16 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *netsuke*
หรือค้นหา: netsuke, -netsuke-
Possible hiragana form: ねつけ

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This pen is real gold, and that's an antique jade netsuke. และเป็นของเจด เนทซุก Lovecraft (2014)
Some Japanese ivory netsuke on a table. Japanische Elfenbein-Netsuke auf einem Tisch. Cards on the Table (2005)
You haven't taken the netsuke carving from here? Sie haben die Netsuke hier doch nicht weggenommen? Episode #4.6 (2013)
You know, of course, the netsuke is very valuable? Sie wissen, wie wertvoll die Netsuke ist? Episode #4.6 (2013)
He comes into the room again, and a very valuable piece of Japanese netsuke is missing. Er kommt wieder rein, und eine kostbare japanische Netsuke ist weg. Episode #4.6 (2013)

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

‖n. [ Jap. ] In Japanese costume and decorative art, a small object carved in wood, ivory, bone, or horn, or wrought in metal, and pierced with holes for cords by which it is connected, for convenience, with the inro, the smoking pouch (tabako-ire), and similar objects carried in the girdle. It is now much used on purses sold in Europe and America. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
掛絡;掛落;掛羅[から, kara] (n) (1) (arch) (See 袈裟) Zen monk's waistcoat (a short, informal kasaya); (2) ring (usu. made of ivory) attached to this waistcoat; (3) (See 根付け) netsuke; item attached to a netsuke [Add to Longdo]
根付け;根付[ねつけ, netsuke] (n) miniature carving attached to the end of a cord hanging from a pouch; netsuke [Add to Longdo]
種漬花;種付花;種漬け花[たねつけばな;タネツケバナ, tanetsukebana ; tanetsukebana] (n) (uk) woodland bittercress (Cardamine flexuosa); wavy bittercress [Add to Longdo]
種付け[たねつけ, tanetsuke] (n, vs) mating [Add to Longdo]
寝付けす[ねつけす, netsukesu] (v5s) to put (someone) to bed [Add to Longdo]
熱気[ねつけ, netsuke] (n) heat; hot air; enthusiasm; (P) [Add to Longdo]
熱気[ねつけ, netsuke] (n) feverish [Add to Longdo]
熱圏[ねつけん, netsuken] (n) thermosphere [Add to Longdo]
非加熱血液製剤[ひかねつけつえきせいざい, hikanetsuketsuekiseizai] (n) untreated (unheated) blood products [Add to Longdo]
撥ね付ける;撥ねつける[はねつける, hanetsukeru] (v1, vt) to repel; to spurn [Add to Longdo]

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