I cannot defeat my brother in the field. | | [JP] 弟に負ける訳にはいかない The Night Lands (2012) |
He won't leave anything to chance. | | [JP] 傍観している訳にはいかない X-Men: First Class (2011) |
I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf. | | [JP] 一人の為にこの旅を 失敗に終わらせる訳にはいかないんだ The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) |
I'm not letting you go out there alone. | | [JP] 君を1人で行かせる訳にはいかない Skip (2015) |
There's no point both of us staying up. | | [JP] 2人とも起きてる訳にはいかないしな The Ones Below (2015) |
I'm not gonna let you do this. | | [JP] させる訳にはいかないわ Self Help (2014) |
We can't give up on our brother. | | [JP] 兄弟を諦める訳にはいかない Battle of the Bastards (2016) |
But when the people call, you must serve. | | [JP] だが、皆が決めたのなら やらない訳にはいかないか Colonial Day (2005) |
You may be warriors online, but you can't go and hit each other in the real world. | | [JP] 君はオンラインの 戦士かもしれない だが 現実の世界で 互いを襲う訳にはいかない Q & A (2015) |
Wait, that's our friends out there Lassie, and we can not just leave them behind. | | [JP] 俺たちの友達がいるんだ 放っておく訳にはいかないよ Star Trek Beyond (2016) |
I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to save you. | | [JP] ここで殺す訳にはいかない 助けてやる Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004) |
I can't leave you here. | | [JP] こんな所に君を置いておく訳にはいかない Hold Up Down (2005) |
And I lose the last person who means something to me. | | [JP] 大事な人を失う訳にはいかないんだ Alien Arrival (2016) |
We couldn't leave that behind. | | [JP] それだけは放っておく訳にはいかない No Escape (2015) |
And we can't let you go in there. | | [JP] 貴女を行かせる訳にはいかない Mother's Day (2011) |
I can't spend the night here. | | [JP] だめ、ここで、夜をすごす訳にはいかない The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) |
I'm not cutting off your brother. | | [JP] だからといって 何もしない訳にはいかないわ Pilot (2015) |
We can't just sit around waiting for some list of demands. I told you. | | [JP] 要求があるまで こうしている訳にはいかない The Reaping (2014) |
I can't be late for court. | | [JP] 法廷に遅れる訳にはいかないわ Birds of Prey (2014) |
We can't have her meddling in affairs that could determine the future of the realm. There's too much at stake. | | [JP] 王女に国の将来を決定づける局面に干渉させる訳にはいかない 非常に危うい What Is Dead May Never Die (2012) |
You were no match for him physically, But you couldn't let him leave, so what was handy? | | [JP] 力では負けるが 許す訳にはいかない The Man in the Killer Suit (2014) |
Guys, we can't just dump him in the shed. | | [JP] 彼を小屋に投げ捨てる 訳にはいかない Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015) |
We can't just sit here and wait for Fyers to come and kill us. | | [JP] ここに座ってる訳にはいかない ファイアーズが来て 殺すのを待つのか Dead to Rights (2013) |
They don't want to give away their treasures. | | [JP] 宝物をあげてしまう 訳にはいかない Woman in Gold (2015) |
We can't let the public get wind of the idea that there are two of these nut jobs running around. | | [JP] 市民に かぎつけさせる訳にはいかない これはうろついてる 変人の仕業だ Year's End (2012) |
You can't let them get on the highway. | | [JP] 高速道路に乗せる訳にはいかない Heist (2015) |
What are you doing? No one can see us like this. | | [JP] 何をしている 見られる訳にはいかない The Queen's Justice (2017) |
I mean, it`s not like we can just knock on the front door. | | [JP] 玄関をノックするような訳にはいかない。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) |
They can't expect you to stick around. | | [JP] もう待たせる訳にはいかない Moon (2009) |
Hey. | | [JP] ほら 逃げ続ける訳にはいかない The Song (2013) |
Can't just march into their midst. | | [JP] 敵陣のど真ん中に進軍する訳にはいかない The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012) |
That leg can't be disregarded. Now you're stayin' put. | | [JP] その足を無視する訳にはいかない じっとしてるんだ Bone Tomahawk (2015) |
No. No, we can't just let her die. | | [JP] 彼女を死なせる訳にはいかない The Transporter Refueled (2015) |
We can't allow rebels behind our lines to harass us with impunity. | | [JP] 内部の反乱分子を許す訳にはいかない A Man Without Honor (2012) |
I'm not introducing any other variables into this equation. | | [JP] 刺激する訳にはいかない 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. (2014) |
I don't think I'll... be able to keep the family ties that I've had for my life, um, because of the risk of associating them, uh, with this. | | [JP] これ以上保つ訳には いかないんでしょうね 家族をこれに 関わらせる訳にはいかない Citizenfour (2014) |
We need to mount a resistance before they infiltrate any further. | | [JP] これ以上 連中の工作を許す訳にはいかない 早く抵抗活動を始めないと A Bright New Day (2009) |
I'll hang it up when the bad guys do. | | [JP] 悪党を見逃す訳にはいかないんでね Best Buds (2016) |
I appreciate your loyalty to those folks. I do. | | [JP] 今までのことは感謝している が戻る訳にはいかない Puppies and Kittens (2014) |
Today--no, i can't miss class today, mom. | | [JP] 今日はダメだよ、欠席する訳にはいかないんだ The Demon Hand (2008) |
- I'm not losing another ship. | | [JP] - また 墜落させる訳にはいかない Space Cowboys (2000) |
I can't just hide here with you while they're fighting out there. | | [JP] 皆が戦っているのに 僕だけここで隠れてる訳にはいかない The Watchers on the Wall (2014) |
I can't let that man kill a bunch of innocent people. | | [JP] アイツに無実の人々を 殺させる訳にはいかない Pilot (2015) |
We're the CDC. We don't run. | | [JP] 我々はCDCだ 去る訳にはいかない Reunion (2015) |
No one gets to clock out today. | | [JP] 誰も逃げる訳にはいかない Twice as Far (2016) |