Miss Page, my name is Matt Murdock. | | Miss Page, ich bin Matt Murdock. Into the Ring (2015) |
She used to say, "Be careful of the Murdock boys. | | Sie sagte immer: "Hütet euch vor den Murdock-Jungs. Into the Ring (2015) |
Matt Murdock. | | Matt Murdock. Into the Ring (2015) |
But if there's a stunning woman with questionable character in the room, Matt Murdock's gonna find her and Foggy Nelson is gonna suffer. | | Aber eine umwerfende Frau fraglichen Charakters findet Matt Murdock, und Foggy Nelson leidet. Into the Ring (2015) |
Her lawyers, Nelson and Murdock. | | Ihre Anwälte, Nelson und Murdock. Into the Ring (2015) |
Yeah, you're hired. | | NELSON UND MURDOCK RECHTSANWÄLTE Sie haben den Job. Into the Ring (2015) |
Murdock has dominated this fight but now Price has turned the table on him. | | Murdock dominierte den Kampf, aber jetzt trumpft Price auf. Cut Man (2015) |
He's pounding Murdock's head - and Murdock isn't even defending himself. - Oh! | | Er hämmert auf Murdocks Kopf ein, und der wehrt sich nicht mal. Cut Man (2015) |
2-to-1 favorite "Battlin' Jack" Murdock loses to a TKO in the 10th. | | Der mit 2:1 gesetzte "Battlin' Jack" Murdock verliert durch technischen K. o. Cut Man (2015) |
Murdock had him on the ropes but let his glove drop and got tagged with a series of devastating... | | Murdock hatte ihn fast, gab seine Deckung auf und steckte eine Serie schwerer... Cut Man (2015) |
Murdock! | | Murdock! Cut Man (2015) |
I'm buying a bluefin, Murdock! | | Ich kaufe Thunfisch, Murdock! Cut Man (2015) |
- It's under Matthew Murdock. | | - Auf Matthew Murdock. - Matthew. Cut Man (2015) |
In the red corner, weighing in at 164 pounds... from Hell's Kitchen, New York... please welcome "Battlin' Jack" Murdock! | | In der roten Ecke, mit einem Gewicht von 74 Kilo, aus Hell's Kitchen, New York. Hier kommt "Battlin' Jack" Murdock! Cut Man (2015) |
Murdock lands another and another! | | - Murdock landet eine Trefferserie! Cut Man (2015) |
The younger Creel seems stunned by the ferocious display by the more seasoned Murdock! | | Creel wirkt überrascht von der heftigen Attacke des älteren Murdock! Cut Man (2015) |
"Battlin' Jack" Murdock has defeated Crusher Creel! | | "Battlin' Jack" Murdock hat gewonnen! Cut Man (2015) |
Murdock! | | Murdock! Cut Man (2015) |
Murdock! | | Murdock! Cut Man (2015) |
You're Jack Murdock's kid, aren't you? | | Jack Murdocks Sohn, nicht? Rabbit in a Snowstorm (2015) |
That was a hell of a speech you gave, Murdock. | | Ihre Rede war verdammt gut, Murdock. Rabbit in a Snowstorm (2015) |
Murdock. | | Murdock. World on Fire (2015) |
Mmm, came on right after you and Murdock crashed and burned. | | Seit du und Murdock abgeschmiert seid. World on Fire (2015) |
This is Matt Murdock. | | Matt Murdock. Condemned (2015) |
So, uh, hypothetically, if this guy got caught... needed counsel, Nelson and Murdock would offer to defend him? | | Und nehmen wir mal an, er würde gefasst und bräuchte einen Rechtsbeistand, würde Nelson und Murdock das tun? Stick (2015) |
You're bringing us down, Murdock. | | Du ziehst uns runter, Murdock. Stick (2015) |
Murdocks never quit. | | Murdocks geben nie auf. Stick (2015) |
I thought Murdocks never quit. | | Ich dachte, Murdocks geben nie auf. Stick (2015) |
What about Murdock? | | Was ist mit Murdock? Stick (2015) |
People still remember "Battlin' Jack" Murdock around these parts... and what happened to his son. | | In dieser Gegend erinnert man sich noch gut an "Battlin' Jack" Murdock und an das, was seinem Sohn widerfuhr. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Ben Urich, Matt Murdock. | | Ben Urich, Matt Murdock. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
- Mr. Murdock. | | - Mr. Murdock. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Murdock. | | Murdock. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Mr. Murdock is thinking of purchasing some art. | | Mr. Murdock möchte ein paar Kunstwerke kaufen. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Wilson, Mr. Murdock is a customer, not a donor. | | Wilson, Mr. Murdock ist ein Kunde, kein Spender. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Dragged me into this rinky-dink firm, Murdock... and I'll never be able to thank you enough for it. | | Du hast mir diese lausige Kanzlei aufgehalst, Murdock. Ich kann dir nicht genug dafür danken. Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Nelson and Murdock, how may I help you? | | Nelson und Murdock, Sie wünschen? Speak of the Devil (2015) |
Nelson and Murdock. | | Nelson und Murdock. Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
The hell do I know about Matt Murdock? | | Was weiß ich schon über Matt Murdock? Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
Uh, Matt Murdock. | | Matt Murdock. Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
Wait, Matt Murdock? | | Moment, Matt Murdock? Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
I'm Blind Matt Murdock! | | Hier kommt der blinde Matt Murdock! Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
Murdock and Nelson, attorneys at law! | | Murdock und Nelson, Rechtsanwälte! Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
"Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys At Law." | | "Nelson und Murdock, Rechtsanwälte." Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law. | | Auf Nelson und Murdock, die Rechtsanwälte. Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
Nelson and Murdock. | | Auf Nelson und Murdock. Nelson v. Murdock (2015) |
Found the Nelson and Murdock sign in the trash. | | Das Nelson-und-Murdock-Schild lag im Müll. The Path of the Righteous (2015) |
Then we'll go to your place of employment, see to Mr. Nelson, Mr. Murdock. | | Dann werden wir an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz Mr. Nelson und Mr. Murdock aufsuchen. The Path of the Righteous (2015) |
Thought Nelson and Murdock were over. | | Es ist doch aus mit Nelson und Murdock. Daredevil (2015) |
Nelson and Murdock. | | Nelson und Murdock. Daredevil (2015) |