These are your muffins? | | - Dies sind deine Muffins? Funhouse (2011) |
My muffins. | | Meine Muffins. Funhouse (2011) |
Dad will definitely eat all two dozen muffins. | | Dad wird auf jeden Fall alle zwei Duzend Muffins essen. A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough (2014) |
There's a lot of muffins, Evan. | | Da sind eine Menge Muffins, Evan. A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough (2014) |
Uh, I made all these muffins, dad. | | Ich habe diese ganzen Muffins hier gemacht, Dad. A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough (2014) |
Oh, uh, muffins. | | Muffins. Steaks on a Plane (2014) |
- Thank you for the muffins. - Mmhmm. | | Danke für die Muffins. Steaks on a Plane (2014) |
But sometimes, there's muffin you can do about it. | | Aber manchmal, gibt's Muffins, die man dagegen tun kann. The Septum Deviation (2014) |
Those muffins smell good. | | Diese Muffins riechen gut. Penguin's Umbrella (2014) |
They get those fancy popovers and muffins with frosting... | | Sie bekommen diese Cupcakes und Muffins mit Glasur... Nobody Touches Anything (2014) |
Hey, excuse me. | | - APFEL-MUFFINS - Verzeihung. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Those are my muffins. | | Das sind meine Muffins. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Yeah, in the produce section. Clearly, muffins aren't supposed to be in the produce section. | | Muffins gehören nicht in die Gemüseabteilung. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Then give me the muffins. | | - Dann geben Sie mir die Muffins. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
[ laughing ] Oh, really? I'm gonna regret buying muffins? | | Ich werde die Muffins bereuen? BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
All Neal wanted when he got home... and I emphasize, from Afghanistan... was his favorite brand of breakfast muffins. | | wollte er nur seine Lieblings-Muffins zum Frühstück. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Those are my muffins! You give me back my muffins! | | Geben Sie mir meine Muffins! BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Hold on, just to be clear, since this morning, you ate all the muffins? | | Sie haben alle Muffins seit heute Morgen gegessen? BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Neal, was it a small container of muffins, like two to four muffins? | | also zwei bis vier Muffins? BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Can you remember exactly how many muffins were in the box? | | Wie viele Muffins waren in der Packung? BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Yeah, there were exactly 12! | | Zwölf Muffins! BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
- What? I asked if you were close with your father, and you sat here in silence for five minutes and then said, "Uneventful." You know what, this is a really good conversation, and I definitely want to keep having it, but I just keep thinking about the muffins thing, so maybe we could put a pin in this thorough deconstruction of my past, | | - Was? und du hast fünf Minuten lang dagesessen und dann gesagt: "Ereignislos. aber ich denke immer an diese Muffins. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
I had dibs! | | - Ich hatte diese Muffins reserviert! BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
I just think that he's wrong about the muffins. | | Er irrt sich nur wegen der Muffins. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
But I ate the muffins. I know. | | - Aber ich habe die Muffins gegessen. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
I'll get the muffins, and they're on me. | | Wir holen noch Muffins. - Ich hole sie. BoJack Hates the Troops (2014) |
Paige, your muffins smell extra amazing this morning. | | Paige, deine Muffins riechen besonders toll heute Morgen. Ganging Up (2014) |
I see cupcakes over there. | | Dort drüben gibt es Muffins. Daddy's Home (2015) |
You know how to make a muffin? | | Kannst du Muffins backen? The Big Short (2015) |
Or would you prefer mini-muffins? | | Oder bevorzugt ihr Mini-Muffins? Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) |
Toast, muffin, cakes. | | Toast, Muffins, Kuchen. Hot Pursuit (2015) |
- Muffin. | | - Muffins. Hot Pursuit (2015) |
- Toast, cake, muffins. | | - Toast. Kuchen. Muffins. Hot Pursuit (2015) |
I'll have muffins at my meeting. | | - Bei meinen Meeting gibt es Muffins. I Am Michael (2015) |
Muffins? | | - Muffins? I Am Michael (2015) |
Yeah, muffins. | | Ja, Muffins. I Am Michael (2015) |
And if I can get a couple volunteers to maybe make some lemon squares - or some muffins... | | Und ich würde mich über Freiwillige freuen, die Zitronenkuchen backen oder Muffins. Lila & Eve (2015) |
- Muffins. | | Muffins. Lila & Eve (2015) |
Damn double-stuffed chocolate muffins! | | Verdammte Doppel-Schokoladen-Muffins! Capture the Flag (2015) |
Uh, remind me to send Mr. Branson a muffin basket, because you are the best scene partner ever. | | Erinnere mich daran, dass ich Mr. Branson eine Kiste mit Muffins schicke, weil du die beste Partnerin für mich bist. Wanna Play a Game? (2015) |
Ain't like I'm not an expert at muffins. | | Als sei ich keine Expertin für Muffins. Bed Bugs and Beyond (2015) |
I don't care how busted this chick is, give her your dick and keep the muffins coming. | | Deshalb ist bei dir tote Hose. Egal, wie fertig diese Tusse ist, besorg es ihr, damit du weiter Muffins kriegst. 4th Man Out (2015) |
And word to the wise, avoid Shelly Masters' vegan fat-free muffins. | | Apropos, Vorsicht vor Shelly Masters veganen fettfreien Muffins. Starting Over... Again (2015) |
Um... Muffins Slowikowski. | | Muffins Slowikowski. Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method (2015) |
Besides, I'm already staring at rows of overpriced cupcakes in this bakery. | | Nebenbei, ich starre hier auf Reihen von überteuerten Muffins in dieser Bäckerei. Flesh & Blood (2015) |
For what? Did you give someone salmonella with your stupid muffins? | | Hat jemand Salmonellen von deinen dämlichen Muffins bekommen? No Puedo Hacerlo (2015) |
Who do you think stayed home and kept our family together while you were too busy baking muffins to make dinner for your kids? | | Wer glaubst du, blieb zu Hause und hielt unsere Familie zusammen, während du zu beschäftigt damit warst, Muffins zu backen, statt Abendessen für unsere Kinder? No Puedo Hacerlo (2015) |
Making muffins with Mom. | | Muffins backen mit meiner Mutter. Jarhead (2005) |
Um, I was just gonna go to The Brew and pick up some muffins for you and Caleb and surprise you. | | Ich wollte gerade ins Brew fahren und dich und Caleb mit ein paar Muffins überraschen. O Brother, Where Art Thou (2015) |
A man named Kenneth Jackson is claiming my nut-free muffins put him in anaphylactic shock. | | Ein Mann namens Kenneth Jackson behauptet, dass er durch meine nussfreien Muffins einen anaphylaktischer Schock erlitten hat. Hitting Home (2015) |