Revelation 13. | | [JP] 黙示録の13章 A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
I may have started the apocalypse, but you brought your family. | | [JP] 私は黙示録を始めたかもしれない だが あなたは家族を連れて来た Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) |
This was the start of an apocalypse that whould sweep the entire world | | [JP] それは 世界が滅ぶ 黙示録の始まり Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) |
And that's how we can go from a chess computer to the apocalypse in just four years. | | [JP] だから つまり チェス・コンピューターから... たったの4年で 黙示録にたどり着くってわけ. What He Beheld (2008) |
Are you saying this is the Apocalypse? | | [JP] 黙示録だと言うのか? Legion (2010) |
They enact the Book of Revelation and bring about the new world. | | [JP] 黙示録 を再現し 新しい世界を もたらすんだ Get Gellar (2011) |
You're not a believer in apocalyptic prophecies. | | [JP] 黙示録の預言は 信じてないと? Just Let Go (2011) |
But I can get in touch with a Revelation expert who might be able to tell us more. | | [JP] 黙示録の専門家に 聞いてみる より詳しく わかるはず A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
"In the midst of the street was the tree of life, | | [JP] ( ヨハネ黙示録22章の1 ) "都の通りの両側に Those Kinds of Things (2011) |
He's working on a theory that our killer is reenacting scenes from the Book of Revelation. | | [JP] 仮説を立てている 犯人は 黙示録を 再現している A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
Revelation chapters 8 through 10. | | [JP] 黙示録の 8から10章だ The Angel of Death (2011) |
Declares war on mankind and triggers a nuclear apocalypse two days later. | | [JP] 人類に宣戦布告して... その2日後に 核による黙示録を引き起こしたの. Pilot (2008) |
I cannot imagine the apocalypse. | | [JP] 黙示録なんて想像できない. Gnothi Seauton (2008) |
The next tableau. - Where will Gellar stage it? | | [JP] 黙示録の次の描写だ Get Gellar (2011) |
Are they manning some kind of apocalyptic paramilitary convenience store filled with fake IDs, and guns, and money? | | [JP] それが何なの? そいつらが黙示録に向けた 自警団コンビニにでも派遣されてて その店が 偽造IDとか銃とかお金で いっぱいとでも? Gnothi Seauton (2008) |
Hey, listen, I know people are scared, but this is a, this is a crisis, not the damn apocalypse. | | [JP] みんなが怖がるのは わかるが これは危機であって 黙示録ではない Curtains (2013) |
I did a check into that number's usage in the Book of Revelation. | | [JP] 数字を調べてます 黙示録の中で The Angel of Death (2011) |
Found this on a Google search for "revelation expert." | | [JP] "黙示録の権威"を ググると見つかる A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
The book of Revelation. | | [JP] ヨハネの黙示録. それが? What He Beheld (2008) |
The killer's showing us a scene from the Book of Revelation. | | [JP] この光景は ヨハネの黙示録だ A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
AII kinds of unusual catastrophes, | | [JP] 自然がヨハネ黙示録から飛び 出させたような An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |
Janitor found this early this morning. | | [JP] 黙示録の次の章だ Sin of Omission (2011) |
I have a hard time piecing together how this whole apocalypse thing happened. | | [JP] なんか 黙示録的な ことが起こった Warm Bodies (2013) |
This revelation expert James Gellar. | | [JP] 黙示録の権威 ジェイムズ ゲラーだ The Angel of Death (2011) |
Because we are the two witnesses... from Revelation 11. | | [JP] 2 人の証人になるために 黙示録 11 章に書いてある Ricochet Rabbit (2011) |
I mean, I know it's really hard to meet guys right now with the apocalypse and stuff, trust me. | | [JP] めちゃハードな話だわ まるで 黙示録方面 Warm Bodies (2013) |
The guy who actually wrote Revelation. | | [JP] 黙示録を書いたお方だ A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
So Jones is planning on what? Riding out the apocalypse? | | [JP] 黙示録を 生き延びようとでも? Worlds Apart (2012) |
James 4:17. | | [JP] 黙示録の模倣だ Sin of Omission (2011) |
The four horsemen of the apocalypse are described in Revelation 6, | | [JP] 4色の馬は終末の象徴とされ 黙示録第6章に記述がある A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
"You must go back and report your message | | [JP] (黙示録10 -1) "あなたはもう一度 The Angel of Death (2011) |
yeah, um... I've read revelations. | | [JP] 黙示録は読んだ The Demon Hand (2008) |
Turns out he's obsessed with this Revelation expert, | | [JP] 黙示録を 狂信している奴がわかった A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
Any mention of them in the Book of Revelation? | | [JP] 黙示録の中に ないのか A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
We think he's reenacting scenes from the Book of Revelation. | | [JP] 聖書を再現してると 黙示録からね A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
Today we are canceling the apocalypse! | | [JP] この黙示録を終わらせる! Pacific Rim (2013) |
She told us that Gellar was working on a theory about an early A.D. cult, the Enesserrette, who believed that the book of revelations was not only a biblical prophecy but some kind of code to bring about the end of the world. | | [JP] 終末論 崇拝について 研究していた "黙示録"は 聖書の 預言だけでは無く 一種の暗号が 世界の終りをもたらすと Just Let Go (2011) |
NOR PAIN | | [JP] "死も痛みも悲しみも無い" ヨハネ黙示録 La horde (2012) |
It's like Apocalypse Now down there. | | [JP] 「地獄の黙示録」の世界さ Better Call Saul (2009) |
Revelations. 1:18. "I am here liveth | | [JP] ヨハネの黙示録1: 18 「生きている者である私は死んだが」だ Sherlock Holmes (2009) |
But if all this Revelation stuff has to do with doomsday, maybe it's to the end of the world. | | [JP] 黙示録の最後の審判の 再現なら... だが この世の 終わりかもしれん A Horse of a Different Color (2011) |
- You'll be starting the apocalypse. | | [JP] - 黙示録の始まりだぞ - 私ではない Phantom (2013) |
It's the apocalypse in the form of a chemical weapon. | | [JP] 化学兵器の形の黙示録 Suicide Squad (2014) |
"I stood upon the sand of the sea, | | [JP] ( ヨハネの黙示録 第13章 ) " 私また一匹の獣が海から Those Kinds of Things (2011) |
It's all happening just like Revelations said it would. | | [JP] 黙示録の通りの事が 起きているのよ Curtains (2013) |
This Revelation expert, James Gellar. | | [JP] 黙示録の専門家ゲラー This Is the Way the World Ends (2011) |
Have you read the Book of Revelation? | | [JP] ヨハネの黙示録は 読んだ? Piggy Piggy (2011) |
I did, but I want to state upfront that Professor Gellar didn't have anything to do with those crazy Revelation killings. | | [JP] ええ 正直に言わせてもらうと ゲラー教授は 関わっていない 狂気じみた 黙示録の殺人とはね The Angel of Death (2011) |
Dude, it's the apocalypse. Advisories don't apply. | | [JP] おい 黙示録だぜ 勧告なんて関係ないよ Manhunt (2013) |
Great. Where are we on the revelation aspect of this? | | [JP] 今回の事件は 黙示録で言うと? The Angel of Death (2011) |