Begreiflichkeit { f } | comprehensibleness [Add to Longdo] |
Unbegreiflichkeit { f } | incomprehension [Add to Longdo] |
Unbegreiflichkeit { f } | inexplicableness [Add to Longdo] |
Unbegreiflichkeit { f }; Unfassbarkeit { f } | inconceivability [Add to Longdo] |
Unbegreiflichkeiten { pl } | incomprehensiveness [Add to Longdo] |
absehbar; vorstellbar; begreiflich { adj } | conceivable [Add to Longdo] |
begreiflich | apprehensible [Add to Longdo] |
begreiflich; verständlich; einsehbar { adj } | understandable [Add to Longdo] |
begreiflich { adv } | apprehensibly [Add to Longdo] |
unbegreiflich | incomprehensive [Add to Longdo] |
unbegreiflich { adv } | incomprehensively [Add to Longdo] |