Abstinenz { f }; Enthaltung { f }; Enthaltsamkeit { f } | abstinence [Add to Longdo] |
Enthaltsamkeit { f } | abstemiousness [Add to Longdo] |
Enthaltsamkeit { f } | austereness [Add to Longdo] |
Unenthaltsamkeit { f }; Unmäßigkeit { f } | incontinence [Add to Longdo] |
abstinent; enthaltsam { adj } | teetotal [Add to Longdo] |
enthaltsam; bescheiden { adj } | abstemious [Add to Longdo] |
enthaltsam { adv } | abstemiously [Add to Longdo] |
enthaltsam | abstentious [Add to Longdo] |
enthaltsam { adj } | enthaltsamer | am enthaltsamsten | abstinent | more abstinent | most abstinent [Add to Longdo] |
enthaltsam { adv } | abstinently [Add to Longdo] |
enthaltsam | ascetic [Add to Longdo] |
unenthaltsam { adj } | unenthaltsamer | am unenthaltsamsten | incontinent | more incontinent | most incontinent [Add to Longdo] |