ROBBY: | | ROBBY: Outbreak (1995) |
Hi, Robby. | | Tag, Robby. Outbreak (1995) |
ROBBY: | | ROBBY: Outbreak (1995) |
But, Robby here has known Stewart longer than most of you been alive. | | Aber Robby kennt Stewart länger als viele von euch alt sind. Spotlight (2015) |
So I'll handed off to him. | | Also übergebe ich ihm das Wort. Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Ok, Robby gave a good speech. | | Okay, Robby hielt eine gute Rede. Spotlight (2015) |
- Hey Robby? New boss coming in to make some cuts? | | Robby, macht der neue Boss Kürzungen? Spotlight (2015) |
Walter Robinson. | | Walter Robinson. Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby say Macleish thinks he's bluffing. | | - Bin dran. MacLeish denkt, der bluffe, sagte Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
You know I can't talk about the case Robby. | | Ich darf nicht über den Fall sprechen, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
- Robby. | | Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Oh, Jesus Christ, Robby, I told Mike... | | Herrgott, Robby, ich sagte Mike... - Ich weiß. Spotlight (2015) |
And these guys are predators, Robby. | | Das sind Jäger, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
So, this... would be the Robby Robinson I've always... heard about, but never met. | | Das ist also der Robby Robinson, von dem ich immer hörte. Spotlight (2015) |
This is the Church you're talking about, Robby. | | Du sprichst von der Kirche, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
- Are you kidding me? - Oh, Richard. Robby here. | | Richard, ich bin's, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
No, not really, Robby. | | Nein, nicht wirklich, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby. | | Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby? | | Robby! Spotlight (2015) |
Robby! | | - Robby! Spotlight (2015) |
Hey, Robby, everything okay? | | Hey Robby. Alles okay? Spotlight (2015) |
Jesus, Robby! | | Gütiger Gott, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
You gotta stop this, Robby. | | Du musst damit aufhören, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, Macleish's assistant said he's all booked up. | | Robby. MacLeishs Büro sagte, er habe keine Zeit. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, you know I can't tell you that. | | Robby, ich darf's nicht sagen. Spotlight (2015) |
Hey, Robby, you got a second? | | Robby, hast du 'ne Minute? Spotlight (2015) |
- Robby. | | Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, put your team on that too. | | Robby, dein Team macht auch das hier. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, I've got a lot of victim interviews set up this week. | | Robby. Ich habe viele Interviews mit Opfern. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, I'm going to let Phil Saviano know that we're back on it. | | Robby, ich möchte Phil sagen, dass wir dran sind. Spotlight (2015) |
- Robby... - Yeah? | | Robby, nachdem wir McLeish trafen, ging ich die Ausschnitte nochmals durch. Spotlight (2015) |
It's a big school, Robby. You know that. | | Das ist eine große Schule, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby... As well intentioned as Bill's remarks are, I'm hoping we can keep this between us... until we all get on the same page. | | Robby, abgesehen von Bills Worten, hoffe ich, dass das unter uns bleibt, bis wir uns einig sind. Spotlight (2015) |
I think Robby is wrong. | | Robby liegt falsch. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, it's incredible. | | Robby, es ist unglaublich. Spotlight (2015) |
It's time, Robby! | | Es ist Zeit, Robby! Spotlight (2015) |
Good night, Robby. | | Gute Nacht, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
You know? You get a lot of people here respect you, Robby. | | Weißt du, viele Leute hier respektieren dich, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, Robby... Look it... | | Robby, Robby, schau... Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, what a nice surprise. | | Robby, welch schöne Ãœberraschung. Spotlight (2015) |
Yeah, I helped defend these scumbags, but that's my job, Robby. | | Ja, ich verteidigte diese Mistkerle, aber das ist mein Job, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
You were right, Robby. | | Du hast recht, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
And with confirmation from Robby's source, we are ready to go. | | Wenn Robbys Quelle bestätigt, geht's los. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, that source of yours, is it something we could revisit? | | - Robby. Könnten wir auf deine Quelle zurückgreifen? Spotlight (2015) |
- Robby, this story needed Spotlight. | | - Robby. Die Story brauchte Spotlight. Spotlight (2015) |
Robby, this started with one goddamn priest. | | Robby, das fing mit einem Priester an. Spotlight (2015) |
They're almost all victims, Robby. | | Es sind fast nur Opfer, Robby. Spotlight (2015) |
You didn't let Robbie watch it, did you? | | Hat Robby es etwa gesehen? Truth (2015) |
Never taken a statement like this from, you know, one of us. | | Ich möchte gern einen Blick auf dein Material werfen, bevor du's ihnen gibst. Es geht um einen Robby Arthur. Cease to Resist (2015) |
- No peeking, Robby! | | - Nicht gucken, Robby! Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (2016) |