That's not why I used the gravity gun, I-- | | [CN] 筍涴甜祥岆扂恁蚚笭薯腔埻秪ㄛ扂 -- All-Star Superman (2011) |
Both sides of a Yin and Yang. | | [CN] 涴憩岆扂恁斕腔埻秪 陝惘 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Okay, so what do I have to do? | | [CN] 涴諫隅岆迻紺斕懂腔埻秪 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
The work doesn't stop just because I'm dying. | | [CN] 扂祥夔秪峈赻撩辦猁侚賸憩涴砐馱釬礿笴﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Ginger is nonaddictive, cocaine is. | | [CN] 汸羶衄傖颸俶ㄛ筍褫縐秪衄 Episode #1.5 (1990) |
Because my ma, maybe, maybe not, has to get one. | | [CN] -秪峈扂鎔... 珩勍頗ㄛ珩勍祥頗 斛剕猁讀珨跺 Mergers and Acquisitions (2002) |
With Jerry on the road, well... | | [CN] 秪峈豌瞳衱祥婓ㄛ鉣.. Episode #2.6 (1990) |
It is because you can fly. Go! | | [CN] 峈妦繫恁扂 岆秪峈扂嗣郲鎘 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Well, that's only because I've had the very worst of intentions. | | [CN] 頏ㄛ饒岆秪峈扂陑輒祥皋 The Young Lions (1958) |
I left my friends unprotected! | | [CN] 筍秪峈斕 扂淕跺游蚽飲囮敏誘 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
And around those secrets she built the fortress, well, that in my six months with her, I was not able to penetrate, and for which I consider myself an abject failure. | | [CN] 秪峈饒虳贈躇 坴峈赻撩耟れ詢詢腔悵誘Х 撈妏躲坴眈揭賸鞠跺堎 扂遜岆拸楊芼ぢ坴腔陑滅 因此我认为自己很失败 Episode #1.5 (1990) |
And I can already see why he's calling for help. | | [CN] 奧扂眒冪夔艘獗網寰腔埻秪賸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
A race of dinosaur men who escaped extinction by moving to the center of the Earth. | | [CN] 珨笱謁韓枅徹賸鏢橈眳婐... ...硐秪峈坻蠅痄懈善賸華陑爵﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Me? | | [CN] 岆腔 秪峈迻紺剒猁斕 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Too bad, because without him, we're screwed. | | [CN] 饒怮媎賸ㄛ秪峈羶衄坻ㄛ扂蠅湮模飲侚隅賸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Love is all around me And so the... | | [CN] 秪森... Love Actually (2003) |
Owen Rowan, to meddle... | | [CN] Owen Rowan 恨秪ㄆ Let's Get Owen (2007) |
No, that's not why. | | [CN] 祥ㄛ祥岆秪峈涴跺﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Because I think you're the best-looking girl in town. | | [CN] 秪峈扂橇腕斕岆涴爵郔淏腔藤 Elsewhere (2009) |
A 500-year prophecy fulfilled so you could spend your days kicking butt... | | [CN] 斕峈涴憩岆拫實湮呇艘笢斕腔埻秪鎘 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
I know I might be meddling... but we have to tell him, Hannah. | | [CN] и笵 砛и琌恨秪ㄆ 琌 и眔禗 Hannah Let's Get Owen (2007) |
Psychological. | | [CN] 陑燴秪匼 The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) |
Yes. | | [CN] - 妦繫 秪峈扂脣郲... Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
You've grown on me. | | [CN] 秪峈扂羲宎炰辣斕賸. Chaos (2005) |
Should have kept your beak shut. | | [CN] 祥岆 秪峈斕夔滄 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
And Han, I'm gonna need your input, because I'm working on an asian line. | | [CN] Han 扂剒猁斕腔膘祜 And Han, I'm gonna need your input, 秪峈扂淏羲楷捚粔炵蹈莉こ because I'm working on an Asian line. And the Fun Factory (2015) |
Einstein couldn't connect the gravitational force to the other three but if he could have seen this.... | | [CN] 乾秪佴拊羶夔參笭薯睿坳笱薯眈苀珨... ...褫坻彆艘徹涴跺... All-Star Superman (2011) |
Cause and effect. | | [CN] 涴岆秪彆壽炵 Elsewhere (2009) |
That's because they didn't see smoke, you idiot. | | [CN] 饒岆秪峈坻蠅羶艘善衄捈ㄛ斕涴跺啞博﹝ Attack the Gas Station! (1999) |
I was worried about you. | | [CN] 扂懂善涴爵 祥岆秪峈扂童陑陝惘頗陘塒 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
Haven't seen them since Southampton. | | [CN] 秪峈鰍假ぱ嗨遜羶衄艘善坻蠅﹝ Titanic (1997) |
Known that a friend is someone who gets into your kitchen, no matter what. | | [CN] 笵狟ね タ琌ê秈紁┬ (璶闽み狟ね 恨狟ね秪ㄆ) ぃ恨妓 Let's Get Owen (2007) |
Mitch McDermott. Raised in Hartsdale, but don't hold that against me. | | [CN] 譙ゑ闔肅蟹ㄛ慇尪湛ㄗ詢撰⑹ㄘ酗湮 筍岆梗秪峈涴欴奧枒栖扂 Big Girls Don't Cry (2000) |
You lack the imagination to see the alternatives. | | [CN] 秪峈斕屾砑砉薯ㄛ艘祥善恁砐﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
I mean, is all this for my birthday, or are we about to get serious here? | | [CN] 扂岆佽ㄛ涴珨岆秪峈扂腔汜ㄛ遜岆佽扂蠅腔壽炵猁載輛珨祭賸ˋ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Oh! Nice dramatic entrance. | | [CN] 秪森 堤部憩岆猁貌璨 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
"Italy was relieved today upon learning... | | [CN] "义大利政府松了一口气 秪峈郔詢楊埏... For All Debts Public and Private (2002) |
Totally! | | [CN] - 秪峈淩岆怮堵徽 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
because it yields more milk for its size... | | [CN] 秪峈坳垀莉堤腔騷掀坳赻撩腔极笭遜猁嗣... Strange Wilderness (2008) |
'Cause they had to report on the planes. | | [CN] 秪峈猁呴奀惆豢滄儂腔①錶 The Beales of Grey Gardens (2006) |
Is that why you're suddenly telling me the truth about your secret identity? | | [CN] 麵耋涴憩岆斕芼豢咂扂斕贈躇旯爺腔埻秪ˋ All-Star Superman (2011) |
I genetically engineered you myself. | | [CN] 扂赻勤斕輛俴腔價秪蜊婖﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Vincent was arrested with this hustler. | | [CN] 恅伬杻秪峈敤窋崠掩滋眸 Vincent was arrested with this hustler. Accomplices (2009) |
You only listen to classic rock 'cause Emo's for pussies, | | [CN] 斕硐泭冪萎牷幗 秪峈侄綾牷幗岆跤挶縉泭腔 Elsewhere (2009) |
Pray to Einstein for a miracle, Kent. | | [CN] 砃乾秪佴拊絰慫腔堤珋勘ㄛ諫杻﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
What? | | [CN] 岆秪峈諉狟懂 蛹孮斕蠅捄褶腔蔚頗岆朸韓湮狨 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
My son will punished be for his crimes. | | [CN] 赽頗秪垀溢腔郫俴奧彶善凱楠腔﹝ All-Star Superman (2011) |
Why me? Is it because I asked? No. | | [CN] 秪峈毞伢頗埣桵埣 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
The only entrance to the village is here. | | [CN] 蛁砩泭賸 秪峈扂祥褫夔笭葩蔡坋嗣梢 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) |
I'm here to get your living situation settled, now with janice gone. | | [CN] -扂懂涴爵... 岆秪峈湴屬佪祥婓賸 扂蠅斛剕堆斕酕虳假齬 Funhouse (2000) |