Oh, you know I can't control some of those fuckers. | | [JP] クソ野朗どもの 面倒は手が焼ける Out of the Furnace (2013) |
And so the chimney pulls the heat and the smoke over the meat. | | [JP] 煙突へ抜ける煙と熱で 肉が焼ける Barbecue (2017) |
He loved to watch people burn, the way their skin blackened and blistered and melted off their bones. | | [JP] 彼は楽しんでいた 人が焼けるのを見て 皮膚が黒くなり水ぶくれが出て 骨まで溶ける様を見て Kissed by Fire (2013) |
The cheese, it burns! | | [JP] チーズが焼ける! Penguins of Madagascar (2014) |
Ah, nuts. It's just shizzle. | | [JP] ああ ばかめ 焼けるようだった Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) |
This hurts my burns. | | [JP] 焼ける様に痛いわ Tricks and Treats (2012) |
Women will fuck up your life. | | [JP] 女には手が焼ける Wings of Desire (1987) |
I saw your body burn. | | [JP] あんたの身体が焼けるのを First of His Name (2014) |
I saw my God's house burn, there where I had healed men and women beyond counting. | | [JP] 私の神の家が 焼けるのも見ました 私が数えきれない程の人々を 癒してきた場所を Fire and Blood (2011) |
Just as I am, I leap into the stream, longing for its waters to engulf me in rapture, | | [JP] 焼けるような心を流れの中に 冷やそうとする 俺は あるがままの身を 小川に 躍らせる Siegfried (1980) |
Then we can have waffles every day. | | [JP] 毎日ワッフルが焼ける Back to Where You've Never Been (2012) |
Because it burns. So? | | [JP] 焼けるからさ Bloodlines (2014) |
Our job just got harder. | | [JP] 思ったより手が焼けるな Knight Rider (2008) |
I don't have time for this shit. | | [JP] 世話が焼けるぜ Jersey Boys (2014) |
-There's some left. -Oh? There's some? | | [JP] あるよ まだ焼けるよ (美月)えっ ある? Dream Police (2015) |
You're singeing my circuits! | | [JP] 回路が焼けるじゃないか! Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002) |
You must admit she works hard with those chicken feathers! | | [JP] ポッポちゃんは 世話が焼ける Wings of Desire (1987) |
It burns if you're evil. | | [JP] お前が化け物なら 焼けるはずだ Bloodlines (2014) |
Now it's good as new. | | [JP] 今は新品みたいに焼ける。 The Crocodile's Dilemma (2014) |
I'm told that you never forget the smell of burning flesh. | | [JP] 人の焼けるにおいは 強烈だとか Do You Regret What We Did? (2007) |
It burns! | | [JP] 焼ける! Tricks and Treats (2012) |
[ sizzling ] woman: | | [JP] [ ジュージューと焼ける音 ] 女: 私って おてんばだった? Life in a Day (2011) |
I won't watch you burn. | | [JP] あなたが焼けるのを 私は見ていられません Fire and Blood (2011) |
Your uselessness is epic. | | [JP] ほんとに世話が焼ける人 Fool's Gold (2008) |
I'll get sunburnt. | | [JP] 日に焼けるんだもん 冷たっ! Hamburg × Hamburg (2016) |
The fact that you're standing around a fire, braaiing a raw piece of meat. | | [JP] 火を囲んで 肉が焼けるのを待つ Barbecue (2017) |
- It burns... | | [JP] - 痛い 焼ける... Look Who's Back (2015) |
It's a deal I made with my mother in exchange for her silence on the matter, as well as the occasional use of her George Foreman Grill that seals in the flavor without the fat. | | [JP] 母と取引したの 脂肪を取り除いて焼ける ジョージ・フォアマン・グリルもね (アメリカで人気の家電) The Robotic Manipulation (2010) |
"Piss on wildfire and your cock burns off." | | [JP] "火薬に小便かけるとちんちんが焼けるぞ" The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012) |
Felt a burning sensation on my hands, put my hands up to my face. | | [JP] 手が焼けるようで、手を顔に当てた Zero Dark Thirty (2012) |
-We can make another serving. -Really? | | [JP] もう1枚分 焼ける (美月)本当? Dream Police (2015) |
Nights like this, I'd like to take a match to this city just so I could watch all these motherfuckers burn. | | [JP] この街を燃やしたい 畜生の焼ける姿が見られる Legion (2010) |
What temperature do you think bacon gets extra crispy? | | [JP] ベーコンが焼けるのは. どんな温度だと思う? Jurassic City (2015) |
-[ IN NORMAL VOICE ] Let me see your face! -It's burning! | | [JP] - 焼けるわ! Burn, Witch. Burn! (2013) |
Did you not feel your flesh creep as horror transfixed you to the spot? | | [JP] 焼けるようなおののきが お前を揺さぶり... Siegfried (1980) |
-This is so stupid. | | [JP] - 手が焼けるな The Green Hornet (2011) |
Impervious to the extreme cold of the Artic, and the scorching heat of the African desert... | | [JP] 極寒の北極にも、アフリカの砂漠の 焼けるような熱にも影響を受けない... Snowpiercer (2013) |
When their hair caught fire and the smell of their burning flesh filled the throne room... | | [JP] 彼等の髪の毛に火がつき― 人肉の焼ける臭いが充満すると Eastwatch (2017) |
Church ain't over until the snakes are back in the bag, know what I mean? | | [JP] 手の焼ける荒くれ者だ どういう意味か分るだろ? Out of the Furnace (2013) |
But they've got a new weapon. | | [JP] この土地をカリカリに焼ける Defenders of Peace (2009) |
I see the fire and smell the flesh. | | [JP] 燃える炎と 肉の焼ける匂いが甦った Silence (2016) |