Then take out the actual threats, the blue collars.L | | [CN] 然后干掉真正的威胁 蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
I am sticking to this blue-collar strong thing. Blue-collar strong thing. | | [CN] 我还是紧跟蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
he'sgoingto be blindsided. he'sgoingto be blindsided. He's out of the game. | | [CN] 蓝领走到最后 宝贝 Keep It Real (2015) |
That's how you appeal to the working class. | | [CN] 才能向蓝领阶级呼吁 Our Brand Is Crisis (2015) |
No-collar tribe, so i think she bonds better with the blue | | [CN] 我认为她跟蓝领更来电 所以 Keep It Real (2015) |
i'mjustsaying, if, if. The game plan at this point is The game plan at this point is to run the game all the way to | | [CN] 现在的计划是跟蓝领走到最后 Keep It Real (2015) |
With nagarote, she was with the white collar and i was obviously White collar and i was obviously with a blue collar. With a blue collar. | | [CN] 她跟白领 我显然是唯一一个蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
With us, or join blue collar. | | [CN] 要么加入蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
wegotme , you, kelly, will . Chop 'em, you know what i mean? | | [CN] 我 你 Kelly Will 干掉蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
Maybe with the people here today, but not with the working class. | | [CN] 也许对今天在场的人有用 但对蓝领阶级没用 Our Brand Is Crisis (2015) |
It seems to be blue versus no It seems to be blue versus no collar. Collar. | | [CN] 好像是蓝领对阵无领 Keep It Real (2015) |
After a surprise switch, kelly was the only blue-collar member Was the only blue-collar member on the new nagarote tribe. | | [CN] Kelly是新Nagarote部落中唯一的蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
Definitely with the blue-collar all the way to the end. | | [CN] 但是 我肯定会跟蓝领到最后 Jeff死哪了 Keep It Real (2015) |
- No, we agreed that would be a PR disaster. | | [CN] 那你是宁愿惹毛那些蓝领货车司机 New Hampshire (2014) |
I haven't since the beginning. I knew she would go back to the | | [CN] 我知道她会回去蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
Nothing better than down-to-earth, blue collar Billy Joel with Elton John, the queen of England. | | [CN] 没有人比他们更好的了 接地气的蓝领比利·乔伊和英格兰女王埃尔顿·约翰 Trainwreck (2015) |
We don't want to deal with the blue collars. Blue collars. | | [CN] 这样我们才能击败蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
Side right now and tyler is telling me we should go with Telling me we should go with blue collars. Blue collars. | | [CN] 而Tyler告诉我 咱应该跟蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
I felt extremely disrespected by these blues, so now i'm looking | | [CN] 这些蓝领太不尊重我了 Keep It Real (2015) |
Far as i know. Blue collar, seems like they're Blue collar, seems like they're sticking together, too. | | [CN] 蓝领 他们好像也抱团 Keep It Real (2015) |
Bottom. Despite all the troubles the Despite all the troubles the blue-collar tribe seems to be | | [CN] 虽然蓝领部落有着各种内部问题 Keep It Real (2015) |
Reminds me of my blue collar days. | | [CN] 我想起了我的蓝领日子我。 Bermuda Tentacles (2014) |
The cornflower blue tie. That's the one I should be wearing. | | [CN] 矢车菊蓝领带 我该戴那条的 The End of the Aisle (2014) |
thisgroupof bluecollars thisgroupof bluecollars has shown that even though they Has shown that even though they all hate each other, they will All hate each other, they will vote together. | | [CN] 这群蓝领显示出 即便他们讨厌彼此 Keep It Real (2015) |
- And bring back the blue tie. | | [CN] 取回蓝领带 知道了 长官 The Things We Bury (2014) |
Out jenn or hali. We'll break up a power couple We'll break up a power couple and five blue collars are still | | [CN] 五个蓝领就还是统治这个游戏 Keep It Real (2015) |
tellwillhail, but we're tellwillhail, but we're voting jenn. | | [CN] 哟 咱蓝领说了算 我们告诉Will写下Hali的名字 Keep It Real (2015) |
So if i stick blue-collar So if i stick blue-collar strong, you caroline and kelly | | [CN] 好吧 所以如果我紧跟蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
Before, and the blues saved me, but i was really excited to see | | [CN] 蓝领救了我 但是 Keep It Real (2015) |
The thing, is he's still a blue, and he's still going to vote And he's still going to vote with them, but it's nice to hear | | [CN] 问题是 他仍是蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
Grab the white collars because i'd rather play with white I'd rather play with white collar than blue collar at this | | [CN] 干掉蓝领 因为我现在宁愿跟白领合作 Keep It Real (2015) |
I don't trust blue collar and i I don't trust blue collar and i don't like 'em. | | [CN] 因为我他妈不信任蓝领 我不喜欢他们 Keep It Real (2015) |
- Dude. Excuse me. - Thank you. | | [CN] 你嘛帮帮忙 会比收揽蓝领的人心更重要吗? Our Brand Is Crisis (2015) |
Own and keep the blue-collar numbers strong. Numbers strong. Nagarote wins immunity. | | [CN] 我信任蓝领部落 他们挺我 Keep It Real (2015) |
Looking beautiful for rodney, isn't it? | | [CN] 嘿 Rodney形势大好 不是吗 我们有五个蓝领 - 是 Keep It Real (2015) |
It feels like a weight off my shoulder. Shoulder. | | [CN] 我认定蓝领了 Keep It Real (2015) |
Right now strategy-wise, it Right now strategy-wise, it looks like the five blue are Looks like the five blue are still strong, so all we got to | | [CN] 现在从策略上看 好像五个蓝领还很团结 Keep It Real (2015) |
Collars, four no collars, three white collars. White collars. | | [CN] Mike 我看到五个蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
I'm telling you, this is going to be a walk in the park. | | [CN] 但蓝领开始注意到 Keep It Real (2015) |
iamscaredtodeath. | | [CN] 但蓝领互帮互助 Keep It Real (2015) |
ifwegetkelly, that will ifwegetkelly, that will just cripple them. | | [CN] 如果我们干掉Kelly 就能重创蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
I was working on them, this fake alliance for us blues. Alliance for us blues. | | [CN] 只为了咱蓝领 我一直把你我放在第一 Keep It Real (2015) |
Decided to throw the challenge in order to protect one of their | | [CN] 保住蓝领的人数优势 Keep It Real (2015) |
It would be a blue collar one he can do alone. | | [CN] - 较大可能是能独立操作的蓝领 Boxed In (2014) |
The beauty from Harvard Law and the blue-collar Fed from the wrong side of Brooklyn. | | [CN] 哈佛法学院正妹检察官和... 布鲁克林落魄的蓝领探员 Secret in Their Eyes (2015) |
The kid from Mount Kisco! The blue collar kid! | | [CN] 从基斯科山来的蓝领孩子! Need for Speed (2014) |
If blue collar wins the vote tonight, i'm afraid that blue | | [CN] 如果蓝领赢得今晚的投票 Keep It Real (2015) |
It's a blue-collar operation, it's hands-on, but think about it, the Department of Energy? | | [CN] 这就是个蓝领行动 要亲自动手的 但你想想啊 能源部? Fallout (2013) |
You have the white collar, the no collar and obviously the | | [CN] 显然还有最好的蓝领 Keep It Real (2015) |
The blue collar kid from Mount Kisco is trying to wear Cinderella's slipper. | | [CN] 基斯科山的蓝领小子正在上演灰姑娘的童话 Need for Speed (2014) |