She's an expert in loony extremists. | | [JP] 頭のおかしい過激派の 専門家なの How I Live Now (2013) |
AMONG HATE GROUPS AND POLITICAL EXTREMIST AROUND THE WORLD. | | [JP] 世界中の過激派の中で Rampage: Capital Punishment (2014) |
Cham Syndulla was a radical before the war. | | [JP] チャム・シンデュラは戦争の前に過激派だった。 Liberty on Ryloth (2009) |
A lot of Vulcans I've met consider us a radical faction. | | [JP] 私が会った多くのヴァルカン人は 我々は過激派と考える人も多い Kir'Shara (2004) |
Somali Al-Shabaab militants have posted this picture of an unnamed man. | | [JP] ソマリアのアル・シャバブの過激派が この身元不明の男の 写真を掲載しました Eye in the Sky (2015) |
The man with the blade, he's a Jordanian militant. He's funded by Bin Laden. | | [JP] ナイフの男はビン・ラディンの 支援するヨルダンの過激派だ American Sniper (2014) |
General Musharraf has dubbed the recent public uprisings as a conspiracy by radical groups. | | [JP] ムシャラフ司令官(パキスタン陸軍)は 最近の民衆暴動を言い換えてる... .... 過激派の共謀であると Kabul Express (2006) |
Al-Shabaab extremism within Kenya escalated with the Westgate shopping mall attack. | | [JP] ケニアのアル・シャバブ過激派が ウエストゲートショッピングモールの 攻撃へとエスカレートしました Eye in the Sky (2015) |
We have narrowed his kidnapping suspects... | | [JP] 誘拐犯を3つの過激派グループまで 絞り込んだわ Green Thumb (2013) |
To Burundi political extremists. | | [JP] ブルンジの過激派 Designated Target (2007) |
Tracking some extremists in Nairobi. | | [JP] ナイロビでの過激派の追跡 Eye in the Sky (2015) |
We find our Israeli, we find our Fifth Column radicals. | | [JP] イスラエルのお仲間を探せば フィフス カラムの過激派が Serpent's Tooth (2011) |
The Hezbollah commander, living underground here in Berlin. | | [JP] ヒズボラ(過激派)の司令官です ベルリンに潜伏しています Separation Anxiety (2015) |
Edith Firlock knew a lot of radical fringe types from the old days. | | [JP] エディス・ファーロックは 昔の過激派グループのことを 詳しく知っていた Black Helicopters (2014) |
You don't believe in radical Islam. | | [JP] イスラム過激派のシンパでも無い Representative Brody (2011) |
Why would they impersonate members of a radical organization? | | [JP] なぜ 彼らは 過激派組織のメンバーに? Are You Receiving? (2013) |
I may have had disagreements with the High Command, but that doesn't mean I'm going to join a radical faction. | | [JP] 最高司令部のやり方には反対です しかし それは過激派に加わるということではありません Kir'Shara (2004) |
They're a faction of extremists. | | [JP] じゃあ彼らは何なのよ? 彼らは中でも過激派なの Sinners and Saints (2013) |
They're already dealing with anti-mining rebels and the shining path guerillas. | | [JP] -4 " が危険であるなら。 採掘反対派と過激派ゲリラは既に、 事を企てているでしょう。 0-8-4 (2013) |
Extremists in his own country hate him and yet he perseveres his course, despite multiple attempts on his life. | | [JP] extremists in his own country 彼自身の国の過激派 hate him 彼 嫌いにしなさい and yet he perseveres his course しかし 彼 自分のコースを辛抱する despite multiple attempts on his life 彼の 人生への多重試みにもかかわらず Unknown (2011) |
I am very determined. I am not an extremist... | | [JP] ワシは一貫してる 過激派でもない... Look Who's Back (2015) |
We're dealing with radical insurgents. | | [JP] 反乱過激派を相手にしている Kir'Shara (2004) |
And I'm sure Tariq, Massoud, and Osman were just harmless extremists who conned their way into the United States on student visas. | | [JP] 私はタリク マスードとオスマンだと確信してる ただ自分の道を熟慮した 無害な過激派だった アメリカ合衆国に 学生ビザで Control-Alt-Delete (2015) |
It's not getting any easier, not until we stop Eli Cohn and his radical Fifth Column. | | [JP] イーライ コーンを押さえない限り 事態は好転しない 奴が率いるフィフス カラム過激派も Unholy Alliance (2011) |
Half a dozen operational cells, half political, half militant. | | [JP] 6室だ 政治犯と過激派 半々だ Second Chances (2013) |
In the past weeks, you have heard of sporadic violence following the actions of a few radicals in the Quarter Quell. | | [JP] 先週 散発的な 暴力事件を耳にしたはずです クオター・クイルでの 少数の過激派による活動に続き The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) |
Of course. From a group of Libyans. | | [JP] リビアの過激派だよ Back to the Future (1985) |
________________________________________ Special units within the Cheka, GPU, NKVD, KGB, FSB and MVD for espionage communications and electronic recognition. | | [JP] ああ そう見えるな KGB の過激派だ Phantom (2013) |
You talked about him as if he were still a radical, and you gave us the address to a place where you knew we would find Joe Bey. | | [JP] 彼がまだ過激派のメンバーであるかのように話し ジョー・ベイが見つかるように 知っていた住所を私たちに教えた No Lack of Void (2014) |
I know you hacked government sites for a fringe group of activists, got squeamish when the group turned violent, cut a deal with the feds in exchange for a new life, and got screwed over by them and stuck in here. | | [JP] 政府のサイトに侵入した 過激派の 活動家の為に グループが凶暴になった時 ショックを受けて Mors Praematura (2013) |
What about Hezbollah? | | [JP] ヒズボラ(過激派組織)はどう? Separation Anxiety (2015) |
That's right. They represented fringe groups, uh -- | | [JP] ええ 彼らは 過激派グループで・・・ Black Helicopters (2014) |
AQI put a price on your heads, and now extremists from around the globe are flooding the borders to collect on it. | | [JP] 君等の首が値上がりして 過激派共が国境から集まってる American Sniper (2014) |
There's been a lot of chatter about Saudi extremist groups targeting the Royal family. | | [JP] サウジ過激派グループの チャットが多くあった ロイヤルファミリーを ターゲットに Cede Your Soul (2015) |
A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft. | | [JP] "リビアの過激派が 犯行を認めましたが" Back to the Future (1985) |
They're radicals. | | [JP] 彼らは過激派よ Zero Dark Thirty (2012) |
This guy is so far off in the environmental extreme, we'll be up to our neck in owls and out of work for every American. | | [JP] この男は、いまのところ、環境保護の 過激派ではない 私たちは職を失うことになるでしょう An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
Opened with a transfer from a corporation called The Star of Orion sir. | | [JP] ヒズボラ過激派を支援している スターオリオン社からな 俺には一切関係ない Eagle Eye (2008) |
A Salafist hears her child screaming. 'A real terror. ' | | [JP] アラブ過激派が子供の泣き声に " これは 自爆攻撃だ " Look Who's Back (2015) |
Not only are there more threats than ever before, but the majority of those threats don't come from known organizations or extremist groups, but our own backyard... a neighbor you grew up next to, a one-night stand you had, | | [JP] "1日目 午前9時 説明会" 今まで以上の脅威が存在する そしてその脅威は テロ組織や 過激派ばかりでなく― 生まれ育った地域の住民 情事のお相手― Run (2015) |
"Radicals." | | [JP] 「過激派」 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) |
The CIA have him connected to extremists in Minnesota. | | [JP] CIAによるとミネソタの 過激派と関係してる Eye in the Sky (2015) |
We have now confirmed, a militant group headed up by Roland Randol have taken hostages on a Surrey farm. | | [JP] 過激派の事件です 農場主が人質を取り 立てこもっています Family Time (2012) |
I'm dealing with whacked out, militant witches. | | [JP] 基地外と過激派の魔女を 相手にしなきゃならないなんて Sinners and Saints (2013) |
He's associated with a gang of extremists called the Sovereign Army. | | [JP] 独立軍と呼ばれる 過激派集団の仲間で No Lack of Void (2014) |
Extremists saw him as a threat. Privately, many in the government did not care if he died. | | [JP] 過激派は彼を脅威とみなし 政府も黙認してた Designated Target (2007) |
because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. | | [JP] 過激派とか 狂信者とかいわれる 我々が古代の クリーの法に従い... Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) |
That bomb goes off, it'll look as if Shada was killed by extremists. | | [JP] that bomb goes off it'll look as if 爆弾がそれを去るのは見るだろう shada was killed by extremists shadaは過激派によって殺された Unknown (2011) |
The Taliban were a group of religious extremists who had occupied Afghanistan with Military support from Pakistan. | | [JP] アメリカはアフガニスタン 爆撃を始めた タリバーンは宗教的な過激派 グループだった Kabul Express (2006) |
radicals, hate groups. | | [JP] 団体を嫌う過激派です The National Anthem (2011) |