14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *remmel*
/เร้ะ เหมิ่ล/     /R EH1 M AH0 L/     /rˈeməl/
หรือค้นหา: remmel, -remmel-

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Nurse Kremmel looks like Luca Brasi. Schwester Kremmel sieht aus wie Luca Brasi. The Dream Team (1989)
- Subtitling: John Grunditz- - Escapi New Media Studios AB- Subtitles by Alex Goda Manuel Stremmel Escapi New Media Studios AB Whales: An Unforgettable Journey (1997)
- Hey, Tremmel! - Hey, Tremmel! Never Mind the Wall (2001)
- Hey, Tremmel! - Hey, Tremmel! Never Mind the Wall (2001)
'(Tremmel) I am an antichrist 'And I am an anarchist! '(Tremmel) I am an antichrist 'and I am an anarchist! Never Mind the Wall (2001)
' - ' (Tremmel) in the West! ' - '(Tremmel) In den Westen! Never Mind the Wall (2001)
(Tremmel)showWe must, that we are not Nazis! (Tremmel) Wir müssen zeigen, dass wir keine Nazis sind! Never Mind the Wall (2001)
(Tremmel) We just have to be fast enough. (Tremmel) Wir müssen nur schnell genug sein. Never Mind the Wall (2001)
(Tremmel)' wouldbeheavyaction. (Tremmel) 'ne Riesenaktion. Never Mind the Wall (2001)
Eventually I had the parents Tremmel from then on the line. Irgendwann hatte ich die Eltern vom Tremmel dann an der Strippe. Never Mind the Wall (2001)
Tremmel was namely true. Tremmel hieß nämlich wirklich so. Never Mind the Wall (2001)

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /R EH1 M AH0 L/
/เร้ะ เหมิ่ล/
 /T R EH1 M AH0 L/
/เทร้ะ เหมิ่ล/

DING DE-EN Dictionary
sich durch etw. behindert fühlento feel tremmelled by sth. [Add to Longdo]

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