According to eye-witnesses there was an outstandingly ugly cat loitering around the vicinity at that time. | | [JP] 目撃者によると みすぼらしい猫がその時間帯に 事件現場をうろついていた とのことです Cat City (1986) |
I have an alibi for any time you want. | | [JP] どの時間帯であろうとな All in the Family (2014) |
I have eight people representing me at eight simultaneous meetings in six time zones right now. | | [JP] 今 6つの時間帯の 8つの会議に― 8人の代理人が出ている Chapter 12 (2013) |
There are no fish out there this time of day. | | [JP] この時間帯は魚がいない Son of God (2014) |
All I know is the message and the guy showed up around the same time. | | [JP] いえ 同じ時間帯に 現れたことだけです The Puzzler in the Pit (2014) |
Simon, rewind the footage, please. | | [JP] サイモン その時間帯の録画を見せて Go (2015) |
There were several unsubstantiated reports Of the so-called "burning man" In the area following the attacks. | | [JP] その同時間帯に"燃える男"の 目撃情報が報告されています The Nuclear Man (2015) |
That's the middle of the commuter rush on the East Coast. | | [JP] 東海岸の通勤ラッシュの 時間帯だ CMND:Crash (2015) |
He no longer exists in this time line. | | [JP] 赤の時間帯には存在しない Minute by Minute (2014) |
Victim one, who has been identified as Justin Murray, was taking his dog, victim two, on what appears to be a late-night or early-morning walk when they were attacked. | | [JP] 害者は ジャスティン・マーレイと 連れていた 犬1匹です 寝静まっている 時間帯に Chupacabra (2014) |
I apologize for calling you at this hour, but... we have received a number of grievances from your floor concerning the noise. | | [JP] このような時間帯に お電話して申し訳ありませんが 苦情を多数 受けておりまして そちらの階からの 騒音が気になると... John Wick (2014) |
At this hour, almost certainly his PA. | | [JP] この時間帯だと そこにいるのは個人秘書のはずだ His Last Vow (2014) |
I want to see it, not be in it. | | [JP] その時間帯には 居ない CMND:Crash (2015) |
What you're asking for is too dangerous, not to mention next to impossible with the given time frame. | | [JP] 今の時間帯では、 その作戦を実行する時間がない上、 完全に無理な作戦。 Bang and Burn (2007) |
We clocked the quality of light with the time of day, and it pretty much fits his wheres and whens. | | [JP] 明るさと場所と時間帯を比べ、 合ってると思う。 The Message (2007) |
Same state, same time zone. | | [JP] 同じ州で 同じ時間帯よ Pilot (2015) |
Head to the youth facility and talk to the other counselors that were working on Natalie's shifts. | | [JP] ナタリーと同じ時間帯に働いていた 他のカウンセラーの話を聞いてみて War of the Roses (2012) |
Now would be a great time to try and score something? | | [JP] この時間帯で 色々持ってこられると思うか? Peter (2015) |
It was night. | | [JP] あの 時間帯を考えてみて下さい The Gentle Twelve (1991) |
They vary the times, vehicle routes. | | [JP] 彼らは時間帯 車両ルートを変える Blunt (2015) |