It's gonna take some time, but, uh... in the interim, I've got the perfect place for you to hide. | | [JP] 時間はもらうが― その間 私が隠れ場を Cloud Atlas (2012) |
However, the reason the Führer has brought me off my Alps in Austria and placed me in French cow country today is because it does occur to me. | | [JP] 総統閣下がオーストリアのアルプスからわざわざ... ...私をこのフランスの片田舎に送り込んだのは、 私が容易に隠れ場所を思いつくからなんです。 Inglourious Basterds (2009) |
You want me to hide? Show me your favorite hiding place. | | [JP] ならお気に入りの 隠れ場所教えて District 9 (2009) |
He killed these people because he needed a place to hide. | | [JP] トラヴィスが殺した 隠れ場所が必要だった This Is the Way the World Ends (2011) |
The best place to hide, Mr. Reese, as you well know, is in plain sight. | | [JP] 最高の隠れ場所は 日常に溶け込む事だ Ghosts (2011) |
Now if I was y'all, I'd find some shelter before nightfall. | | [JP] 俺だったら日が暮れるまでに 隠れ場所を探すぜ Say the Word (2012) |
You holed up somewhere else? | | [JP] どこか隠れ場所でも? Nebraska (2012) |
It was clear there was only one place left to hide. | | [JP] 隠れ場所は1つだけある Goosebumps (2015) |
Look, Kevin has a secret hiding place. | | [JP] ケビンの隠れ場所がある Momentum (2015) |
I have created, or rather, we have created a unique and efficient hiding place for a critical piece of the plan to defeat the Observers. | | [JP] 私は創ったのだ いや 我々だ 計画の為の 秘密の隠れ場所を Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There (2012) |
Where did he go? | | [JP] 隠れ場所は? The Bullet That Saved the World (2012) |
- Take cover! | | [JP] - 隠れ場所を探して! Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation (2004) |
-This is the stupidest hiding place. | | [JP] - ばかばかしい隠れ場所だ The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) |
I wa... I was just asking bout how to find shelter. | | [JP] 隠れ場所の事だ The Hunger Games (2012) |
Walt will find out where you're hiding. | | [JP] ウォルトに君の隠れ場所が 知れることとなる To'hajiilee (2013) |
But there are so many places it would never occur to a hawk to hide. | | [JP] それでも、鷹が思いつかないような 隠れ場所はたくさんあるんです。 Inglourious Basterds (2009) |
Think I don't know your little hiding places? | | [JP] 私に隠れ場所が 分からないとでも? The Awakening (2011) |
So we're ideally placed. | | [JP] いい隠れ場所だ。 RRRrrrr!!! (2004) |
We need cover. There. | | [JP] 隠れ場所が必要だ! Oblivion (2013) |
It's like a secret hiding place. | | [JP] 秘密の隠れ場ね Chloe (2009) |
Is this another private hideaway? | | [JP] ここは個人的な隠れ場所ですか? The Legend of Hercules (2014) |
Not even a hiding place. | | [JP] 隠れ場所さえない And Then There Were None (1945) |
The angel of death comes to you and will find you, no matter where you are hiding. | | [JP] 死神が訪れたら... どこにも 隠れ場所はありません Hereafter (2010) |
Nest, Talon. | | [JP] 隠れ場所 タロン L. Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) |
It's frequented by members of Everyone, so there's at least a chance one of them knows where Ezra is hiding. | | [JP] あそこには エブリワンのメンバーが よく来る 少なくとも その中の1人ぐらい エズラの隠れ場所を知ってる可能性は ある We Are Everyone (2013) |
You're screwed, no guns, no safe shelter... | | [JP] 袋小路だ、武器も 隠れ場所もない Pan's Labyrinth (2006) |
Now, if you come across a hide or lair, your first priority is to drop the thermite pack and fall back immediately | | [JP] もし痕跡や隠れ場を 見つけたら まずテルミットパックを 放り込んで Big Ass Spider! (2013) |
Not wishing to have to explain his role in this... the burglar sought a place to hide. | | [JP] ここで 彼がどんな状況に 陥ったか説明する必要もない 泥棒は 隠れ場所を探した The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) |
A lunatic like Owen could have found a hiding place before Rogers arrived here. | | [JP] オウエンのような狂人なら 隠れ場所を見つけたろうよ ロジャースが到着する前に And Then There Were None (1945) |
You know exactly where to go and how to get there, right? | | [JP] これで隠れ場所と 行き方は分かったね? Cover (2015) |
I'm gonna go hide in your secret spot. | | [JP] 秘密の隠れ場所に行くわ。 だめだ。 The Purge (2013) |
There was one place to hide It was the, arcade gallery. | | [JP] 隠れ場所はアーケード回廊だ Goosebumps (2015) |
I wished only for some refuge and a moment of prayer. | | [JP] しばらくの隠れ場所と祈りの 時間が欲しかっただけだ。 Solomon Kane (2009) |
Transportation, weapons, a place to hide. | | [JP] 交通機関、武器、隠れ場所 Relevance (2013) |
What if you had a place in Palm Beach to sit things out? | | [JP] パーム・ビーチに 隠れ場所は無いか? Parker (2013) |
While the past may call to us with the enchantment of a siren, better, I believed, to stay the course set by dear brother Den. | | [JP] 過去に浸ってる間も― ダニーの隠れ場を 信頼していた Cloud Atlas (2012) |
Gentlemen, my noble theatre is a poor hiding place... | | [JP] 私は驚いていません 皆さん、私の高貴な劇場は良い 隠れ場所ではありません... La Grande Vadrouille (1966) |
A new hiding place can feel strange. | | [JP] 新しいい隠れ場所に 慣れてないんだね The Zookeeper's Wife (2017) |
I'm trying to see how an ambulance could have got anywhere, even a decent hiding place, when there was quite literally nowhere for it to turn. | | [JP] 本当に どこにも曲がれないのに 救急車がどうやって脱出し ふさわしい隠れ場所を Snow Angels (2013) |
Making it the perfect place to hide. | | [JP] 最適な隠れ場所ね。 Better Angels (2016) |
My stash. | | [JP] 私の隠れ場所よ Pilot (2011) |
Find some shelter and hide out. | | [JP] 隠れ場所を見つけるんだ Free State of Jones (2016) |
This is some cover. | | [JP] これも隠れ場所だ Heaven Can't Wait (2013) |
This is where I hide. | | [JP] 私の隠れ場所へ The Conjuring (2013) |