Okay, you wanna know anything else, you go back down to the docks and you see my guy Stan. | | [JP] よし 他に何が知りたい? 君は波止場に戻って 私の部下のスタンに会え Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) |
So, you withdraw from your relationship with your husband, the man who strolled along the quays of Livorno, Italy, and called you Bella. | | [JP] だから... 夫から身を引きたい イタリアの波止場で 君をベラと呼んだ男から... Coquilles (2013) |
The big shoot-out? | | [JP] 波止場の銃撃戦は? The Magic Hour (2008) |
There are spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in the town. | | [JP] この家は見張られてる おそらく町の港も波止場もそうだろう The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) |
I've opened a chat on Jamaica Quay, so I can appeal directly to Everyone. | | [JP] ジャマイカ波止場で チャットを始めた これで エブリワンに直接 訴えかけられる We Are Everyone (2013) |
The death of Standish was a real mystery until you used the same compound, to blow up the wharf. | | [JP] 君が同じ化合物使って 波止場を吹き飛ばすまでは スタンディッシュの死は 実に不可解だった Sherlock Holmes (2009) |
We found him snoring on the docks, so we brought him back. | | [JP] 波止場で酔いつぶれてたのを 俺達が連れて帰ったんだ Purple Noon (1960) |
- You still live in 44-55 Old Wharf? | | [JP] - まだ44 -55の古い波止場に住んでる? Power Rangers (2017) |
The corner of 1st and Effie. Right down by the docks. | | [JP] 波止場に向かう角よ Brave New World: Part 2 (2012) |
Yeah, well, apparently he's, uh, rebuilding his jetty into, uh, a pier or a wharf, whichever's bigger. | | [JP] その 埠頭? 波止場かな そこに 自分の桟橋をもっと大きく建てなおそうとしてる Blood and Sand (2011) |
You should have killed me in that dockyard, Detective. | | [JP] お前はあの波止場で 俺を殺さなかったことを後悔するぞ Skin Trade (2014) |
Wait. A wharf. Would you call that a wharf? | | [JP] 波止場って呼ぶんでしょう? Blood and Sand (2011) |
Far as I can tell, the only mistake I made was not shooting you down at the docks when I had a chance. | | [JP] 知る限りでは 唯一の間違えか 波止場で君を殺さなかった チャンスが有ったのに Damaged (2012) |
In his spare time, he frequents a Web site called | | [JP] 彼は自分の自由時間に しばしば ジャマイカ波止場という We Are Everyone (2013) |
A big shoot-out at the docks, yet no police show up? | | [JP] (天塩) 波止場で銃撃戦があっても一 なぜ警察は 出動しないか The Magic Hour (2008) |
We come all the way down to your docks, and it turns out, you don't need the police after all. | | [JP] 波止場までわざわざ 行った 結局 警察は必要ない Honor Thy Father (2012) |
You impounded heroin at the docks this afternoon. | | [JP] 今日の午後 波止場でヘロインを押収されましたね? Kindness (2015) |
We couldn't have anticipated the vigilante showing up at the docks, Master Shredder. | | [JP] 自警団を予想できませんでした 波止場に現れて マスター・シュレッダー Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) |
who worked in the stores in Paris near the Quais. | | [JP] 殺されたのは 波止場近くの パリの店で働く 若い娘だった 死因は溺死で The Raven (2012) |
I was riding my bike by the docks. | | [JP] 波止場で自転車に乗ってたの Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) |
She's gotta be on one of those four container ships at dock. | | [JP] 彼女は波止場のこの4隻の コンテナ船の1つにいるはずよ Beta (2014) |
Orphans. Grew up on the wharf. | | [JP] 孤児で、波止場で成長した In the Heart of the Sea (2015) |
A life of a man, a good man, a stevedore on the docks of the city in which we live. | | [JP] 人の生命 善良な男 都市の波止場の湾岸作業員 Honor Thy Father (2012) |
Um, I witnessed an attempted Foot Clan robbery at the docks in Brooklyn last night. | | [JP] 私は目撃したの フット団の強盗未遂 昨夜ブルックリンの波止場で Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) |
The coast guard confirms it arrives at Pier 21 at the Jersey Docks in less than three hours. | | [JP] 沿岸警備隊は その船が3時間後に ジャージーの波止場の21埠頭に 到着することを確認した Skin Trade (2014) |
What? The boathouse down by the dock? | | [JP] 波止場のそばの船小屋をか? Eggtown (2008) |
Now I'm sorry if this particular locale lacks the glamour you're accustomed to because there's no drugs, or naked girls shakin' their arses. | | [JP] 今時の若者に 波止場は退屈だよな ヤクはないし ストリッパーもいない Point Break (2015) |
First of all, I'm going to remember you walking along the quays of Italy in the sunshine with a trail of signori behind you shouting, "Bella, Bella, Bella. " | | [JP] まずはじめに、俺が思い出すつもりなのは 日の光が差すイタリアの波止場を 歩いている君の姿だ、 その時は君の後ろを旦那方が列をなして Takiawase (2014) |
Jamaica Quay is anonymous. | | [JP] ジャマイカ波止場は 匿名の場だ We Are Everyone (2013) |
found this at your docks. | | [JP] 波止場で これを発見した Honor Thy Father (2012) |
Hangin' out on this dock while I'm onto something? | | [JP] 波止場でブラついて Point Break (2015) |
Chris, it's April. I'm at the docks. | | [JP] クリス エイプリルよ 波止場にいるの Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) |
He worked security on the docks up until nine months ago, around the same time that gun shipment went missing. | | [JP] 彼は9ヵ月前まで波止場の 警備をして働いてた 同時期にその銃の 積荷が行方不明になった Wingman (2014) |
This first massacre happened at a dock in Tampa. | | [JP] 最初の虐殺は タンパの波止場で起きた The Marchioness (2013) |
Down by the docks. | | [JP] 波止場までいった Proteus (2013) |
Then there are labour problems at the docks and revelations that high government officials are drug addicts and perverts. | | [JP] そうなると波止場で労働問題が起こり 政府の高官が麻薬中毒で 変質者であることが明らかになるでしょうな End of the World (2015) |
I've been monitoring "Jamaica Quay." | | [JP] ジャマイカ波止場を監視してたんだ We Are Everyone (2013) |
This ship docked there for supplies, | | [JP] この船は必需品の為に 波止場に停泊した The Promise (2014) |
No, uh, a pier. | | [JP] いや 桟橋 待って 波止場だね Blood and Sand (2011) |
Run patrol for the docks. | | [JP] この波止場の警備を Pilot (2016) |
New Jersey docks. The ship is called The Cambodian Star. | | [JP] ニュージャージーの波止場にいる 船の名はカンボジアンスターだ Skin Trade (2014) |