53 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *海士*
หรือค้นหา: 海士, -海士-

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
海士[かいし, kaishi] (n) seaman [Add to Longdo]
海人;海士;蜑[あま, ama] (n) (1) (esp. 海人, 海士) (See 海女) male diver; (2) (esp. 海人, 蜑) fisherman #9,875 [Add to Longdo]
一等航海士[いっとうこうかいし, ittoukoukaishi] (n) first mate; first officer [Add to Longdo]
海士[こうかいし, koukaishi] (n) mate; navigation officer [Add to Longdo]

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Become my navigator, Baby-chan. [CN] 来当我船上的航海士吧 小宝贝 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
I'm a navigator. [CN] 我可是航海士 One Piece Film Z (2012)
Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops. [JP] 電子生命体の航海士だよ あらら Treasure Planet (2002)
I'll use you as my navigator for the rest of your life. [CN] 我就把你当作航海士使用一辈子 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
I've decided to join Shiki's crew as their navigator. [CN] 我决定加入史基一伙做他们的航海士 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
It's over, so throw it away! [CN] 我决定加入史基一伙做他们的航海士 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
Got your Masters Mate's and Pilot's license, right? - You ain't shipping out without that. [JP] 海士の免許証も必要だぞ Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Navigation team to Shiki-sama... [CN] 海士小队呼叫史基大人 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
The first mate brings the red shirt and the captain puts it on. [JP] 海士が持ってくると船長は着た The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
You know, a real wayfinder never sleeps... so they actually get where they need to go. [JP] 知ってるか? 本物の航海士なら... 目的地に着くまで 眠ったりせずに目を開けてる Moana (2016)
And as captain and first mate, we will be expected to give an account of what happened. [JP] そして、船長と1等航海士として 我々は事件の報告を することになっています In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
I'm reminded of the moment when first officer Tate was sucked into that wormhole in episode six. [JP] 1等航海士のテートが ワームホールに飲まれたのを 思い出す The Final Frontier (2012)
Haddock's treacherous first mate? [JP] ハドックの船員に 裏切り一等航海士 The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Hardly appropriate for a first mate. [JP] 一等航海士を口説くの? Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
First mate is a "her"? [JP] 一等航海士は女か? Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
A second mate. Someone to help out. [JP] 二等航海士 Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
I've got your navigator! [CN] 海士我带走了 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
You've met my first officer, Mr. Arrow. [JP] すでに会ってるのが 一等航海士のアロー Treasure Planet (2002)
Then why don't I head off to welcome back our navigator. [CN] 那么马上就去迎接我们的航海士 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
Listen, I am not a navigator. [JP] 僕は航海士じゃない。 Pandorum (2009)
Captain George Pollard and his first mate,  [JP] 船長ジョージ・ポラードと 彼の1等航海士 In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
First mate wouldn't let it happen On account of his premier standing with the Lord. [JP] 神様のために働いてるってんで 一等航海士が助けたんだ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
My people are going to need a master wayfinder. [JP] 村人には航海士の先生が必要よ Moana (2016)
Welcome, my excellent navigator. [CN] 欢迎你 我们优秀的航海士 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
There's no finer officer in this or any galaxy. Mr Silver? [JP] どの銀河を探しても彼女ほど 優秀な航海士はいないのだ シルバー? Treasure Planet (2002)
Young girl, it is not the moment of rêvasser! [CN] 海士,没时间发呆了 One piece: Dead end no bôken (2003)
"Navigator, plot us a course for blue water." [JP] 海士 深部へのコースを Phantom (2013)
Let the crew deal with the remainder. You went by there all length? [CN] 安啦,剩下的就交给航海士 One piece: Dead end no bôken (2003)
You should know fully well that what I need is a talented navigator. [CN] 我需要更加有才能的航海士 这一点你也应该很清楚吧 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
You are not a wayfinder. [JP] 海士じゃない Moana (2016)
Where is the first mate? [JP] 1等航海士は、どこにいる? In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
Navigation team... [CN] 海士小队 One Piece: Strong World (2009)
What be that, First Mate? [JP] 何事だ一等航海士 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Second mate and helmsman to the bridge. [JP] 二等航海士はブリッジへ Captain Phillips (2013)
"jory, our third mate, disappeared overnight. [JP] "ジョリー三等航海士が 朝には消えていたので" One Night Stand (2013)
After the battle, the first mate asks,  [JP] 戦闘のあと、航海士は尋ねた、 The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
The captain shouts to his first mate,  [JP] 船長は航海士に言った/i The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
And a lady, at that. [JP] おまけに一等航海士は女 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
It had my Masters Mate's and Pilot's license in it. Jesus Christ, Joy. [JP] あれには航海士の 免許証が入ってた Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Its crew must be out of the commun run! Imbecile! [CN] 可见船上一定有优秀的航海士 One piece: Dead end no bôken (2003)
My only problem is that I accidentally got hooked on a journal written in 1849 by a dying lawyer during the voyage from the Pacific Isles to San Francisco. [JP] 助けと言うのは ある日誌の事だ 1849年太平洋からシスコへ向かう 航海士の日誌 Cloud Atlas (2012)
Normally, a captain gets to choose his first mate. [JP] 通常、船長が自分で 1等航海士を選ぶ In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
- My loyal first mate. [JP] 俺の忠実な1等航海士 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
That's more than I've ever paid any first officer. [JP] 今まで、どんな1等航海士に 支払ったより多い In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
Regarding your first mate, Who pretends to be persons she is not. [JP] あの一等航海士 化けの皮を被ってるぜ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
If it's the price of consulting the doctor, talk to our navigator. [CN] 要船塢修理費的話 去找我們的航海士 One Piece Film Z (2012)
How many miles more? [CN] 海士,到达预定攻击点还有多远? Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
As navigator, I need to get back to normal, so I can guide Sunny Go! [CN] 身為航海士 肩負著指引sunny號的重任 我不變回來可不行啊 One Piece Film Z (2012)
When's that technician comin', Fitzpatrick? And where the hell's Chief Bangs? [JP] 技術者はいつ来る フィッツパトリック 航海士バングスはどこだ? The Finest Hours (2016)

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