Oscar Beasley, special assistant to the administrator. | | [JP] 特別補佐官のビーズリーだが Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988) |
Do you think any of this would have happened if my mother had a chief advisor who knew what the hell was going on in her administration? | | [JP] これは首席補佐官が政権内の 状態を把握してないのが原因でしょ Day 7: 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (2009) |
If anyone gets a career boost from this, that person's going to be you. | | [JP] 泉も首相補佐官に内定している 君の好きな出世コースじゃないか Shin Godzilla (2016) |
Ironically, for safety. I'm not buying that, okay? | | [JP] 監督補佐官は 他の捜査ファイルも Bones (2005) |
booth: Got to be kidding. | | [JP] 違う 監督補佐官だ Bones (2005) |
Consider yourself lucky, Saul, that Higgins called us and not the President or his National Security Advisor. | | [JP] 運がいいと考えろ、ソール ヒギンズがわれわれを呼んだんだ 大統領や 安全保障補佐官ではない Good Night (2013) |
I've got word about an assistant Deputy Chief to the US President. | | [JP] 米国大統領次席補佐官が 密かに来日 Shin Godzilla (2016) |
But he promoted the notion that Ryan Burnett was our best chance of identifying these people, and Bauer asked to be allowed to question him. | | [JP] 彼はバーネット補佐官が 共謀者とつながる手掛かりだと... バウアーがさらなる尋問を要求してきました Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
The assistant director-- he just kept me at the office. | | [JP] 監督補佐官に 部屋に引きとめられた The Cold in the Case (2014) |
Broke down on 14th Street. His aide stayed with the car, Admiral called a cab. | | [JP] 途中で故障を 補佐官に任せ タクシーで Designated Target (2007) |
Finch, McCourt and his aide have been working on more than just policy positions. | | [JP] フィンチ マコートと 補佐官はうまくやってる ただの政策的立場を越えて Death Benefit (2014) |
You kidnapped the President's aide to get yourself put on her schedule. | | [JP] 君は補佐官を誘拐し 彼女との面会を取り付けた Wanted (2013) |
That's why the assistant director asked for your advice. | | [JP] 監督補佐官も 話してたことだね The Cold in the Case (2014) |
Well, if that's the case let's pray that Aide Akasaka can handle the White House. | | [JP] ホワイトハウスと やり合うなら 駆け引きのうまい赤坂補佐官に 期待するしかないよ Shin Godzilla (2016) |
I'm gonna tell one of my aides to have a change of clothes for us before we get there. | | [JP] 私は私の補佐官の一人に伝えるつもりです 私たちのために衣服を交換する 私たちがそこに着く前に。 10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. (2017) |
My aide is still in the hospital. | | [JP] 私の補佐官はまだ病院にいて End of the World (2015) |
It's a bitch being Chief of Staff, Mike. | | [JP] それは首席補佐官のマイクよ Control-Alt-Delete (2015) |
No, all of that is from the assistant director. | | [JP] 違う 監督補佐官だ The Cold in the Case (2014) |
When you're retire as my chief of staff, you're gonna have a real place on jeopardy! | | [JP] 補佐官の任務が完了したら 次の大統領は君だな 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2014) |
I'm honored, but Hideki Akasaka would be a better choice. | | [JP] 赤坂首相補佐官が 適任かと思いますが Shin Godzilla (2016) |
You date a special assistant to the President, word gets out. | | [JP] 大統領特別補佐官とデートって うわさが立ってるの Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down (2004) |
He just left Yokota Air Base and is already en route to see the PM. | | [JP] ああ 次席補佐官は既に 横田を出てここに向かっている Shin Godzilla (2016) |
My new junior associate | | [JP] 彼は新任の補佐官だ The Fate of the Furious (2017) |
That isn't good. Contact the Chief Cabinet Secretary. | | [JP] 長官室へ行く 赤坂補佐官と 森戸さんに連絡してくれ Shin Godzilla (2016) |
Mike offered to take me with him as an aide. | | [JP] 補佐官に なれって Ladder 49 (2004) |
I'm thinking about bringing Olivia on as a special advisor. | | [JP] オリビアを特別補佐官にしたい Day 7: 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (2009) |
And if you think the chief of staff is up your ass right now, imagine what he's gonna do when he finds out that you had a heads up on this and you dismissed it. | | [JP] もし、補佐官がこの件を調査し始めたら あなたが私の意見を聞き入れなかったことが どんな結果を招いたか、明らかになるでしょうね 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2014) |
I'll also be reporting that you authorized Bauer's release from custody and arranged for his access to the victim. | | [JP] しかも、拘留中のバウアー氏を 被害に有った補佐官に会いに行かせたと Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
I want that to be you. | | [JP] あなたに首席補佐官になってほしい Chicago (2007) |
I spoke to an aide. No go. | | [JP] 補佐官に話したが 無駄だ Silver Wings of Time (2014) |
The e-mail I read said administrative aide? | | [JP] 私が読んだ電子メール 行政補佐官は言った? Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) |
Yeah, but he'll report me to my lieutenant! | | [JP] ああ 絶対に彼は 補佐官にを報告する! Broken Dolls (2013) |
So, the assistant director's having you review other agents' files? | | [JP] 監督補佐官は 他の捜査ファイルも 見直すの? すごい量だけど? The Cold in the Case (2014) |
So, the assistant director asked me to review your test results and your latest psych profile. | | [JP] 監督補佐官が ぼくのテスト結果と 最新のプロファイルを - 見たとしても The Cold in the Case (2014) |
Not just arastoo. | | [JP] 監督補佐官が ぼくのテスト結果と Bones (2005) |
Whoa. | | [JP] - そうだね 監督補佐官も 話してたことだね Bones (2005) |
Booth, booth! | | [JP] いいか オレにも 出来ることがある 監督補佐官に 部屋に引きとめられた Bones (2005) |
Chief of Staff? | | [JP] 主席補佐官? An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
The president and I would like you to consider coming on board as special advisor to the president. | | [JP] 大統領と私は君に特別補佐官 として内閣に参加してほしい Day 7: 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (2009) |
/Director Galloway, our /national security advisor | | [JP] 国家安全保障担当の キャラウェイ補佐官です Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) |
Director Galloway, what an honor. | | [JP] ようこそギャラウェイ補佐官 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) |
including Chief of Staff. | | [JP] 例えば、大統領首席補佐官だ Chicago (2007) |
The President's chief of staff is already all over me about Bauer. | | [JP] すでにバウアーに関する権限は すべて大統領の補佐官に移っている 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2014) |
There's this aide's position that I can put your name in for. | | [JP] 補佐官が良いと思う Ladder 49 (2004) |
At the time, I thought I couldn't be the father she needed and an aide to Congressman Schumacher. | | [JP] 当時は理想の父親と議員補佐官の 両立なんて無理だと思ったんだ Clear (2016) |
Yeah, I'm, I'm going to be reporting in this evening's broadcast that a rogue ex-federal agent named Jack Bauer is the prime suspect in the murder of Ryan Burnett. | | [JP] 今夜の放送間に合わせたいのです 元CTU捜査官 ジャック・バウアー氏が 議長補佐官 殺人容疑に関わっている事です Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |