itseemsprettyironic that with all of our advances, we still have not come up with anything as durable as clay tablets and stone tools. | | [CN] 很具讽刺意味的是 这就是我们所谓的先进技术 我们现在仍未能找到一种比石刻更经久的 Life After People (2008) |
Although most scientists and archaeologists, descredit Von Däniken's interpretation of the Palenque carvings, visitors to the site are often trade to stories, and offer souvenirs that support his claim. | | [CN] 虽然很多科学家和考古学家 并不认同Von Daniken 对帕伦卡石刻的诠释 但纷至沓来的参观者还是愿意买账的 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
Mosquitoes are one thing, but when Hurricane Claire was coming I said, "Cliff, it's time to go home." | | [CN] 蚊子是一回事,但是当 飓风克莱尔来了... ...我说,"摩崖石刻,是时候回家了。" Vice Versa (1988) |
3500 miles away, in the Republic of Bolivia, stone work exists, which is amazingly similar to the statues of Easter Island. | | [CN] 3500公里之外 在玻利维亚共和国 也有这样的石刻 与复活节岛上的巨人像惊人的相似 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
And somehow the sculptures at Tiwanaku, were constructed in the same style, and with the same enigmatic expressions, as their distant cousins on Easter Island. | | [CN] 然而提瓦纳库的石刻 不论在造型风格 还是在神秘性上 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
The drawing if the glyph you asked me for is finished | | [CN] 你向我要的石刻图样 已经完成了 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
Landa established the base for deciphering the glyphs which were a mixture of syllables and words | | [CN] 他建立了破解这些混合着音节 及字体的石刻图样的基础 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
You know what my ancestors wrote with this glyph? | | [CN] 你知道我的祖先在这些石刻上 写些什么吗 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
But if ancient aliens possessed the technology to travel the universe, with the only evidence of their journey be in the form of a few carvings, or a mysterious map? | | [CN] 但如果古外星人拥有太空旅行的技术 仅能通过一部分石刻 或是一幅神秘的地图来证明 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
This is a copy of the same scriptures in modern characters. | | [CN] 这是石刻文字的螣印本 Double Vision (2002) |
In 1921 the decoding of the tablet of 96 glyphs at Palenque began | | [CN] 在一九二一年 他们在佩伦奎这个地方 开始翻译九十六个石刻像 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
"This is a glyph of fire, and this is a rodent | | [CN] 这是一个火烧的石刻 这是一只啮齿动物 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
50 years after Maudslay's photos were published they were also used by scholars to study the glyphs and inspired many expeditions to the region | | [CN] 在矛德斯雷照片公开五十年后 他们也被学者用来研究石刻像 并鼓舞着许多探险队 来到这个地区 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
He used to observe the Maya and noted their use of glyphs and later, tried to translate them into Spanish | | [CN] 他惯于观查玛雅人并记载 他们对石刻的用法 且尝试将它们翻译成西班牙文 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
Even older than the Antikythera mechanism... are these carvings on a wall... at the Dendera temple complex in Egypt... to some... the strange designs look early similar to objects very much in use today. | | [CN] 比起安梯基齐拉计算机更老的 就是在埃及的但德拉神庙 墙壁上的石刻 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
By 1958, half the glyphs could be read in the '60s, Heinrich Berlin and Tatiana Proskovriokoff | | [CN] 在一九五八年以前 有一半的石刻可以被翻译出来 在一九六O年翰理查柏林 及塔提亚那古克理克弗 翻译另外二十个 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
This is no good. We're on top of the monument. | | [CN] 這不太好,我們在石刻像的頭頂上 North by Northwest (1959) |
Among the earliest types of physical specimens, numerous cave and rock drawings, and stone sculptures found all over the globe. | | [CN] 存在于我们在全球各地找到的 各种壁画 石刻还有各种具体样本当中 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
i would have to say that mount rushmore, carved out of solid granite in an ecologically stable place, the only enemy it has is wind-driven pellets of rain. | | [CN] 拉什莫尔山的石刻雕像 用坚硬的花岗岩雕刻而成 化学性质非常稳定 Life After People (2008) |
On this lap an incredible enchiseling. | | [CN] 在这些石刻当中 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
Inside, they discovered writing carved into the stone. | | [CN] 在观中发现一篇石刻文字... Double Vision (2002) |
Some of the monuments photographed by Maudslay reveal the richness of design carved in stone | | [CN] 我们由矛得斯雷所拍的 一些石刻图案照片中 可以看出石头上的雕刻 是多么的丰富 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
Maudslay drew derailed plans and made sketches of the monuments | | [CN] 矛德斯雷绘制着细部图样 及石刻的草图 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
As the first glyphs were decoded it was believed that all the texts were religious in nature concerned with the passage of time and the observation of the stars | | [CN] 当第一个石刻碑文 被翻译出来时 一般相信所有文章 自然是宗教上的 有关时间的过往和星象的观察 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
The floor was completely covered by a monumental slab of carved stone | | [CN] 地板 被一块巨大的石刻板完全覆盖 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
They contain glyphs | | [CN] 他们包含着石刻 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
The glyphic writing was forgotten After the burning of the codices | | [CN] 在可狄斯被烧毁后 这石刻的字迹便被人遗忘 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
The molds of reliefs and glyphs which he made enabled the study of the inscriptions | | [CN] 他做成叶子及石刻的模子 以便可以研究碑文 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
That these carving represented gods and priests and that the glyphs were concerned only with the calendar | | [CN] 而石刻仅被认为是日历 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
In the '70s Linda Schele and Floyd Lounsbury with Peter Mathews discovered title glyphs of the royal family | | [CN] 在一九七O年 琳达思雪尔和弗伊德劳弗 以及彼得马希斯 发现皇室家族的石刻 Mystery of the Maya (1995) |
but ancient astronaut theorists, interpret the carving a vastly different way... | | [CN] 然而 古外星人理论家对这些石刻的诠释 却与之大相径庭 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
Most believe the illustration shows Pakal descending into the Mayan underworld. | | [CN] 很多人相信这些石刻描绘了 帕卡勒降临玛雅人间的故事 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |
But ancient cave drawings and stone carvings, are the only type of illustrations that fascinate ancient alien theorists? | | [CN] 但是只有古代石刻和洞穴壁画 能够让古外星人学者感兴趣吗? Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009) |