The Order are trapped in Silent Hill. The notebook says so. | | [JP] 教団はサイレントヒルに囚われてる ノートにはそう書いてあった Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
- No, listen to me. The Order, they want you. | | [JP] - 聞けよ 教団は 奴等の狙いは君なんだ Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
In the meantime here's something to help you pass the time. | | [JP] それまで― 〝太陽教団〟 〝太陽教団〟 これでも読んでくれ You'll Be the Death of Me (2008) |
The faith arrested the heir to highgarden. | | [JP] ハイガーデンの跡継ぎを 逮捕したのは教団だ Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015) |
17 were killed, 7 in custody, 5 arrested in the past year. | | [JP] 37人の教団メンバーは ヘブンポートで確認された 17人が殺害されて 7人は拘留中でした 昨年は5人逮捕した Resurrection (2014) |
Is this new cult, old cult, fan club, copycat, groupies? | | [JP] 新しい教団 古い教団 ファンクラブ 模倣犯 追っかけ? Resurrection (2014) |
"The FBI raided the safe house of four Sistemics members in Frankfort, Kentucky, this morning... | | [JP] "今朝 FBIは システミクス教団の隠れ家を捜索"― Inside (2015) |
It's your cult, isn't it? | | [JP] あなたの教団でしょ? For Joe (2014) |
Of course, and the faith were armed on your orders. | | [JP] もちろんですが、教団は 王妃陛下の許可で武装しました Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015) |
Of course I have. It's that wacko cult. | | [JP] もちろん知ってる 狂信的カルト教団だ The Red Tattoo (2013) |
We are a religious organization dedicated to the preservation and salvation of the human race. | | [JP] 人類の保護と救済に 身をささげる宗教団体だよ You'll Be the Death of Me (2008) |
He hasn't been seen in public since 1994, when Mossad identified him as the man behind the bombing at the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires... which killed 85 people. | | [JP] 94年以降は姿を消してます モサドの見解ではユダヤ教団センターの ブエノスアイレスの事件にも Tin Man Is Down (2013) |
The Order's power is broken. Alessa's nightmare is over. | | [JP] 教団の力がなくなって アレッサの悪夢は終わった Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
Her name was Alessa. This Order tried to cleanse her with fire. | | [JP] 悪魔の名前はアレッサ 教団は彼女を火によって浄化しようとした Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
I'm not a lawyer. I'm here on behalf of the Fellowship of the Sun. | | [JP] 弁護士ではなく 太陽教団の代理だ You'll Be the Death of Me (2008) |
Was I a member of the cult? | | [JP] 俺 どっかの宗教団体に入ってたっけな? え? Haze (2005) |
We call them "the Brethren". The most devout servants of the Order. | | [JP] 俺たちは「兄弟」って呼んでる 教団に最も忠実な手下だ Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
In the days before the Targaryens, the Faith Militant dispensed the justice of the Seven. | | [JP] ターガリアン朝以前の時代には、 教団軍が神々の正義を代行していた Sons of the Harpy (2015) |
Before yesterday, I-I knew very little about you and Joe Carroll and his cult. | | [JP] 昨日まで 殆ど知らなかった あなたとジョー・キャロルと 彼の教団について For Joe (2014) |
Reactions from national and international religious communities have been varied. | | [JP] 国家や宗教団体の反応は様々です The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) |
Well, the Faith Militant was disarmed more than two centuries ago. | | [JP] 教団軍は2世紀以上に解体されました Sons of the Harpy (2015) |
We know about the cult. | | [JP] 教団の事は知ってる Pilot (2013) |
They call themselves the Order of Valtiel. | | [JP] 彼らはヴァルティエル教団と名乗っている Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
It was like a cult compound.All the kids looked like zombies. | | [JP] カルト教団ね 子供たちはゾンビみたい We Are Not Animals (2007) |
It is believed to be the work of Carroll's cult. | | [JP] キャロルの教団の 仕業と考えられてる For Joe (2014) |
Visualize is not a cult, and it is exactly bigotry like that that leads to murders like this. | | [JP] ヴィジュアライズは カルトでは無い このような殺人に通じてる教団だと 考えるのは 偏見だ The Red Tattoo (2013) |
Are these your cult boys or a new fan club? | | [JP] これはあなたの教団の少年 または新しいファンクラブ? Resurrection (2014) |
So is it Joe's old cult? | | [JP] それで それはジョーの古い教団なの? Resurrection (2014) |
Guys like me were kinda shunned in most religious organizations. | | [JP] 私の様な男は ほとんどの宗教団体で蹴られた The Good Shepherd (2012) |
While the wing nuts on the left keep pushing their so-called vampire-rights legislation, I'm more concerned with basic human rights. | | [JP] 左派の連中が 〝太陽教団 スティーヴ・ ニューリン牧師〟 〝太陽教団 スティーヴ・ ニューリン牧師〟 〝太陽教団 スティーヴ・ ニューリン牧師〟 ヴァンパイアの権利を 叫んでいますが 私は人間の権利を懸念します The Fourth Man in the Fire (2008) |
My concern is that the Faith does not adhere to the same standards of proof as the crown. | | [JP] 私の心配は、教団は 王宮と同じ水準で証拠を重んじない点です Hardhome (2015) |
Looks like there's a new cult. | | [JP] 新しい教団があるようね Resurrection (2014) |
Is this the work of Carroll's cult? | | [JP] これはキャロルの 教団の仕業でしょうか? Resurrection (2014) |
Trey's into some scary ass shit. Satanic shit. | | [JP] トレイは悪魔教団かなんかに 入信してる Dark Places (2015) |
It says here: "Religious zealots called the Order of Valtiel, secretly ran the town for the last 100 years. | | [JP] "ヴァルティエル教団と呼ばれる狂信者たちが Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
What the hell? | | [JP] 彼の危険な教団... 一体なんなの? Resurrection (2014) |
trying to save the world, stop everyone from hurting themselves or committing suicide. | | [JP] 宗教団体の入間ガ何ガだろ 目殺志顧者を 説得しようってL丶う Vampire (2011) |
The True Story Of Joe Carroll And His Blood Cult" | | [JP] ジョー・キャロルと 殺人教団の実話です" Resurrection (2014) |
While some of them respond in cold and measured optimism, most religious communities have considered recent events to be apocalyptic. | | [JP] 楽観的意見がある一方で ほとんどの宗教団体が ハルマゲドンと捕らえています The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) |
- I was the Master of the Order. | | [JP] - 私は教団のトップだった Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
This is what cult expert Ryan Hardy had to say earlier today. | | [JP] これは何なのか 教団の専門家ライアン・ハーディ 今日以前に言っていました Resurrection (2014) |
Looks like there's a new cult. | | [JP] 新しい教団みたい For Joe (2014) |
Because I am a child of the Order. | | [JP] 俺は教団の人間なんだ Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
He was a member of the Order. These people want you, they need you. | | [JP] 教団のメンバーだったんだ 奴等はお前を狙っている 必要なんだ Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) |
Hydra is practically a cult. | | [JP] ヒドラは事実上狂信的教団で... Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) |
But you armed the Faith Militant. | | [JP] でも、母上が教団軍を武装化したのでしょう Sons of the Harpy (2015) |
Commissioner, do you think this could be the work of Joe Carroll's cult? | | [JP] 長官 これは目的通り だったと思いますか? ジョー・キャロルの教団の? Resurrection (2014) |
But I fear the Faith has left reason behind. | | [JP] しかし、教団は理性に耳を傾けなかった The Gift (2015) |
The Church of England has now joined other extremist religious groups in proclaiming the phenomenon, a sign of a coming apocalypse... | | [JP] "イングランド教会を占拠した 過激な宗教団体による・・" Shaun of the Dead (2004) |
No, Bret Stiles runs a worldwide cult with thousands of followers and billions of dollars in assets. | | [JP] いや ブレット・スタイルズは 数千人の信奉者と数十億ドルの資産を持つ 世界規模のカルト教団を率いている Black-Winged Redbird (2013) |