With dogged persistence you schemed for the prize. | | [JP] お前は執拗な策略を弄して この財宝を狙っていた Siegfried (1980) |
With that treasure... we could rebuild the Benbow a hundred times over! | | [JP] その財宝があれば... 俺達の店を100軒だって 建てられるんだぜ! Treasure Planet (2002) |
Hei! Siegfried has won the Nibelungs' hoard! | | [JP] ニーベルング族の財宝は ジークフリートの物になった Siegfried (1980) |
It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away. | | [JP] きっと 全ての財宝はたった一隻のボート に乗って 遠くへ行ってしまったんだよ Treasure Planet (2002) |
Will the Nibelung regain possession of the treasure? | | [JP] あの羨むべき財宝がまた ニーベルング のわしの物になるのか? Siegfried (1980) |
We're on the verge of making some serious coin. | | [JP] 財宝を目の前にして Mandala (2009) |
I'm gonna make sure that you never see... one drabloon of my treasure! | | [JP] あんたが決して見れないモノを 見てくるさ 俺の財宝なんだからな Treasure Planet (2002) |
Well, that's an emerald of a different color, isn't it? | | [JP] 確かスペインの財宝だな Fool's Gold (2008) |
And how in blue blazes are we supposed to get there? | | [JP] そうか財宝は この惑星の 中心部にあるんじゃないか? どうやって青い炎を避けていくんだ? Treasure Planet (2002) |
the Nibelung's hoard he jealously guards. | | [JP] ニーベルング族の財宝を護っている Siegfried (1980) |
Drink it now and your fine sword is mine, and helmet and gold into the bargain! | | [JP] 今 それを飲め... そうすれば わしはその剣と 一緒に頭巾と財宝を手に入れる Siegfried (1980) |
- Treasure? | | [JP] - 財宝? Treasure Planet (2002) |
His brother, the dragon that guarded the hoard, | | [JP] いまや 大蛇となって財宝を護ってきた Siegfried (1980) |
That treasure is owed me, by thunder! | | [JP] その財宝は俺が タンダーに任せられたんだよ Treasure Planet (2002) |
I... treasure! | | [JP] 財宝! ! Treasure Planet (2002) |
Flint's trove. | | [JP] フリントの財宝だけだ Treasure Planet (2002) |
Where every known record, official transcript and royal decree relating to the fleets has been kept for centuries. | | [JP] あの財宝艦隊の あらゆる公式記録が━ 何世紀も保管されてた Fool's Gold (2008) |
But then you gotta know about the treasure? | | [JP] そのとき 財宝について 何か聞いたかい? Treasure Planet (2002) |
A hero is approaching to free the hoard. | | [JP] 勇士は財宝を救出するために 近づいている Siegfried (1980) |
You paid your debts with my treasure. | | [JP] わしの財宝を使って お前は借金を払い Siegfried (1980) |
Gods and heroes will envy the treasures he owns. | | [JP] 財宝を目指して 神も勇士も 押しかけてくる Siegfried (1980) |
Treasure! | | [JP] 財宝? Treasure Planet (2002) |
It lies in the cave and is his to command! | | [JP] さあ 洞窟の中の財宝を見つけるだろう Siegfried (1980) |
and be lord of the mighty hoard. | | [JP] 財宝の主になるつもりだ Siegfried (1980) |
I can finish him off with ease, and the ring and the hoard are mine! | | [JP] わしは奴を厄介払いし 指環と財宝を手に入れる Siegfried (1980) |
I smell treasure a-waitin'. Where is it? | | [JP] 財宝のニオイがプンプンするぜ どこにあるんだ? Treasure Planet (2002) |
Where's that blasted treasure? ! | | [JP] いわくつきの財宝はどこだ? Treasure Planet (2002) |
A hurricane sinks the entire Spanish treasure fleet off the coast of Florida including her flagship, the Capitana which, according to its manifest, carried the Queen's Dowry. | | [JP] フロリダ沖で スペインの財宝艦隊が沈没 旗船カピターナ号の 積み荷に━ 目録上では "王妃への貢ぎ物"があった Fool's Gold (2008) |
Because the Vangors controlled the mule train that transported the Dowry over the mountains from the Pacific to the Caribbean and then loaded it onto Spanish galleons here in Veracruz. | | [JP] その一族こそ 東西から 財宝をカリブ海まで運び━ スペイン艦隊に積んだからだ Fool's Gold (2008) |
Treasure! | | [JP] 財宝! Treasure Planet (2002) |
Oh, no, you don't! | | [JP] 財宝のことはガマンしてやる クソ! Treasure Planet (2002) |
Flint wanted to make sure... that nobody could ever steal his treasure... so he rigged this whole planet... to blow higher than a Kalepsian kite! | | [JP] フリントは安心したかったんだよ 誰も彼の財宝を盗めないように だからこの惑星全体に隠したんだ Treasure Planet (2002) |
Flint's trove? | | [JP] フリント船長の秘密の財宝? Treasure Planet (2002) |
Fafner killed Fasolt to have it and now he guards it as a fearsome dragon. | | [JP] ファーゾルトは殺された ファーフナーが恐ろしい大蛇に化けて 財宝を護っている Siegfried (1980) |
The hoard is yours and you can grow old in peace! | | [JP] お前は財宝の世話をし 安心して長生き出来る Siegfried (1980) |
Now it's yours to command. | | [JP] 今こそ お前はこの財宝を自由に出来る Siegfried (1980) |
But where'd he stash it all? | | [JP] だが 財宝をどこに 全部隠したんだ? Treasure Planet (2002) |
My curse has put the mark of death on the guardian of the hoard. | | [JP] わしの呪いにより 死すべき定めに 陥っているのが 財宝の番人だ Siegfried (1980) |
Wait, wait, wait! What about the treasure? | | [JP] 待って 待って 待てってば 財宝はどうしたんだよ? Treasure Planet (2002) |
Lie here on the gold, in Fafner's lair! | | [JP] 洞窟の中で 財宝の上で寝転んでいろ Siegfried (1980) |
You'll pay with your life unless you pay him for your life with the hoard you guard! | | [JP] 奴はお前の命を救う... もしお前が護っている財宝を 奴に返すなら Siegfried (1980) |
You have no designs on the gold? | | [JP] まさか お前が財宝に手を出す気か? Siegfried (1980) |
Who will inherit his wealth? | | [JP] その財宝を引き継ぐのは誰か? Siegfried (1980) |
Keep watch on the hoard with the foe who craved it for his own! | | [JP] そこに横になれ 陰気な大蛇よ! 財宝を見張れ! Siegfried (1980) |
He used this portal to roam the universe stealing treasure. | | [JP] 彼は財宝を盗むとき この扉を使ったのか Treasure Planet (2002) |
Lots of treasure buried in the centroid... centroid... centroid of the mechanism. | | [JP] たくさんの財宝を セントロイドに埋めた ― セントロイドは機械仕掛けなんだ Treasure Planet (2002) |
Flint's secret trove was never found but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy stowed with riches beyond imagination... the loot of a thousand worlds | | [JP] 跡形もなく消えました フリントの秘密の財宝は 決して 見つけられませんでした... ところが噂が噂を呼びました 財宝が隠されたままだというのです どこかとても遠い 銀河の区域に ― Treasure Planet (2002) |
The hoard and the ring will be his to command so how can I make it all mine? | | [JP] 奴は財宝と指環を手に入れる どうやってそれを横取りするか? Siegfried (1980) |
And if you won't give it me of your own free will, | | [JP] ファーフナーが護っている財宝のため... わしは辛抱してきた それを気持ちよく差し出さないと... Siegfried (1980) |
A rich hoard of shimmering treasure they amassed at his behest. | | [JP] 彼らは夥しい財宝の山を積み上げた Siegfried (1980) |