Kidwell residence. | | Kidwell. Marine Down (2003) |
Major Jim kidwell. | | -Major Jim Kidwell. Marine Down (2003) |
I'd like to put a traceon your phone, Mrs. Kidwell. | | Ich möchte gerne eine Fangschaltung anbringen, Mrs Kidwell. Marine Down (2003) |
That was Kidwell and Peary's commanding officer. | | Das war der Führungsoffizier von Kidwell und Peary. Marine Down (2003) |
Because Kidwell and Peary were good men. | | Weil Kidwell und Peary gute Männer waren. Marine Down (2003) |
Kidwell and Peary were working out of country. | | Kidwell und Peary arbeiteten im Ausland. Marine Down (2003) |
Kidwell and Peary tended to take that approach to the extreme. | | Kidwell und Peary haben das bis zum Äußersten gemacht. Marine Down (2003) |
Any idea why someone would callMrs. Kidwell and impersonate him? | | Wissen Sie, warum einer Mrs Kidwell anruft und sich für ihn ausgibt? Marine Down (2003) |
Gibbs. The techs that installed the phone trace at the Kidwells found something interesting. | | Die Techniker, die bei Kidwell die Wanze einbauten, fanden was lnteressantes. Marine Down (2003) |
Like an illegal wiretap on Sarah kidwell's phone. | | Wie zum Beispiel eine illegale Wanze an Sarah Kidwells Telefon. Marine Down (2003) |
Why don't we start with how major Kidwell and Peary died? | | Warum fangen wir nicht damit an, wie Major Kidwell und Peary starben? Marine Down (2003) |
Either they died doing something they weren't supposed to be doing, or Kidwell made that phone call. | | Entweder sie starben, weil sie etwas Unerlaubtes machten oder Kidwell machte diesen Anruf. Marine Down (2003) |
Pull up Kidwell and Peary's L.E.S.'s for me. | | Besorgen Sie mir die LES von Kidwell und Peary. Marine Down (2003) |
Major James kidwell and major Craig peary. | | Major James Kidwell und Major Craig Peary. Marine Down (2003) |
Mrs. Kidwell. | | Mrs Kidwell. Da war wieder ein Anruf. Marine Down (2003) |
I didn't have time to check my messages until this morning. You seem pretty confident that's Kidwell, major. | | Sie sind davon überzeugt, dass es Kidwell ist, Major. Marine Down (2003) |
I ran it against six word samples I had from the Kidwells' home videos. | | Ich habe es mit den sechs Mustern von Videos der Kidwells verglichen. Marine Down (2003) |
So it's not Kidwell on the tape? | | -Also ist es nicht Kidwell? Marine Down (2003) |
No, but it's not Jim kidwell, unless he's figured out a way to make calls from the grave. | | Nein, aber sicher nicht Jim Kidwell, außer er fand eine Möglichkeit, aus dem Grab zu telefonieren. Marine Down (2003) |
You figured out how Kidwell died yet? | | Weißt du schon, wie Kidwell starb? Marine Down (2003) |
Kidwell's leave and earning statements are on top, two years worth. | | Kidwells Gehaltszettel liegen oben drauf. -Zwei Jahre. Marine Down (2003) |
Don't you think I would have told you if Jim kidwell called me? | | Glauben Sie, ich hätte nicht gesagt, wenn Jim Kidwell anruft? Marine Down (2003) |
Um... in september, Peary and Kidwell were transferred from centcom to a new unit. | | Im September wurden Peary und Kidwell versetzt, von SATCOM zu einer neuen Einheit. Marine Down (2003) |
The stuff inside Kidwell's neck was definitely newspaper. | | Das Zeug in Kidwells Hals war definitiv Zeitung. Marine Down (2003) |
Well, that means that Kidwell and our fake colonel were probably in central or south america recently. | | Das heißt, dass Kidwell und der falsche Colonel kürzlich in Mittel- oder Südamerika waren. Marine Down (2003) |
We know Kidwell was murdered. | | Wir wissen, dass Kidwell ermordet wurde. Marine Down (2003) |
Need to know where the newspaper was published that was found on Kidwell. | | Finde heraus, woher die Zeitung, die in Kidwell gefunden wurde, stammt. Marine Down (2003) |
Major Peary wasn't in his grave, and Kidwell was alive four days ago. | | Major Peary war nicht in seinem Grab. Und Kidwell lebte vor vier T agen noch. Marine Down (2003) |
Newspaper we found on Kidwell was published in bosa. | | Die Zeitung, die wir bei Kidwell fanden, kam aus Bosa. Marine Down (2003) |
Because he embalmed major Kidwell when he was still alive. | | Weil er Major Kidwell einbalsamierte, als er noch am Leben war. Marine Down (2003) |
Well, if they don't want to play the game, why buy the personals ? | | MARTIN: Die Anzeigen wurden von Kidwell Foods bezahlt. Win Today (2006) |