Dr Frayn is a recent graduate of the School of Medicine for Women. | | Dr. Frayn hat eine medizinische Ausbildung für Frauen absolviert. The Beating of Her Wings (2014) |
Dr Frayn, the welfare of this girl is to be your chief concern. | | Dr. Frayn, das Wohl dieses Kindes hat oberste Priorität. The Beating of Her Wings (2014) |
Dr Frayn, all of us know too well what befalls lost children on these streets. | | Dr. Frayn, wir wissen doch alle, was verlorenen Kindern auf diesen Straßen widerfährt. The Beating of Her Wings (2014) |
Doctor... Dr Amelia Frayn, Inspector. | | Dr. Amelia Frayn, Inspector. The Beating of Her Wings (2014) |
There are other element discovered beyond Ancient Greece, Captain. | | Was sind Sie, Dr. Frayn? Your Father. My Friend (2014) |
Could not believe it over, not until this moment. | | Ich war nicht sicher, Dr. Frayn. Your Father. My Friend (2014) |
A scarf, a shard of glass used as a mirror? Perhaps, I think so. | | - Captain Jackson und Dr. Frayn gehen. Your Father. My Friend (2014) |
Dr Frayn, a simple question for you. | | Dr. Frayn, eine simple Frage an Sie. Heavy Boots (2014) |
- Dr Frayn! Is he dead? | | Dr. Frayn, ist er tot? Heavy Boots (2014) |
Lead poisoning, haemorrhaging. This man, a Mr. George Tait... I've met him before. | | Dr. Frayn verbietet ein Verhör. Live Free, Live True (2014) |
I would remind you, Miss Hart, that I once rendered service to you, unquestioningly, and in that made myself an accessory to a black deed that I have not spoken of thus far. | | - Sie können aufhören. Meine Meinung hat sich geändert. Ich unterstütze Ihren Mut, Dr. Frayn. Live Free, Live True (2014) |
Your need to be... legitimate. Legitimacy... it is a promise that is a lie. | | Ich bin schwanger, Dr. Frayn, und ich lebe allein. Live Free, Live True (2014) |
The patient suffers few complications. | | Zu Händen von Dr. Frayn. Live Free, Live True (2014) |
I imagined and ally, at last... who would stand with me against the silence obscene of the medical profession, but you are nothing but a madman. | | Und Sie wollten das hier durchführen, heimlich. In meiner Klinik, an den Frauen, die mich aufsuchen, als ihre letzte Hoffnung. Dr. Frayn. Live Free, Live True (2014) |
It is Susan's thumbprint on the gun that shot you. | | Ich übergebe nur die Herrschaft. An Sie, Dr. Frayn. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014) |
Her burns, Dr Frayn. | | Ihre Verbrennungen, Dr. Frayn. The Beating of Her Wings (2014) |
He's been well-briefed. | | Das reicht, Dr. Frayn. Ashes and Diamonds (2014) |
I am Arthur Frayn, and I am Zardoz. | | Ich bin Arthur Frayn, und ich bin Zardoz. Zardoz (1974) |
Arthur Frayn. | | Arthur Frayn. Zardoz (1974) |
(MUFFLED) I am Arthur Frayn. | | (gedämpft) Ich bin Arthur Frayn. Zardoz (1974) |
Is Arthur Frayn's memory transmission still functioning? | | Funktioniert Arthur Frayns Gedächtnissender noch? Zardoz (1974) |
COMPUTER: Arthur Frayn ceased transmission three days ago. | | (Computer) Arthur Frayn hat seit drei Tagen nichts gesendet. Zardoz (1974) |
Arthur Frayn died. | | Arthur Frayn starb. Zardoz (1974) |
Where is Arthur Frayn? | | Wo ist Arthur Frayn? Zardoz (1974) |
Where's Arthur Frayn? | | Wo ist Arthur Frayn? Zardoz (1974) |
I'm in Arthur Frayn's confidence. | | Ich bin Arthur Frayns Vertrauter. Zardoz (1974) |
Frayn. | | Frayn. Zardoz (1974) |
MAY: It was Arthur Frayn's idea. | | (May) Arthur Frayns Idee. Zardoz (1974) |
- Arthur Frayn. | | - Arthur Frayn. Zardoz (1974) |
(FRAYN LAUGHS) | | (Frayn lacht) Zardoz (1974) |
FRAYN: What do you see in the ball? | | (Frayn) Was siehst du in der Kugel? Zardoz (1974) |
FRAYN: What do you see in the crystal ball? | | (Frayn) Was siehst du in der Kristallkugel? Zardoz (1974) |
I am Arthur Frayn. | | Ich bin Arthur Frayn. Zardoz (1974) |