But their prey stay down low and close to the buildings. | | [CN] 纽约市的游隼密度 居世界之最 Cities (2016) |
The falcons need to flush their prey into the open. | | [CN] 游隼俯冲时的飞行时速 超过时速322公里 Cities (2016) |
Despite his best efforts, the peregrine has been outmanoeuvred and outperformed. | | [CN] 尽管已尽最大努力 游隼还是在灵活性和整体表现上略输一筹 Europe (2012) |
And so many peregrines can live here, because down at street level, there is a lot of potential prey. | | [CN] 高耸的建筑上面有许多平台 可供游隼筑巢 Cities (2016) |
And the great areas of concrete roasting in the sun create thermals, so that, with very little effort, the birds can soar over the city. | | [CN] 奇怪的是 这片变化巨大的土地 竟然重现了游隼进化的生境 Cities (2016) |
Their mesmeric waves confuse the peregrine. | | [CN] 它们催眠式的波浪形飞行能够迷惑游隼 Europe (2012) |
A leopard. | | [CN] 一年到头都有着丰富的食物 游隼在此建立栖息地 仅用了四十年 Cities (2016) |
A peregrine falcon. | | [CN] 一只游隼 Birds (2009) |
Peregrine falcons and bat hawks are the jetfighters of the bird world. | | [CN] 游隼和蝠鹞是鸟类中的喷气式战斗机 Caves (2006) |
The peregrine pulls out of his stoop. | | [CN] 烈日下大面积的混凝土散发的热量 形成上升热气流 游隼不费吹灰之力 Cities (2016) |
Winds striking the sides of the skyscrapers are deflected upwards and can help the birds gain height. | | [CN] 而这只游隼正站在高处 俯瞰这座城市 Cities (2016) |
But the effort is not wasted. | | [CN] 不计其数的游隼定居于此 是因为城市近地面 生活着许多猎物 Cities (2016) |
The peregrine falcon is looking for his evening meal and he's hunting the world's best formation flying team. | | [CN] 游隼正在寻找他的晚餐 他要捕捉世上最佳的花样飞行表演队员 Europe (2012) |
Too risky. | | [CN] 风被摩天大楼阻挡后会向上偏转 有利于游隼飞得更高 Cities (2016) |
Carnivores, lured by the prospect of plentiful unsuspecting prey are on the prowl. | | [CN] 正中游隼下怀 Cities (2016) |
Peregrine and lagger falcons are the next big challenge. | | [CN] 游隼和猎隼是下一个大挑战 Asia and Australia (2012) |
And now, among skyscrapers, they're more successful than their cousins living in the wilderness. | | [CN] 游隼需要将猎物驱赶到开阔地带 Cities (2016) |
To stand a chance, the peregrine must up his game. | | [CN] 要想有机会 游隼必须提升自己的竞技水平 Europe (2012) |
They'll try any trick to steal a morsel. | | [CN] 只有游隼比它更快 Mountains (2016) |