55 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *茫然*
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
茫然[máng rán, ㄇㄤˊ ㄖㄢˊ,  ] ignorant; to have no knowledge of sth #11,388 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
呆然;茫然;惘然[ぼうぜん;ボーゼン;もうぜん(惘然), bouzen ; bo-zen ; mouzen ( bou zen )] (adj-t, adv-to) dumbfounded; overcome with surprise; in blank amazement; in a daze [Add to Longdo]
茫然自失;呆然自失;ぼうぜん自失[ぼうぜんじしつ, bouzenjishitsu] (n, vs, adj-no) stupor; stupefaction; trance; (being) dumbfounded [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
She was gaping at their quarrel.彼女は彼らの口論を茫然と見つめていた。
She stood transfixed as if she had seen a ghost.幽霊でも見たかのように、彼女は茫然と立っていた。

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When you feel life out of focus... always return to basic oflife. [CN] 觉得茫然的时候 就要回归生命的根本 The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
And you haven't got a clue [CN] 既惊慌又茫然无助 Mulan (1998)
And I picked myself up, ashamed, and stammered confusedly: [CN] 我重新振作起来, 羞愧难当 茫然地结巴道 Case for a Rookie Hangman (1970)
From the minute I first laid eyes on it, I was lost, helpless completely caught up in this awful compulsion. [CN] 從我第一眼看到它起, 我就感到茫然無助... 完全被這可惡的慾望驅使. How to Steal a Million (1966)
Just dazed, let's say, shaken up. [CN] 只是茫然, let's say, shaken up. 2 Seconds (1998)
But I was devastated: [CN] 而我却感到完全无助茫然: The Hairdresser's Husband (1990)
You have no idea what you want to do with your life, so it seems that absolutely none of it applies to your life. [CN] 你不知道 你将来想要干什么 似乎你的人生 一片茫然 Episode #2.17 (1991)
You look all stressed up with nowhere to go [CN] 你又緊張又茫然 Sliding Doors (1998)
Things that made sense. [CN] 你记得在变成一片茫然之前... Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
Oh god he's looking at the camera. He hasn't got a clue. [CN] 天啊 他正看鏡頭呢 一臉茫然 Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
♪ And don't know where to go ♪ [CN] "去向茫然" Home on the Range (2004)
I see you're making the most of that birthday calendar. [CN] 我看见你很茫然 不知所措 Alfie (2004)
Tell me. Nothing, it's out of focus. [CN] 没有 没什么 一片茫然 Cinema Paradiso (1988)
And for once it might be grand [CN] 在我茫然生命中 Beauty and the Beast (1991)
An answer which will make you stand at the window and gaze with unseeing eyes at the helicopters at the helicopters senselessly buzzing in the night skies, and the ominous looking paratroopers. [CN] 一个可能令你站在窗旁 用茫然的眼睛凝视直升机 凝视夜空中漫无目的地嗡嗡作响的直升机, Night of the Carrots (1998)
- Dude, you're like a walking cliché. [CN] 伙计,你看上去很茫然 Chapter Ten 'Six Months Ago' (2006)
Other times when you were so... out there, I guess I half knew. [JP] ある時 君が 茫然自失になった時 気付いてた The Vest (2011)
I'm blank, listless, as though waiting for something... [CN] 我空白一片,茫茫然等待 La Vie en Rose (2007)
I could not tell. [CN] 茫然找不到答案 I could not tell, Moonlight Express (1999)
Bewildered, under armed guard, they walked to the station. [CN] 在武装卫兵的看守之下, 他们 茫然不知所措地走向火车站 Genocide: 1941-1945 (1974)
An actor stared at him blankly, not being able to understand what he was talking about and how to act. [CN] - 比如说感受树叶的摇曳 有个演员茫然地盯着他, 完全不明白他所说的话和表演方式 The Sacrifice (1986)
Foolish, inquisitive eyes. [CN] 她是那么茫然困惑 The Little Mermaid (1976)
Dazes one and all lt's an incredible moment [CN] 所有一切茫然目眩 这是一种难以置信的时刻 Garam Masala (2005)
The years stretch before me and if only I knew how to fill them. [CN] 我的生活就变得很空洞 我眼前一片茫然 不知如何来填补我的生活 The Remains of the Day (1993)
I am so stunned. [JP] 茫然とみえるんだ The Green Hornet (2011)
And I never know exactly where I am [CN] 茫然不知身在何处 The Sound of Music (1965)
"Who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth." [CN] "对于三千年的历史,未能了如指掌者尽管一天活过一天,他仍属于茫然无知。" -约翰・沃尔夫冈・冯・歌德 "Who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth." We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
Without knowing what awaited me. [CN] 未来仍是一片茫然 City of God (2002)
He stood silently at the window, gazing with unseeing eyes at the helicopters buzzing senselessly in the night skies. [CN] 他静静地站在窗旁, 用茫然的眼睛凝视直升机 凝视夜空中漫无目的地嗡嗡作响的直升机. Night of the Carrots (1998)
Where do we go from here? [CN] 千禧年 前途一片茫然 46 Long (1999)
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? [CN] 茫然迷惑的眼神 Beauty and the Beast (1991)
So I turned to Norman, he was somewhat puzzled, but I said, "The succubus has got him!", referring to this woman with the trembling hands that the witch doctors had said would touch Foreman and destroy him. [CN] 我转向诺曼 看到他满脸茫然 So I turned to Norman, he was somewhat puzzled, 我说 "女妖逮住他了" but I said, "The succubus has got him!", 指那个巫师所讲的 referring to this woman with the trembling hands When We Were Kings (1996)
♪ How do you go on if there's no way of knowing'? ♪ [CN] "茫然未知又如何能继续?" Home on the Range (2004)
I made a fool of myself earlier. [CN] 但我有点茫茫然了 而且今天稍早我出了自己的洋相 Flight of the Intruder (1991)
She was about 80-odd, and she was completely in a daze. [CN] 她大概有80多岁了, 完全处于一片茫然之中 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973)
Somewhere behind that vacuous face... that zombielike stare... is a real human being, and I can bring it out. [CN] 我想說的是,透過他那茫然的面孔, 和那殭屍般的凝視, 你會發現那是一個實實在在的人, 我可以向你們證明。 Zelig (1983)
The overwhelming German might, their relentless speed, above all the chaos in the Allied rear, as bewildered, untried troops dashed for safety, clogging the roads and preventing reinforcements reaching the front. [CN] 压倒性的德国武力, 他们毫不减弱的速度, 尤其是在盟军后方一片混乱, 因为茫然失措, 没有经验的部队 冲向安全的地方, Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
Because my whole life is goin' out of focus, that's why. [CN] 因为我的人生很茫然 The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
I didn't know what to do. [CN] 茫然失措了 Fermat's Room (2007)
She's deluding herself, and she's moody. She's not right for Tom. [CN] 她对前途一片茫然 而且喜怒无常 根本不适合汤姆 Match Point (2005)
I lost the signal for a second there. [CN] 我对着那个信号茫然了一会 Alfie (2004)
He looks at me like I'm a stranger. [CN] 让他一脸茫然看着我 The Specialist (1994)
Even an unknowing one. [CN] 甚至自己也茫然不知 The Man from Earth (2007)
# So bitter and so blind [CN] # 如此苦涩,如此茫然 Joseph: King of Dreams (2000)
Nothing. [CN] 感觉到茫然 After Sex (1997)
When I don't know which way my life should go, I have paid you back a hundredfold. [CN] 当我茫然不知归属的时候 我已经给了你很多 Léolo (1992)
I was able to see that this is not the old China, full of legends and superstitions, which westerners regard with a mixture of vague fright and reverential admiration for the unknown. [CN] 我看到现在的中国已经不是 那个充满了神话和迷信的旧中国了, I was able to see that this is not the old China, full of legends and superstitions, 而从前西方人民总是抱着一种对陌生者的 which westerners regard with a mixture of vague fright 茫然的敬而畏之的心情来看待中国的。 Jango (1984)
I felt nothing. [CN] 那一刻,我感觉到茫然 After Sex (1997)
I couldn't stop running it over and over and over in my mind, the vague and distant suspicion that we never understood what happened that night, what our role was. [CN] 这些在我心里不停的辗转反侧 茫然和冷漠的怀疑 我们不会知道那天晚上发生了什么 Gone Baby Gone (2007)

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