条路。 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015) |
Wait, so it was slowing down? | | [CN] 等等,所以有人放缓? Angle of Attack (2014) |
Well in excess of it's rapid rate of increase, accordingly the slowdown in the economy that began in the middle of last year intensified, perhaps even to the point of growth stalling out around the turn of the year. | | [CN] 大大超出了需求增长的比例。 去年中期开始的经济增速的放缓更加剧了... 甚至可能会在年末使生产的增长进退两难。 Cypher (2002) |
Not only did I not get the sensation of slowing down, I got the opposite. | | [CN] 我不仅没有得到轰动 放缓的,我得到了相反的。 The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014) |
Hey man slow down. | | [CN] 嗨,老兄放缓。 The Swimmers (2014) |
- It seems to be slowing down. - What? If we check the distance from earth we're faster than that | | [CN] 它已经放缓,预计 从地平面是不正确的。 Age of Tomorrow (2014) |
I'm going down the street and everybody they're slowing down and they're looking at me like they don't wanna be involved, who is this idiot down there? | | [CN] 我打算在街上 大家正在放缓 他们看着我 像他们这样做不是想 参与这个白痴 谁是那里? American Grindhouse (2010) |
[ SNIFFS ] NOT TOO MANY, SO TAKE IT SLOW. | | [CN] [ 嗅着不太多了,所以把它 放缓。 Detour (2013) |
¶ she is slowing everybodydown¶ | | [CN] 她正在放缓 大家下来 Believe Me (2014) |
He's slowing down. | | [CN] 他放缓了作案脚步 Into the Woods (2010) |
Will you slow down, for Christ's sake? | | [CN] 您将放缓,为基督的缘故? Freeway (1996) |
For some reason, the progress has been slowed. | | [CN] 出于某种原因, 进度已经放缓。 The Pyramid (2014) |
Lending by the formal banking system and, in particular, the state-owned banks which dominate the system, whereas that began to slow down at least somewhat, what is called a shadow banking system emerged to, as it were, supplement it. | | [CN] 特别是那些占市场主导地位的国有银行 当他们试图开始放缓贷款增速时 这些个所谓影子银行的体系 How China Fooled the World: With Robert Peston (2014) |
Who knows, if I hadn't had got sick, I might not have ever slowed down and I might have already had a heart attack and died, so... | | [CN] 谁知道, 如果我没有了生病了, 我可能没有以往任何时候都 放缓,我可能已 有心脏病发作死亡,所以... Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2010) |