anlocken; ködern | anlockend; ködernd | angelockt; geködert | lockte an; köderte | to decoy | decoying | decoyed | decoyed [Add to Longdo] |
entlocken | entlockend | entlockt | entlockte | to worm a secret out of | worming a secret out of | worms a secret out of | wormed a secret out of [Add to Longdo] |
entlocken | entlockend | entlockt | entlockte | to elicit | eliciting | elicits | elicited [Add to Longdo] |
frohlocken | frohlockend | frohlockt | frohlockt | frohlockte | to rejoice | rejoicing | rejoiced | rejoices | rejoiced [Add to Longdo] |
frohlocken; jubeln | frohlockend; jubelnd | frohlockt | frohlockte | to exult | exulting | exults | exulted [Add to Longdo] |
frohlockte | crowed [Add to Longdo] |
lockte | clucked [Add to Longdo] |
lockte in Hinterhalt | ambushed [Add to Longdo] |
verlocken; locken; anlocken; reizen | verlockend; lockend; anlockend; reizend | verlockt; gelockt; angelockt; gereizt | verlockt | verlockte | to allure | alluring | allured | allures | allured [Add to Longdo] |