I already did. Livermore Labs. Theft over the weekend. | | [CN] ンレ睫 ミ矚 モム゙ハ 耒ハネムヌハ 硼ンム肆ム ネ蒟ヌ栁 ヌ眦モネ賍 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
or boron, or God knows what, | | [CN] 寫成一段鎂, 硼, 之類的信息 Hail Mary (1985) |
So this name Simon is probably not an alias. | | [CN] ヌ眦ムフヘ ヌ・モヌ淏趾 硼モ ヌモã Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- That cut deep? - How would I know? | | [CN] 裔 衵ヌ ヌ睥ムヘ レ肬゙ ゚泚 硼 ヌ・ヌレムン Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- I seen one. Not like this. | | [CN] ムテ桄 貮ヘマヌ 硼モ ゚衵ヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
The mayor's office'll call later today. | | [CN] モ桄ユ・聲ハネ ヌ睿ヌ゚綵Nン・蒟ヌ栁 ヌ硼跂 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Christ almighty, Charlie! - Like I said, very cool stuff. | | [CN] ハヤヌム硼 ヌ矣レ菲 レ硼゚ ゚翩 ゙睫 ヌ蒟ヌ 翩マノ ホヌユノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Hey. I'm talkin' to you. | | [CN] 褊・ヌ蓖 ヌハヘマヒ ヌ硼゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Did you talk with Holly? | | [CN] 裔 パ矼ハ 聚 褂硼 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
The trucks are probably already out in California. | | [CN] 衵・テ趁跫ノ ン・゚ヌ硼ン趁ヌ蓖ヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Alan - bomb squad, special services, state police and the FBI. | | [CN] ツ砌 聿 ンム゙ノ ヌ矼ハンフムヌハ ヤムリノ ヌ礦睇栁 ・ヌ瞞ムリノ ヌ矍マムヌ硼ノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Inspector? Phone. - Not now. | | [CN] 衂ハン ヌ淲ヌ ヌ矼ベ゙ 硼モ ヌ眥・桒 ネ淸モ趾 ヘムヘノ ヌ矼ム贄 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Beer is normally taken internally, John. | | [CN] ハヤムネ ヌ睚樰ノ マヌホ硼ヌ 桒 フ趾 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
He wants control over him - his actions, thoughts, even his emotions. | | [CN] ヌ蒟 樰榘 ヌ瞠毖ムノ レ硼・・レ碆 ヌレ翩砒 ・ヘハ・耿ヌレムå Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Is there a detective named McClane there? | | [CN] 裔 裝ヌ゚ 裝ヌ゚ 聨ハヤ 榘レ・翩゚硼ä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
It's nice to be needed. | | [CN] 瞿泚 ヌ・涇趾貮 ネヘヌフノ ヌ硼゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Simon will tell Lieutenant McClane what to do, and Lieutenant McClane is going to do it. | | [CN] モヌ淏趾 モ﨔ネム ヌ矼睇メ綵N翩゚硼・翩 泚レá ・ヌ矼睇メ・翩゚硼・モ洄跂 ネミ矚 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
You know what those guys are doing to my shop? - Chill out. | | [CN] 裔 睹涇 ヌ・ン゚ムノ 翩ミヌ 泚レ・ヌ趁ニ゚ ヌ瞰ネ栁 ネ耋硼 ヌ眥ä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Just give me some aspirins, will you? - Yeah, OK. | | [CN] ヌヘヨム 硼 ネレヨ ヌ眦モネ樰淸 ヘモ萇 ヌ耨゚ 衵ヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Boric acid. Solution or powder? | | [CN] 硼酸用什么规格的? The Woman on the Beach (1947) |
What's there to know? | | [JP] 何壺申してある 硼のために当たり前のこと Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011) |
He's a fuck-up, not a psycho. The guy we want is nuts. | | [CN] ヌ蒟 ゙ミム ・硼モ 耜櫢 ムフ砌ヌ 耄蓙ä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Frankly, you haven't been much... - Mind your fuckin' business about Holly. | | [CN] ネユムヌヘノ 桒 フ趾 ヌ萍 矼 パ臀N褊・貮睫ム ヌ衞・ネテ耜゚ ヘ趁 褂硼 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Sounds like a secret admirer. - Maybe he'll send me flowers. | | [CN] 柀マ・ヌ蒟 睹涇 聚フネヌ モム桒 桒 フ趾 蒂・瞽砒 樰モ・硼 メ褂ムヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Don't stop, don't stop, just keep drivin'. Run the red light. | | [CN] ヌモハ耜 ネヌ矗桒マノ ヌ゙リレ ヌ瞞ヌムノ ヌ睿耜ヌチ 睇 ハリ矗 レ硼 衵ヌ ゚・翩 睹í Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Just keep pressure on it. | | [CN] ハヌネレ ヌ瞶ロリ レ硼å Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Hey, Zeus. This a friend of yours? - He look like a friend of mine? | | [CN] 褊・桒 メ贊 裔 褂 ユマ洄゚ 裔 柀マ・゚ユマ洄 硼 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- What was the lottery number last night? | | [CN] 翩 ゚ヌ・ム゙・ヌ硼ヌ蒄柀 テ耨 4667 4667 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Everybody knows you like pansies. - It's not that kind of emotion. | | [CN] ヌ睥肬レ 汜ムン ヌ蓖 ヌヘネ ヌメ衂ム ヌ睛ヌ礦ヒ硼モ 衵ヌ ヌ砌賍 聿 ヌ矼ヤヌレム Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Damn right it is. | | [CN] 瞠睇聲パ テリ睚 ヌ硼゚ ヌ・ハミ衒 矣ヤヌムレ ヌ矼゙ヌネ畚Nヌ萍 耋゙ ヌ蒟 ヌ耜 ホヌユ ネヌヤムリノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Jesus, right? John McClane. I owe you one. | | [CN] 桒 ヌ砒・フ趾 翩゚硼臀Nヌマ淸 矚 ネ貮ヘマノ ンレ睇 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- He's on suspension. - No, Walter, he's not. Not today. | | [CN] ヌ蒟 肆゙赧 レ・ヌ瞽聶 睇 桒 貮睫ム ヌ蒟 硼モ 裝ヌ 硼モ ヌ硼跂 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Look, start acting crazy. | | [CN] レ硼゚ ゙リレ ヌ瞞ヌムレ ハユムン ゚耄蓙ä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
You mean, you want us to take it back to Tony? | | [CN] ヌ萍 ヌ萍 ハレ蓖 ヌ蒟 レ硼萇 ヌレヌマハ・ヌ碆 リ趾í Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
You're the first woman since Holly to see me do this. | | [CN] ハレムン淸 ヌ葹 ヌ趁 ヌ耜テノ ネレマ 褂硼 ハム淸・裃ミヌ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- About 2, 000 pounds. Of that? | | [CN] ヘ貮硼 2000 ネヌ趾マ 聿 ハ矚ソ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- You relating to me? Talk like a white man. | | [CN] モ葭モ・モ桒ムノ 矚偆N翩ミヌ ハヘヌ趁 ヌ・ハハモネネ 硼 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Should you slam it around like that? - It's unmixed. You can't hurt it. | | [CN] 裔 ハレバマ ヌ蒟 﨓ネ ハンフ樰衂 桒 ハヤヌム硼 ヌ蒟ヌ ロ樰 聽メ賣ノ 睇 淏゚蒟ヌ ヌ・ハトミí Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
That's funny. This elephant's dung shows a complete lack of boron. | | [CN] 奇怪,这只象的粪怎么没有硼 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980) |
The detonating mechanism can be anything. Radio, electrical... | | [CN] ヘモ萇 ツ硼ノ ヌ睫ンフ樰 ゙マ パ趾 ゚衽ネヌニ栁 ヌ・ネフ衂メ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
I don't have a problem with that. | | [CN] ゚睇 硼モ 睹偆N耿゚睨 聚 ミ矚 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Lieutenant Jergenson, Hugh Palmer - go to St John's Emergency in case we got any walk-ins from the street. | | [CN] ヌ矼睇メ・樰ロ萼趾 ヌ貶貶耜 ヌム榘゚ ヌ・ハミ衒 ヌ碆 リ貮ム・ モヌ萍 フ趾 ン・ヘヌ・賣賺 飜リン硼臀Nヌン・ヌ瞞ヌムレ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- He got enough to make another one, Joe? | | [CN] 裔 睹淲 翩 涇ン・硼ヘヨム 貮ヘマノ テホムì Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
What is it that you want Lieutenant McClane to do? | | [CN] 翩ミヌ ハム榘 聿 ヌ矼睇メ綵N翩゚硼・ヌ・泚レá Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Simon says Lieutenant McClane is to go to the corner of 138th Street and Amsterdam. | | [CN] モ淏趾 洄趁 矣聶ヌメ綵N翩゚硼・テ・槢衒 矣メヌ跫ノ ン・ヌ瞞ヌムレ 38 ・ヌ耨ハムマヌã Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
- Don't shoot me. Get up. | | [CN] 睇 ハリ矗 ヌ砌ヌム 睇 ハリ矗 レ硼 睇 ハリ矗 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
You have. | | [CN] レ硼゚ ミ矚 College Road Trip (2008) |
- Guy back there called you Jesus. | | [CN] ヌ砌ヌモ 裝ヌ゚ 萇マ赱 橆賍 ヌ硼モ ゚ミ矚 矼 洄趁貮 橆賍 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
You're gonna be wearin' that shirt up your ass! | | [CN] ハヤヌム硼 モハ睚モ ヌ矚ムモ・レ碆 ゙ンヌ゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |
Not to get too personal, but a white man standing in Harlem wearing' a sign that says "I hate niggers" | | [CN] 硼モ 睇・ミ矚 ヤホユí 矚・赭赧 ムフ・ヌネ櫢 贊リ 衂ム矼 樰ハマ・睇ンハノ 聲ハ貶 レ硼衂 テ゚ム・ヌ瞑蓙フ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) |